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Fake Github

Build Status Coverage Status Maven Central Codacy Badge

This project creates a fake implementation of a small portion of the github user api. It returns canned responses for the user "hackeryou", you are currently able to get the user details, a list of repos for the user, and a list of languages for each repo.

The full documentation for the api can be found here specific user documentation can also be found here.

Currently the following endpoints are faked:

The faked response payloads are listed at the bottom of the document (as some are quite lengthy!)


The library can be run as a standalone mock, or used as a library in your tests. To run the mock standalone you can run the following command from the command line.

java -jar fake-github-standalone.jar

You can also change the port the mock is running on, and override the host url that is used when the mock returns urls that point to other mocked resources using the following command line arguments

java -jar fake-github-standalone.jar -p 8099 -u http://anotherHost:8099

This means if you want to deploy your mock onto a host other than the one where your test code is running the references returned by the mock will still point correctly at your mock instance.

To use the library from a program you will need to add a dependency to your project. In gradle you would do this by adding the following to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    testCompile 'com.github.michaelruocco:fake-github:2.0.0'

You can then create and instance of the FakeGithub class that can be started and stopped by doing the following:

FakeGithub github = new FakeGithubBuilder().build();

// do some stuff


Again you can override the port and response host url if required:

FakeGithub github = new FakeGithubBuilder()

The FakeGithub class also implements AutoClosable so you can use a try with resources block too if required, or if you don't want to have to call stop explicitly:

try (FakeGithub github = new FakeGithubBuilder().build()) {
    // do some stuff

Finally a FakeGithubRule has also been implemented so you can use this in your tests without having to set up @Before setUp and @After tearDown. The tests in this project are an example of this in action. To do this you can do the following:

    public final FakeGithubRule githubRule = new FakeGithubRuleBuilder().build();
    public void test1() {
        // test 1 using mock
    public void test2() {
        // test 2 using mock

It is also possible to override the default port and response host url when using the FakeGitHubRuleBuilder in the same way as when using the FakeGithubBuilder as is shown above.

Running the Tests

You can run the tests for this project by running the following command:

gradlew clean build

Checking dependencies

You can check the current dependencies used by the project to see whether or not they are currently up to date by running the following command:

gradlew dependencyUpdates

Response payload details

Get User

GET http://localhost:8099/users/hackeryou

Will return:

login: "HackerYou",
id: 2479724,
avatar_url: "",
gravatar_id: "",
url: "",
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received_events_url: "",
type: "Organization",
site_admin: false,
name: "HackerYou",
company: null,
blog: "",
location: "Toronto",
email: "",
hireable: null,
bio: null,
public_repos: 35,
public_gists: 0,
followers: 0,
following: 0,
created_at: "2012-10-03T14:38:34Z",
updated_at: "2016-07-24T09:40:21Z"

Get User Repos

GET http://localhost:8099/users/HackerYou/repos

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Get User Repo Languages

GET http://localhost:8099/repos/HackerYou/amazon/languages

Ruby: 21246,
CSS: 1924,
JavaScript: 664,
CoffeeScript: 422


Project to create a fake of a portion the github user api






No packages published
