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Changes since re view

Matt Huebert edited this page Feb 19, 2019 · 2 revisions
  • hiccup: when converting props maps, namespaced keys are ignored. use this to your advantage by using namespaced keywords for any props that are consumed by your own views and not intended to be passed down to the DOM. no need to manually dissoc props when using this approach.
  • v/defn: this is a new way of defining views that no longer relies on class components, but instead uses functional components. Much lighter weight than the old way. There is no more "view" object to be passed as the first argument to a view - your arglists can be whatever you want. Call (v/use-state <initial-state>) to get an atom that will force re-render of the current view on change.
  • chia/reactive is a small system for handling reactivity which eliminated the hard dependency/relationship between re-view and re-db - it is now easier to build any kind of reactive data source that will work with chia/view
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