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Iterators Demo

Micah Godbolt edited this page Mar 19, 2018 · 1 revision

In application development we spend a great deal of time creating lists: Posts, files, messages, pictures, todos, name it: one template repeated for every item we want to display. Sure you can simply write a for loop in your application every time you need to repeat a template, but as we learned with composite components, there are often very good reasons to abstract iterators into components. Here are the first six I could think of:

  1. You need virtualization for long lists
  2. You need pagination for long lists
  3. You need a way to select a single item in a list
  4. You need a way to select multiple items in a list
  5. You need a way to select multiple items in a list with a keyboard
  6. You need an accessible way to indicate which items are currently selected

So if we need to create an iterator, let's see how well Vue lets us do that. npm run scaffold List

The Lifecycle of a Vue Iterator

The Data

Our list isn't just responsible for rendering a template over and over, it also controls the data that is passed into each item in the list. So we know that we'll have a prop to pass that data in.

export default {
  props: ['data']

The Loop

All iterators need some sort of loop, and Vue provides us with a very nice one in v-for. We'll make our list an unordered list, so our li will contain all of the looping logic.

      v-for="item in data"

v-for will loop through the data array and for each item in that array it will render <li :key=">` along with anything inside that tag.

Knowing that our todo list will be...a list of todos, we could drop our TodoItem into the <li> and be done with it. But that obviously changes this from a List component to a TodoItemList component, which is far less useful. So how do we create a general purpose List component? The answer is Slots.

The Slots

Slots are like little templates inside of our template. They provide a "slot" to put markup into, and specify what data is available to that markup. A template can have many slots (think header, body, footer), and they don't need to be used in a for loops, but when they are, they become really powerful!

<slot name="item" :item="item" />

The syntax is pretty straight forward. We name our slot whatever we like so we can reference it later, and then we pass in the item so that whatever markup we place in the slot will have access.

Continued In Exercise...