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Language learning platform monorepo, inc student sign up, calendar class booking, teacher class management and more!


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Culturestride was an online language learning platform teaching Mandarin Chinese operational between 2019 - 2023. This is the underlying source code with only certain sensitive information removed. We hope this is helpful for other builders in the space.

This is an internet archive version of the final version of the site before we shut it down.

No guarantees for reliability or lack of bugs :-)

Application Technology Stack


This is an Express web app built on Node.js connecting to a MySQL backend database. The web app is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using AWS Elastic Beanstalk, our MySQL database is also hosted on AWS. We are also using AWS S3 Object Storage to store files (user uploaded attachments and images).

File structure

Name Description
.ebextensions These are custom config files which affects our AWS Elastic Beanstalk instance. The files here have no impact on your local debug environment
node_modules These are your local node modules. You can add and remove these by running npm install and npm uninstall
public This includes all files intended to be publically accessible (e.g. css and img files). ".well-known" in this folder is used for SSL validation.
routes Includes index.js which handles all get and post routes
views Includes all .ejs views that act as our HTML website templates
.npmrc This is needed to override some aspect of server start processes in AWS and was necessary to get bcrypt working (I think)
app.js main app file which defines how the server starts
custom.js All custom javasript methods (outside of the front end) are placed here (e.g. email methods). This is done purely for organisational purposes.
db.js Database methods and connection params
iam_policy.json Identity management files
npm-shrinkwrap.json Npm files
package.json Defines what npm modules are required in the app to run so that when you run npm install it will install these specific modules

Database (db.js)

All of our database methods are defined in db.js. If you wish to use a database call, you must first define the database method in db.js and then add the db.js file route to the .js file that you're trying to call the method in by using "var dbjsMethods = require("../db.js");"

There are 5 types of database functions that we use, these are the templates for each (modify as you need). They all basically dynamically create MySQL database queries:


    someMethodName: function (callback) {
        conn.query('SELECT * FROM applicant ORDER BY aID DESC LIMIT 1',
            function (err, results, fields) {
                if (err) throw err;
                return callback(results);


    someMethodName: function (someVar1, someVar2) {
        conn.query('INSERT INTO application (someColumnName1,someColumnName2)' +
            'VALUES (\'' + someVar1 + '\',\'' + someVar2 + '\')',
            function (err, results, fields) {
                if (err) throw err;
                else console.log('Updated ' + results.affectedRows + ' row(s).');


    someMethodName: function (someVar1, someVar2) {
        conn.query('UPDATE application SET someColumnName = ' + someVar1 + ' where someVar2 = ' + someVar2 + ';',
            function (err, results, fields) {
                if (err) throw err;
                else console.log('Updated ' + results.affectedRows + ' row(s).');


    someMethodName: function (someVar1) {
        conn.query('DELETE from application where someVar1 = ' + someVar1 + ';',
            function (err, results, fields) {
                if (err) throw err;
                else console.log('Updated ' + results.affectedRows + ' row(s).');

database setting manipulation

    someMethodName: function () {
        conn.query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;',
            function (err, results, fields) {
                if (err) throw err;
                else console.log('Updated ' + results.affectedRows + ' row(s).');


The front end framework is built using Embedded JavaScript templates. EJS works to populate data into HTML using the <%- %> tag (to display the data) and the <% %> (to run javascript logic - don't display data).

Using <%- %>:

<%- application[0].firstName %>

This will print the "firstName" variable in the application[0] array object assuming that you have passed an application data object into the ejs page.

Using <% %>:

<% for (var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) { %>
  // do something - can print html or data or anything really
<% } %>

This will create a javascript loop that can print or run logic dynamically in the HTML.

How to pass data to the .ejs view file

dbjsMethods.getURLforSocietyLink(req.session.eID, function (urlData) {
    res.render('pages/societyLink', {
        url: urlData,
        someVariable: someVariableData

The dbjsMethods line runs a database query as defined by method "getURLforSocietyLink" and returns query data into an object "urlData". What data this db method returns is defined in db.js as "getURLforSocietyLink". In db.js:

getURLforSocietyLink: function (eID, callback) {
    conn.query('SELECT url FROM applicationform where eID = ' + eID + ';',
        function (err, results, fields) {
            if (err) throw err;
            return callback(results);

The MySQL query that is run is "SELECT url FROM applicationform where eID = some eID;" and this data is then stored and accessible in urlData.

res.render is then called which tells the app to render the ejs file societyLink.ejs in the pages folder and pass the urlData object accessible under the variable "url".

Afterwards, you will be able to access the urlData data using EJS notation and the variable url.

In societyLink.ejs:

<%- url[0].url %>

This will print the datafield name "url" from the first row (0) of the urlData object which is stored in the "url" variable.


We use the Materialize CSS framework (open to changing this in the future) to easily template and configure the look of the app. If you wish to make your own custom changes, make them in style.css in the public/css folder.

The real materialise.css file that we get our css templates from is hosted online (it's pinged via an href link tag in layout.ejs and blanklayout.ejs) and is NOT the materialize.css file in the public/css folder. Therefore any modifications in materialize.css will not be reflected in the app.

The purpose of the local materialize.css file is so that the app doesn't become fucked when we build offline and we may not have connection to the internet to call the online materialize.css file.


Language learning platform monorepo, inc student sign up, calendar class booking, teacher class management and more!







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