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My third Advent of Code. This time using C++, the objective is to have a total runtime of less than 60 seconds.


  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5600U: 13.9 sec
  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ: 13.5 sec
  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11850H: 7.7 sec

Lessons Learned


Meson and NixOS do not work well together: meson strips RPATH

Workaround: LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath=${fmtlog}/lib"

Polymorphic Allocators

Delete while Iterate

Deleting while iterating a hash map (or set) is not possible in Java, but in C++ it is:

it = co2_numbers.erase(it);


Hardest puzzles:

  1. Day 19: Beacon Scanner
  2. Day 21: Dirac Dice
  3. Day 22: Reactor Reboot

Day 2

  • std::span is very useful

Day 6

  • took me quite a while to come up with bins and avoid the out-of-memory problem (for me the hardest problem in days 1-11)
  • std::accumulate: the last argument type determines the type used for the summation! use (uint64_t)0 to prevent integer overflow for large positive numbers.

Day 9

Day 12

  • Used the generic backtracking recipe from Skiena. DFS would have been more efficient though.

Day 16

  • Lots of bit fiddling, but quite fun
  • Should get rid of stringstream, possible speed up

Day 18

  • Ugly solution using string instead of a tree representation, but still reasonably fast
  • Lots of corner cases and bugs/off-by-one errors (=> many tests)
  • Did not enjoy this puzzle

Day 21

  • Lanternfish revisited
  • To toggle between 0 and 1 in the loop: active_idx = 1 - active_idx. This is the same as active_idx = (active_idx + 1) % 2.
  • Part 2 was tricky

Day 22

  • Many corner-cases to consider
  • Quite difficult

Day 23

  • Rather easy using backtracking approach although much slower than A*
  • Does not produce correct result when compiling with gcc! You must use clang. Weird.

Day 24

  • My favorite puzzle! Very interesting.
  • Used a Python script to convert ALU to CPP code and then simplified the code until I found a solution => Does not work with other inputs than mine