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Run with config file

Michael Palumbo edited this page Feb 3, 2022 · 1 revision

You can run allhands with a custom configuration file from the CLI using:

allhands -c /path/to/config/file

Your configuration file should follow this spec:

  "name": "yourNameNoSpaces",
  "thisNode": {
    "name": "yourNameNoSpaces",
    "shareGPSData": boolean // true/false
  "host": "ws://<url>/<port>",
  "localReceivePort": portNumber, //default is 7403
  "localSendPort": portNumber, //default is 7404
  "printOutgoing": boolean, // true/false
  "printIncoming": boolean, // true/false
  "localWSstate": boolean // true/false

Thanks to djiamnot for this feature request.

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