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Building Nalu Semi-Automatically Using Spack

Mac OS X or Linux

The following describes how to build Nalu and its dependencies mostly automatically on your Mac using Spack. This can also be used as a template to build Nalu on any Linux system with Spack.

Step 1

This assumes you have a (Homebrew) installation of GCC installed already (we are using GCC 7.2.0). These instructions have been tested on OSX 10.11 and MacOS 10.12. MacOS 10.12 will not build CMake or Pkg-Config with GCC anymore because they will pick up system header files that have objective C code in them. We build Nalu using Spack on MacOS Sierra by using Homebrew to install cmake and pkg-config and defining these as external packages in Spack (see packages.yaml).

Step 2

Checkout the official Spack repo from github (we will checkout into ${HOME}):

cd ${HOME} && git clone

Step 3

Add Spack shell support to your .profile or .bash_profile etc, by adding the lines:

export SPACK_ROOT=${HOME}/spack
source ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/

Step 4

Run the script from the repo which tries to find out what machine your on and then copies the corresponding *.yaml configuration files to your Spack installation:

cd ${HOME} && git clone
cd ${HOME}/NaluSpack/spack_config && ./

Step 5

Try spack info nalu to see if Spack works. If it does, check the compilers you have available by:

machine:~ user$ spack compilers
==> Available compilers
-- clang sierra-x86_64 ------------------------------------------

-- gcc sierra-x86_64 --------------------------------------------
gcc@7.2.0  gcc@6.4.0  gcc@5.4.0

Step 6

Install Nalu with whatever version of GCC (7.2.0 for us) you prefer by editing and running the script in the NaluSpack repo:

cd ${HOME}/NaluSpack/install_scripts && ./

That should be it! Spack will install using the constraints we've specified in as can be seen in the install script.

NREL's Peregrine Machine

The following describes how to build Nalu and its dependencies mostly automatically on NREL's Peregrine machine using Spack. This can also be used as a template to help build Nalu on any Linux system with Spack.

Step 1

Login to Peregrine, and checkout the repo (we will be cloning into the ${HOME} directory):

cd ${HOME} && git clone

One first thing to note is that the login nodes and the compute nodes on Peregrine run different OSes. So programs will be organized in Spack according to the OS they were built on, i.e. a login node (rhel6) typically called the front-end or compute node (centos6) typically called the back-end. You can see this in the directory structure where the programs will be built which will be located in ${SPACK_ROOT}/opt. You should build on a compute node.

Step 2

Checkout the official Spack repo from github:

cd ${HOME} && git clone

Step 3

Configure your environment in the recommended way. You should purge all modules and only load GCC 5.2.0 in your login script. In the example .bash_profile in the repo we also load Python. If you have problems building with Spack on Peregrine, it is most likely your environment has deviated from this recommended one. Even when building with the Intel compiler in Spack, this is the recommended environment.

module purge
module load gcc/5.2.0
module load python/2.7.8
unload mkl
} &> /dev/null

Also add Spack shell support to your .bash_profile as shown in the example .bash_profile in the repo or the following lines:

export SPACK_ROOT=${HOME}/spack
source ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/

Log out and log back in or source your .bash_profile to get the Spack shell support loaded. Try spack info nalu to see if Spack works.

Step 4

Configure Spack for Peregrine. This is done by running the script provided which tries finding what machine you're on and copying the corresponding *.yaml file to your Spack directory:

cd ${HOME}/NaluSpack/spack_config && ./

Step 5

Try spack info nalu to see if Spack works.

Step 6

Note the build scripts provided here adhere to the official versions of the third party libraries we test with, and that you may want to adhere to using them as well. Also note that when you checkout the latest Spack, it also means you will be using the latest packages available if you do not set constraints at install time and the newest packages may not have been tested to build correctly on NREL machines yet. So specifying versions of the TPL dependencies in this step is recommended.

Install Nalu using a compute node either interactively (qsub -V -I -l nodes=1:ppn=24,walltime=4:00:00 -A <allocation> -q short) with the example script or edit the script to use the correct allocation and qsub

That's it! Hopefully the script installs the entire set of dependencies and you get a working build of Nalu on Peregrine...after about 2 hours of waiting for it to build.

To build with the Intel compiler, note the necessary commands in batch script (note you will need to point ${TMPDIR} to disk as it defaults to RAM and will cause problems when building Trilinos).

Then to load Nalu (and you will need Spack's openmpi for Nalu now) into your path you will need to spack load openmpi %compiler and spack load nalu %compiler, using %gcc or %intel to specify which to load.

NREL's Merlin Machine

The following describes how to build Nalu and its dependencies mostly automatically on NREL's Merlin machine using Spack.

Step 1

Login to Merlin, and checkout the repo (we will be cloning into the ${HOME} directory):

cd ${HOME} && git clone

On Merlin, thankfully the login nodes and compute nodes use the same OS (centos7), so building on the login node will still allow the package to be loaded on the compute node. Spack will default to using all cores, so be mindful using it on a compute node. You should probably build on a compute node, or set Spack to use a small number of processes when building.

Step 2

Checkout the official Spack repo from github:

cd ${HOME} && git clone

Step 3

Configure your environment in the recommended way. You should purge all modules and load GCCcore/4.9.2 in your login script. See the example .bash_profile . If you have problems building with Spack on Merlin, it is most likely your environment has deviated from this recommended one. Even when building with the Intel compiler in Spack, this is the recommended environment.

module purge
module load GCCcore/4.9.2

Also add Spack shell support to your .bash_profile as shown in the example .bash_profile in the repo or the following lines:

export SPACK_ROOT=${HOME}/spack
source ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/

Log out and log back in or source your .bash_profile to get the Spack shell support loaded.

Step 4

Configure Spack for Merlin. This is done by running the script provided which tries finding what machine you're on and copying the corresponding *.yaml file to your Spack directory:

cd ${HOME}/NaluSpack/spack_config && ./

Step 5

Try spack info nalu to see if Spack works.

Step 6

Note the build scripts provided here adhere to the official versions of the third party libraries we test with, and that you may want to adhere to using them as well. Also note that when you checkout the latest Spack, it also means you will be using the latest packages available if you do not specify a package version at install time and the newest packages may not have been tested to build correctly on NREL machines yet. So specifying versions of the TPL dependencies in this step is recommended.

Install Nalu using a compute node either interactively (qsub -V -I -l nodes=1:ppn=24,walltime=4:00:00 -A <allocation> -q batch) or with the example batch script by editing to use the correct allocation and then qsub

That's it! Hopefully that command installs the entire set of dependencies and you get a working build of Nalu on Merlin.

To build with the Intel compiler, note the necessary commands in batch script.

Then to load Nalu (and you will need Spack's openmpi for Nalu now) into your path you will need to spack load openmpi %compiler and spack load nalu %compiler, using %gcc or %intel to specify which to load.

Development Build of Nalu

When building Nalu with Spack, Spack will cache downloaded archive files such as *.tar.gz files. However, by default Spack will also erase extracted or checked out ('staged') source files after it has built a package successfully. Therefore if your build succeeds, Spack will have erased the Nalu source code it checked out from Github.

The recommended way to get a version of Nalu you can develop in is to checkout Nalu yourself outside of Spack and build this version using the dependencies Spack has built for you. To do so, checkout Nalu:

git clone

Next, create your own directory to build in, or use the existing build directory in Nalu to run the CMake configuration. When running the CMake configuration, point Nalu to the dependencies by using spack location -i <package>. For example in the build directory run:

cmake -DTrilinos_DIR:PATH=$(spack location -i nalu-trilinos) \
      -DYAML_DIR:PATH=$(spack location -i yaml-cpp) \

There are also scripts available for this according to machine here. This should allow you to have a build of Nalu in which you are able to continuosly modify the source code and rebuild.

Development Build of Trilinos

If you want to go even further into having a development build of Trilinos while using TPLs Spack has built for you, checkout Trilinos somewhere and see the example configure script for Trilinos according to machine here.