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Loops, conditions and parsing


  • Files written in vi, vim, and emacs editors.
  • C files compiled using gcc 9.4.0.
  • C files wriiten according to the betty coding style. Checked using and
  • Bash scripts tested on Ubuntu 20.04.
  • Shell scripts cheked with Shellcheck.


File Description/Question A file containing a SSH public key.
1-for_best_school A Bash script that displays Best School 10 times using the for loop
2-while_best_school A Bash script that displays Best School 10 times using the while loop.
3-until_best_school Bash script that displays Best School 10 times using the until.
4-if_9_say_hi Bash script that displays Best School 10 times, but for the 9th iteration, displays Best School and then Hi on a new line using the while loop.
5-4_bad_luck_8_is_your_chance A Bash script that loops from 1 to 10 and: displays bad luck for the 4th loop iteration, displays good luck for the 8th loop iteration, displays Best School for the other iterations. Uses a while loop.
6-superstitious_numbers A Bash script that displays numbers from 1 to 20 and: displays 4 and then bad luck from China for the 4th loop iteration, displays 9 and then bad luck from Japan for the 9th loop iteration,displays 17 and then bad luck from Italy for the 17th loop iteration. Uses while loop.
7-clock A Bash script that displays the time for 12 hours and 59 minutes: display hours from 0 to 12, display minutes from 1 to 59. Uses while loop.
8-for_ls A Bash script that displays: The content of the current directory, adn In a list format. Uses a for loop.
9-to_file_or_not_to_file A Bash script that gives you information about the school file. Uses if and else.
10-fizzbuzz A Bash script that displays numbers from 1 to 100. Displays FizzBuzz when the number is a multiple of 3 and 5, Displays Fizz when the number is multiple of 3, Displays Buzz when the number is a multiple of 5, Otherwise, displays the number.In a list format.
100-read_and_cut A Bash script that displays the content of the file /etc/passwd. The script only display: username, user id, and Home directory path for the user.
101-tell_the_story_of_passwd A Bash script that displays the content of the file /etc/passwd, using the while loop + IFS.
102-lets_parse_apache_logs A Bash script that displays the visitor IP along with the HTTP status code from the Apache log file.
103-dig_the-data A Bash script that groups visitors by IP and HTTP status code, and displays this data. Uses 102-lets_parse_apache_logs.