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Releases: micartey/Cardinal-Anticheat

🚀 4.2.1-Release

22 Apr 16:55
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The 4.2.1 has just released!

If you find a bug, create an issue on GitHub here.
Please make sure to download the newest version of Cardinal from GitHub!


This version contains some patches, as well as a better dependency strategy to load the plugin faster.
The effect might be small, but better than nothing, and also reduces network traffic by a lot.

🚀 4.2.0-Release

17 Mar 14:00
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The 4.2.0 has just released!

If you find a bug, create an issue on GitHub here.
Please make sure to download the newest version of Cardinal from GitHub!


This update addresses some reported issues.

The update mainly includes some customization for premium users:

  • Adjustable prefix
  • Alias command
command: "CAC"

prefix: "§c§lCAC"

Make sure to edit and save the file with UTF-8 encoding

🚀 4.1.0-Release

25 Feb 16:04
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The 4.1.0 has just released!

If you find a bug, create an issue on GitHub here.


This update addresses some reported issues.

The configuration file's structure has been revised and improved. With this restructuring, configurations will now be merged, ensuring a seamless transition for users. Additionally, several new options have been introduced in the config file to provide greater flexibility and control. With more coming!

  # The intelligent mode alters the anticheat behavior and determines based on flags, client type, etc. when a player
  # should throw a flag, type of punishment and if the player should be kicked
  intelligent: true


    # Validate a block placement after a certain amount of time to make sure the server actually placed the block
    validate-placements: true

The intelligent mode is not implemented currently and will be a feature for the premium version. The idea is, that the anticheat uses flag data for itself and prevents flags until the anticheat is certain that the flags are justified. This will reduce the amount of false positives and makes moderating a lot easier!

It will also improve the player experience by better deciding which and when to punish a player.

🚀 4.0.0-Release