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Boilerplate for creating a simple website using EJS, Sass, and Typescript.


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Handlebars Sass TypeScript Boilerplate

Boilerplate for creating a simple static website using Handlebars, Sass, and Typescript.

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Clone this repository and run:

$ npm install


Creating a Page

This is a basic structure of a page located in /src/pages:

+-- /page1
    +-- page1.hbs
    +-- page1.scss
    +-- page1.ts
+-- /page2
    +-- page2.hbs
    +-- page2.scss
    +-- page2.ts
+-- ...

The Handlebars page must be the same name as the page directory name. For example, page1.hbs must always be within the /pages/page1 directory.

Here's an example Handlebars page (also located in /src/template.hbs):

title: Browser Title
  author: HTML meta author
  description: HTML meta description
  any other: meta you want
  - ./your
  - ./styles.scss
  - ./your-cool-script.ts

{{#extend "base"}}
	{{#content "body"}}
		<!-- Your content goes here -->

At the top of the page, you can optionally have Yaml which is passed into the template. The base layout supports a title, meta, styles, and scripts variable, which will insert values into their respective part of the template. More information about templating can be found in the parcel-plugin-handlebars README.

Data in Template

You can stick JSON files in the /src/data directory and access these data within all the templates. For example:

In data:

// src/data/example.json
	"todo": [
		"Design website",
		"Code it",
		"Deploy it"

In template:

<p>Things I need to do:</p>
{{#each example.todo}}


The web server does not automatically serve every generated page. Instead, you must add parameters to the config.


export const config: Config = {
	port: 2468,
	routes: {
		'/': 'home',
		'/page-1': 'page1'
	// Either display dedicated 404 page
	404: '404page',
	// or redirect to URL
	redirect404: '/'

export interface Config {
	// Port number to run the web server on
	port: number;
	// Routes URLs passed to Express and the corresponding page name
	routes: { [url: string]: string };
	// Optional 404 page name
	404?: string;
	// Optional 404 redirect to URL
	redirect404?: string;


npm start - Watches for file changes and spins up web server (Note: Many times Parcel cannot detect included Handlebar partial changes, requiring you to re-npm start when changing the base layout.)

npm run build - Builds files for production in the /dist directory.

npm run server - Start Express server for production

npm run clean - Deletes all build files

npm run lint - Lint TypeScript files


Found a bug? Think there's additional functionality that should be added? Open up an issue!