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Research project on dealing with broken/biased datasets for NLP

Setup instructions (Linux server)

Python dependencies

Set up a personal Anaconda installation on the NLP servers. Then:

conda create -n DSAnalysis python=3.8

Set this env up for Pytorch

conda activate DSAnalysis
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

Install the requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, configure Weights & Biases

wandb login

and paste in either Michael's private key or use your own.

Setting up working directory, env vars, data

Currently, the scripts hard code for where data is located. Michael will fix this very soon.

The data is located at{dataset} for datasets snli_1.0, anli_v1.0, mnli. Can access directly from there or copy.

You will want to set up a working directory where trained models, precomp'd embeddings can be saved.


  • complete basic implementation
  • Finish and check requirements.txt
  • Implement working dir stuff as
  • modularized PECO scoring
  • side-by-side model/condition performance (How much recovery is actually recovery)
  • s1only
  • Loading from a checkpoint in
  • counterfactualNLI
  • XNLI
  • implement MNLI separate train/test for each split
  • Using gradient to find word-level salience in decisions (to further identify cheating)
  • comparing gradient salience importance between the two models
  • Binary label for a decision: is the salience in S1 or S2
  • aNLI (for future work)
  • modularized graph analysis
  • PECO scoring for lesioned (instead of S2only) (which might matter)
  • Frequency list computation for levels of n-gram
  • Dataset filtration code (x domain changing)
  • Compute entropy for dataset, classes, etc
  • Corruption code (x domain)
  • Corruption code (y domain)


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