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Mads Hvelplund edited this page Jun 17, 2015 · 3 revisions

Nagios, Adagios, & NSCA

This image is an extension of pschmitt/adagios that adds configuration for passive checking with NSCA. See pschmitt's repository for extra configuration options. Note that the Adagios admin username must be "admin" for this container, and that using Git repos is autoenabled.


To work, install NSClient++ on a widows host. Remember to add the common check modules and NSCA during setup.

Then add the text below to nsclient.ini. FRemember to replace the IP at "address =" with the IP-address of your Docker container running Nagios/Adagios.

Restart the NSClient++ service after editing the INI file.

;;; nsclient.ini

CheckDisk = 1
CheckEventLog = 1
CheckExternalScripts = 1
CheckHelpers = 1
CheckNSCP = 1
CheckSystem = 1
CheckWMI = 1
NSCAClient = 1
Scheduler = 1

[/settings/external scripts/alias]
alias_cpu = checkCPU warn=80 crit=90 time=5m time=1m time=30s
alias_cpu_ex = checkCPU warn=$ARG1$ crit=$ARG2$ time=5m time=1m time=30s
alias_disk = CheckDriveSize MinWarn=10% MinCrit=5% CheckAll FilterType=FIXED
alias_disk_loose = CheckDriveSize MinWarn=10% MinCrit=5% CheckAll     FilterType=FIXED ignore-unreadable
alias_event_log = CheckEventLog file=application file=system MaxWarn=1     MaxCrit=1 "filter=generated gt -2d AND severity NOT IN ('success',     'informational') AND source != 'SideBySide'" truncate=800 unique descriptions     "syntax=%severity%: %source%: %message% (%count%)"
alias_file_age = checkFile2 filter=out "file=$ARG1$" filter-written=>1d     MaxWarn=1 MaxCrit=1 "syntax=%filename% %write%"
alias_file_size = CheckFiles "filter=size > $ARG2$" "path=$ARG1$" MaxWarn=1     MaxCrit=1 "syntax=%filename% %size%" max-dir-depth=10
alias_mem = checkMem MaxWarn=80% MaxCrit=90% ShowAll=long type=physical     type=virtual type=paged type=page
alias_process = checkProcState "$ARG1$=started"
alias_process_count = checkProcState MaxWarnCount=$ARG2$ MaxCritCount=$ARG3$     "$ARG1$=started"
alias_process_hung = checkProcState MaxWarnCount=1 MaxCritCount=1 "$ARG1$=hung"
alias_process_stopped = checkProcState "$ARG1$=stopped"
alias_sched_all = CheckTaskSched "filter=exit_code ne 0" "syntax=%title%:     %exit_code%" warn=>0
alias_sched_long = CheckTaskSched "filter=status = 'running' AND     most_recent_run_time < -$ARG1$" "syntax=%title% (%most_recent_run_time%)" warn=    >0
alias_sched_task = CheckTaskSched "filter=title eq '$ARG1$' AND exit_code ne     0" "syntax=%title% (%most_recent_run_time%)" warn=>0
alias_service = checkServiceState CheckAll
alias_service_ex = checkServiceState CheckAll "exclude=Net Driver HPZ12"     "exclude=Pml Driver HPZ12" exclude=stisvc
alias_up = checkUpTime MinWarn=1d MinWarn=1h
alias_updates = check_updates -warning 0 -critical 0
alias_volumes = CheckDriveSize MinWarn=10% MinCrit=5% CheckAll=volumes     FilterType=FIXED
alias_volumes_loose = CheckDriveSize MinWarn=10% MinCrit=5% CheckAll=volumes     FilterType=FIXED ignore-unreadable
default = 

threads = 5


; Services to be checked

channel = NSCA
hostname = auto ;;; Can be overridden with custom name

address = ;;; Set this to the Nagios server name/ip
encryption = 1
password = 
;;; Optional properties ;;;
;port = 5667
;allowed ciphers = ADH
;certificate = 
;timeout = 30
;use ssl = false
;verify mode = none

date format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
file name = ${exe-path}/nsclient.log
level = warn

Adding a host

When NSClient is up and running, go to the Adagios configuration and add a host to the passive_windows hostgroup. Use the existing NEUROMANCER host as a template. Once you have at least one host defined, you can remove the NEUROMANCER host.

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