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Required Frameworks

  1. NodeJS V8+



  1. Download the latest release
  2. Change into the directory: cd customapp-sdk
  3. Download npm dependencies: npm install
  4. Create a config.json file in the root directory with the following :
	"proxy_old": "http://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>"

If you copy the above default text, you can still run the node.js server. Only configure the global and access keys when you are ready to execute adql queries.

  • localport: the port that the node.js server will be started on
  • controller: e.g.
  • https: use the https protocol
  • globalKey: The Global Account Key for the controller
  • accessKey: The Analytics API access key, used to execute the analytics query
  • restdebug: If set to true, will print debug statements on the console
  • proxy_old: Rename this to proxy if you are using a proxy on the server you running the Custom App framework on.

If you are running your controller with a different port e.g. 8090 then you need to add the port element e.g.

"controller" : "",
"port": 8090,
  1. Start node.js: npm start
  2. Open browser to: http://localhost:3000

Adding Node Modules to Front End

Sometimes it may be useful to download a module using npm. The libraries are then on your server. You can add those src files to the public-libraries.json folder. When you start up the server, the files in the public-libraries.json file will be exposed to the front end. This is so that only what you need is exposed to the front end.


You can navigate to http://localhost:3000/views/examples/intro.html