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How to Join the Workshop

Michael Keeling edited this page Feb 22, 2015 · 4 revisions

Interested in exploring the what and why of microservices architecture? Here is how you can become a participant in the workshop:

  1. Contact one of the workshop organizers.
  2. Prepare a brief "position paper" containing your ideas, questions, and experiences and submit it to the workshop by either...
  • Fork the workshop repository in GitHub and issue a pull request with your position paper included.
  • Alternatively, you can send your position paper to Michael Keeling ( and we’ll take care of committing it to the public repository.
  1. Register for the SATURN 2015 conference.

You must have RSVP'd to the workshop by April 1, 2015 to participate. Position papers are due by April 13, 2015.

Position Papers

What should be included in your position paper? Any number of ideas are appropriate. The main point is to create a starting off point for planning workshop activities.

Some ideas for what to put in a position paper:

  • Explain a personal experience (positive and/or negative) with microservices architecture (or possibly monolithic designs).
  • Describe some specific problems that you've encountered when designing or building systems that might have been caused by (or or perhaps could be solved) by adopting microservices.
  • Describe some of your own philosophy regarding architecture thinking or software design to contribute to the discussion.
  • Ask some questions -- What are you most curious or concerned or excited or confused or ... about microservices? Oftentimes a good question is more valuable than 100 answers.

All workshop material will be published to the GitHub repository including write-ups, images, and position papers. This is a bit of an experiment for us, the idea of having a publicly available, open source archive both for organizing and storing workshop outcomes and we're excited to see how it turns out.

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