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Base Node Server

The purpose of this is to provide seamless configuartion of a Node.js server. It is compatible with frameworks such as Express and Koa.

Basic Usage

const createServer = require('base-server');

const server = createServer();

With frameworks

This is also compatible with popular frameworks such as Express and Koa.


const createServer = require('base-server');
const express = require('express');

const app = express();

const server = createServer(app);


const createServer = require('base-server');
const Koa = require('koa');

const app = new Koa();

const server = createServer(app.callback());


createServer(requestListener [, options][, logger][, protocol])

Argument Type Description
requestListener Function The request listener that will be used for every request that the server accepts. Required.
options Object The options object to be provided to the server. If using http as the protocol, the options can be found here. If using https, the options can be found here
logger Object An instance of a logger. Defaults to the console object. Must have at least a log method available.
protocol String Defines which protocol to be used. Options can be http, http2, or https. If https, you must define SSL information either in the options object or through environment variables.

Environemnt Variables

This receives a lot of it's configuration through the use of environment variables (or command line overrides).

Export name Environment variable name Command Line Override(s) Description
PORT process.env.PORT --port or -p Defines the port to start the server on
ENV process.env.ENV --env Defines the contextual environment that server is being run in. Usually reserved for different internal environments such as development, qa, staging, etc.
NODE_ENV process.env.ENV --nodeEnv Defines the Node environment the server is being run in. Usually either development or production and is used for many 3rd party libraries