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Modula-2 examples

Modula-2 Directory examples\ contains Modula-2 code examples taken from the XDS Modula-2 distribution.

Factorial Example

The project directory is organized as follows :

> tree /a /f . | findstr /b /v [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   Makefile
        |       Factorial.mod

Note: We maintain two source versions of Factorial.mod as the import clauses differ between ADW Modula-2 and XDS Modula-2 (options -adw and -xds – the default – allow us to switch between both versions).

We generate the application using one of the build scripts build.bat, or Makefile.

> build -verbose clean run
Delete directory "target"
Create XDS project file "target\Factorial.prj"
Compile 1 Modula-2 implementation module into directory "target"
O2/M2 development system v2.60 TS  (c) 1991-2011 Excelsior, LLC. (build 07.06.2012)
Make project "J:\examples\Factorial\target\Factorial.prj"
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "mod\Factorial.mod"
no errors, no warnings, lines   33, time  0.01
New "tmp.lnk" is generated using template "C:/opt/XDS-Modula-2/bin/xc.tem"

XDS Link Version 2.13.3 Copyright (c) Excelsior 1995-2009.
No errors, no warnings
Execute program "target\Factorial.exe"
  0           1
  1           1
  2           2
  3           6
  4          24
  5         120
  6         720
  7        5040
  8       40320

The output directory target\ looks as follows :

> tree /a /f target | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   Factorial.exe
|   Factorial.obj
|   Factorial.prj
|   tmp.lnk

The generated project file target\Factorial.prj contains the XDS compiler options and the source files (mod\Factorial.mod in this case) :

> type target\Factorial.prj
-cpu = 486
-lookup = *.sym = sym;C:\opt\XDS-Modula-2\sym
% -m2addtypes
% disable warning 301 (parameter "xxx" is never used)
% disable warning 303 (procedure "xxx" declared but never used)
!module mod\Factorial.mod

Hello Example

The project directory is organized as follows :

> tree /a /f . | findstr /b /v [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   Makefile
        |       Hello.mod

We generate the application using one of the build scripts such as build.bat, or Makefile.

> build -verbose clean run
Delete directory "target"
Create XDS project file "target\Hello.prj"
Compile  Modula-2 implementation module into directory "target"
O2/M2 development system v2.60 TS  (c) 1991-2011 Excelsior, LLC. (build 07.06.2012)
Make project "J:\examples\Hello\target\Hello.prj"
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "mod\hello.mod"
no errors, no warnings, lines   13, time  0.01
New "tmp.lnk" is generated using template "C:/opt/XDS-Modula-2/bin/xc.tem"

XDS Link Version 2.13.3 Copyright (c) Excelsior 1995-2009.
No errors, no warnings
Execute program "target\Hello.exe"
Hello world!

Note: The generated files in output directory target\ are similar to the ones in example Factorial.

Liste Example

The Liste code example is about creating a Modula-2 library; it contains the 3 source files Liste.def, Liste.mod and ListeTest.mod. We generate the library and the test program using one of the build scripts build.bat, or Makefile.

> build -verbose clean run
Delete directory "target"
Compile Modula-2 definition module "target\def\Liste.def"
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "J:\examples\Liste\target\def\Liste.def"
no errors, no warnings, lines   10, time  0.00, new symfile
Create XDS project file "target\Liste.prj"
Compile 1 Modula-2 implementation module into directory "target"
O2/M2 development system v2.60 TS  (c) 1991-2011 Excelsior, LLC. (build 07.06.2012)
Make project "J:\examples\Liste\target\Liste.prj"
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "mod\Liste.mod"
no errors, no warnings, lines  136, time  0.00
New "tmp.lnk" is generated using template "C:/opt/XDS-Modula-2/bin/xc.tem"

XDS Link Version 2.13.3 Copyright (c) Excelsior 1995-2009.
No errors, no warnings
Create library file into directory "target"
Compile 1 Modula-2 test module into directory "target"
O2/M2 development system v2.60 TS  (c) 1991-2011 Excelsior, LLC. (build 07.06.2012)
Make project "J:\examples\Liste\target\ListeTest.prj"
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "test\ListeTest.mod"
no errors, no warnings, lines   21, time  0.00
New "tmp.lnk" is generated using template "C:/opt/XDS-Modula-2/bin/xc.tem"

XDS Link Version 2.13.3 Copyright (c) Excelsior 1995-2009.
No errors, no warnings
    0     1     2     3     4     5
    0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12
    6     7     8     8     9    10    11    12

The output directory target\ looks as follows :

> tree /a /f target | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   Liste.dll
|   Liste.lib
|   Liste.obj
|   Liste.prj
|   ListeTest.exe
|   ListeTest.obj
|   ListeTest.prj
|   tmp.lnk
|       Liste.def
|       Liste.mod
|       Liste.sym

The generated project file target\Liste.prj contains the XDS compiler options and the source files (mod\Liste.mod in this case) :

> type target\Liste.prj
% debug ON
% write -gendll- to generate an .exe
-cpu = 486
-lookup = *.sym = sym;C:\opt\XDS-Modula-2\sym
% -m2addtypes
% disable warning 301 (parameter "xxx" is never used)
% disable warning 303 (procedure "xxx" declared but never used)
!module mod\Liste.mod

PascalTriangle Example

The project directory is organized as follows :

> tree /a /f . | findstr /b /v [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   Makefile

We generate the application using one of the build scripts build.bat, or Makefile.

> build -verbose clean run
Delete directory "target"
Create XDS project file "target\PascalTriangle.prj"
Compile  Modula-2 implementation module into directory "target"
O2/M2 development system v2.60 TS  (c) 1991-2011 Excelsior, LLC. (build 07.06.2012)
Make project "J:\examples\PascalTriangle\target\PascalTriangle.prj"
#file "J:\examples\PascalTriangle\target\PascalTriangle.prj" (line 1): syntax error
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "mod\PascalTriangle.mod"
no errors, no warnings, lines   42, time  0.01
New "tmp.lnk" is generated using template "C:/opt/XDS-Modula-2/bin/xc.tem"

XDS Link Version 2.13.3 Copyright (c) Excelsior 1995-2009.
No errors, no warnings
Execute program "target\PascalTriangle.exe"
Triangle height=3
      1   1
    1   2   1

Triangle height=4
        1   1
      1   2   1
    1   3   3   1

Triangle height=5
          1   1
        1   2   1
      1   3   3   1
    1   4   6   4   1

Triangle height=6
            1   1
          1   2   1
        1   3   3   1
      1   4   6   4   1
    1   5  10  10   5   1

Triangle height=7
              1   1
            1   2   1
          1   3   3   1
        1   4   6   4   1
      1   5  10  10   5   1
    1   6  15  20  15   6   1

Note: The generated files in output directory target\ are similar to the ones in example Factorial.

mics/July 2024