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Conditional Logic for React Hook Forms

A tiny library that makes it easy to define conditional logic in one place, expose it in components for conditional rendering, and ignore hidden field values during validation & submission.

FeaturesGetting StartedChangelog

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Curious about the backstory of this library? Check out my article on Type-Safe Conditional Logic in React Hook Forms + Zod.


  • Define conditional logic (whether to show/hide fields) in a single typed object, e.g.

    const conditions = {
      // Show "Other Caterer" field if "Other" option is selected
      otherCaterer: getValues => getValues('caterer') === 'Other',
      // Show wine pairing options for guests over 21
      ['']: getValues => getValues('guests.#.age') >= 21,
    • A single condition can be defined for all indices in an array by using # as a wildcard (e.g.
  • useConditionalForm() drop-in replacement for useForm() prunes hidden field values before validation. This way you can track hidden field values with shouldUnregister = false for better UX but not have to worry about hidden fields showing up in errors and preventing submission.

    const { register } = useConditionalForm<FormSchema>({
      resolver: zodResolver(formSchema),
      defaultValues: {...},
  • useCondition() hook returns visibility of passed field(s) and automatically re-renders when dependencies change using useWatch()

    // showField is a boolean
    const [showField] = useCondition(['fieldName'], conditions, getValues, control);
  • Fully typed with Typescript! Get autocompletion & validation based on your Zod schema (or whatever validator you're using)

Getting Started

npm i rhf-conditional-logic

Totally up to you, but I find it cleaner to stick schemas in one file and components in another, e.g.

// form-schema.ts
import { z } from 'zod';
import { FieldConditions } from 'rhf-conditional-logic';

// Define form schema with conditional fields optional, since hidden field values
// will not be included in the form submission
export const formSchema = z.object({
  caterer: z.enum(['Elephants Catering', 'Delta BBQ', 'Other']),
  otherCaterer: z.string().min(2).optional(), // Shown if "caterer" is "Other"
  guests: z.array(
      age: z.number(),
      wine: z.enum(['Red', 'White', 'Rosé on ice', 'None']).optional(), // Show if 21+
export type FormSchema = z.infer<typeof formSchema>;

// All conditional logic goes in a single declarative object
// { (getValues) => boolean }
export const conditions: FieldConditions<FormSchema> = {
  // Show "Other Caterer" if "Other" option is selected
  otherCaterer: getValues => getValues('caterer') === 'Other',
  // Show "Wine" options for guests over 21
  // Note: "#" wildcard stands-in for "current" array index
  ['']: getValues => getValues('guests.#.age') >= 21,
// Form.tsx
import { zodResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/zod';
import { useConditionalForm, useCondition } from 'rhf-conditional-logic';
import { FormSchema, conditions, formSchema } from './form-schema';

export function Form() {
  // useConditionalForm() wraps useForm() and prunes hidden field values
  // before validation / submission
  const { getValues, control } = useConditionalForm<FormSchema>({
    conditions, // Your conditional logic definition goes here
    resolver: zodResolver(formSchema), // Required
    defaultValues, // Required

  // "showCaterer" boolean will update based on "caterer" value
  const [showCaterer] = useCondition(['otherCaterer'], conditions, getValues, control);

  const { fields: guestFields, append: appendGuest } = useFieldArray({
    name: 'guests',

  const onSubmit = (validVisibleFields: FormSchema) => {
    // Do something with pruned & validated form submission!

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
      {/* ... form fields go here */}
      {, i) => (
        <Guest key={} index={i} />

function Guest({ index }: { index: number }) {
  const { register, getValues, control } = useFormContext<FormSchema>();

  // "showWineField" boolean will update based on "age" value
  // for this particular field array index
  const [showWineField] = useCondition(

  return <fieldset>...</fieldset>;

Future improvements

Update useCondition signature to allow for single field (instead of array). Maybe add FormContext awareness so we only have one param?


Conditional Logic for React Hook Forms. Fully typed and compatible with resolvers (e.g. Zod)







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