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Go Background Jobs

Go Background Jobs is a Go package that allows you to execute asynchronous jobs utilizing Redis queues. This package currently supports Redis as the backend for job queuing, but there are plans to add support for similar tools in the future.


To install the package, run the following command:

go get


To use the package, you need to initialize it by calling the NewRedisJobsHandler function to create a JobsHandler object. This function requires the Redis connection parameters (host, port, and password) to be passed as arguments.

func NewRedisJobsHandler(host string, port string, pwd string, db *int) JobsHandler

The NewRedisJobsHandler function returns a JobsHandler object. To complete the initialization, call the Init function on the JobsHandler object. This function requires two arguments: queues and conf.

func (j *JobsHandler) Init(queues Queues, conf *Config)

The queues argument is a map that associates a job name (string) with a job execution function. The conf argument is a pointer to a Config struct, which contains the configuration settings for the package. if you pass nil instead of conf, a default configuration will be set.

Adding Jobs

To add a job to be executed at runtime, use the AddJob function on the JobsHandler object.

func (j *JobsHandler) AddJob(jobName string, data interface{}, maxRetry int) error

The AddJob function requires the job name, job data (the data to process inside the job), and the maximum number of retries for the job as arguments.


The Queues type is a map that associates a job name (string) with a job execution function. The job execution function should have the following signature:

func(jobData Job) error


The Config struct contains the following configuration settings for the package:

type Config struct {
    PollingInterval   time.Duration
    RetryInterval     time.Duration
    MaxCompletedJob   int
    MaxConcurrentJobs int
    OnJobsSuccess     func(queueName string, job Job)
    OnJobsFailure     func(queueName string, job Job)

PollingInterval: The interval at which the package polls the job queues for new jobs.

RetryInterval: The interval between retries for failed jobs.

MaxCompletedJob: The maximum number of completed jobs to keep track of.

MaxConcurrentJobs: The maximum number of concurrent jobs to be executed.

OnJobsSuccess: A callback function to be executed when all jobs are successfully completed.

OnJobsFailure: A callback function to be executed when any job fails.


Here is an example of how to use the package:

package main

import (

    jobs ""

func main() {
    queues := jobs.Queues{
    "job1": job1,
    "job2": job2,

    conf := &jobs.Config{
        PollingInterval:   1 * time.Second,
        RetryInterval:     5 * time.Minute,
        MaxCompletedJob:   1000,
        MaxConcurrentJobs: 10,
        OnJobsSuccess:     onJobsSuccess,
        OnJobsFailure:     onJobsFailure,

    handler := jobs.NewRedisJobsHandler("localhost", "6379", "password", nil)
    handler.Init(queues, conf)

    // Add jobs at runtime
    jobData := map[string]string{"name": "John"} // You can use any kind of object
    err := handler.AddJob("job1", jobData, 3)
    if err != nil {
        // Handle error


func job1(job jobs.Job) error {
    // Execute job logic for job1
    // The data to be process is inside job.Data
    return nil

func job2(job jobs.Job) error {
    // Execute job logic for job2
    return nil

func onJobsSuccess(queueName string, job Job) {
    // Handle successful completion of all jobs
    // For example: log.Prinf("%s finished with success, job id: %s", queueName, job.Id)

func onJobsFailure(queueName string, job Job) {
    // Handle failure of any job

This example initializes the package with Redis as the job queue backend and adds two job execution functions (job1 and job2) to the Queues map. The package is then configured with the desired settings, and the jobs handler is initialized with the specified queues and configuration. Finally, a job is added at runtime using the AddJob function.

Future Development

Future updates to this package may include support for other tools similar to Redis for job queuing and the ability to schedule recurring jobs with specified intervals.


If you would like to contribute to this package, feel free to submit a pull request on this repository.


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