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Golf Tracker

Deployed Site:

Golf Tracker is a full stack web application that tracks your golf rounds. As a golfer, I always kept my scorecards so that I had a record of how I was playing throughout the season. This app would basically serve as a stat tracker that allows you to store each round and access your scores so that you can analyze the different trends of your golf game. It would allow you to input information that is specific to your round such as course, course location, course handicap, players, etc. as well as personal information like total score and net score. Finally, I would like to add a feature that takes all of the user's scores stored on the database and calculates a handicap for the user. Ideally, this handicap would update with each round added to the database.

Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Handlebars, Ruby on Rails, AJAX for API Calls

Planning Process:

Having little experience with back-end development I thought it made sense to start this project off by building the API. Being new to this, I decided to spend a lot of time with each step so that I could really understand the process of building a back-end API using Ruby on Rails. Doing so allowed me to fully grasp how a back-end operates behind the scenes. Once the API was built, I got started on the front-end client by using Bootstrap to put together a clean design for the app. In the end, I feel good about where this app stands as a first version. That being said, I have a lot of ideas that I hope to implement in the future.

Next Steps: The next version of this application will feature another tab that display's a user's golf stats. I would like to be able to have this serve as a profile section that allows a user to upload a profile picture and any other relevant information. This section will also provide the user with their updated stats such as best score, worst score, handicap, etc. Eventually I would like to be able to add a feature that allows a user to track their golf rounds as they play. The app would essentially serve as a mobile scorecard where you can input your score by each individual hole that you play. Other than that I plan on spending more time with the UI to make the app more visually appealing and user-friendly.

API Repo: API Deployed:



Golf Tracker: An application that allows you to record your golf rounds







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