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Capistrano Recipe Collection

Capistrano is a remote multi-server automation tool.


Developed and tested for Ubuntu 12.04

About the Recipes included

  • base contains the task to which all other reciepes hook in. Also installs some software dependencies

  • check makes sure the local GIT repo is in sync with the remote repo before the code is deployed

  • figaro symlinks your custom application.yml file for Figaro

  • foreman controlls the app server via foreman.

  • nginx installs, configures and controls nginx. (Installed from ppa:nginx/stable)

  • mongodb installs, configures and controls mongodb (Installed from the 10gen repos)

  • mongoid symlinks your custom mongoid.yml file for Mongoid

  • nodejs installs node.js from ppa:chris-lea/node.js

  • postgresql installs, configures and controls PostgreSQL. Also installs the dependencies for the pg gem.

  • rbenv installs rbenv, ruby-build, rbenv-gemset (if configured) and the dependencies to build Ruby.

  • unicorn installs, configures and controls unicorn


Install the recipes:

git submodule add config/recipes

Set up your deploy.rb according to this example:

require "bundler/capistrano"

load "config/recipes/base"
# below here, comment out the ones you don't need
load "config/recipes/check"
# load "config/recipes/custom_config"
load "config/recipes/figaro"
load "config/recipes/foreman"
load "config/recipes/mongodb"
load "config/recipes/mongoid"
# load "config/recipes/newrelic"
# load "config/recipes/newrelic_sysmond"
load "config/recipes/nginx"
# load "config/recipes/nodejs"
# load "config/recipes/postgresql"
load "config/recipes/rbenv"
# load "config/recipes/unicorn"
load "config/recipes/uploads"

server "ip.or.hostname", :web, :app, :db, primary: true

set :application, "app_name"  # configure at least THIS...
set :domain, "#{application}.com"
set :user, "deployer"         # ...THIS...
set :deploy_to, "/home/#{user}/apps/#{application}"
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
set :use_sudo, false # this may be a bit misleading, the user on the server still needs sudo-rights!

set :scm, :git
set :repository,  "{application}.git" # ...and THIS.
set :branch, "master"

default_run_options[:pty] = true
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true

after "deploy", "deploy:migrate"
after "deploy", "deploy:cleanup" # last 5 releases

# and maybe some of THIS
# set :ruby_version, "2.0.0-p247"   # default 2.0.0-p247
# set :use_rmagick, true            # default false
# set :use_rbenv_gemset, true      # default false
# set :newrelic_key, "???"          # required for `newrelic` and `newrelic_sysmond`

For configuration options on specific recipes, see the set_default statements in the according source files.

You can find this deploy.rb file in the example/ subdirectory.



A collection of recipes around Rails






No releases published


