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Snap processor plugin - maptag

Snap plugin intended to add tags based on lookup

It's used in the Snap framework.

  1. Getting Started
  1. Documentation
  1. Community Support
  2. Contributing
  3. License
  4. Acknowledgements

Getting Started

System Requirements

Operating systems

All OSs currently supported by snap:

  • Linux/amd64
  • Darwin/amd64


To build the plugin binary:


Clone repo

$ git clone<yourGithubID>/snap-plugin-processor-maptag

Build the plugin by running make within the cloned repo:

$ go build .

This builds the plugin.

Configuration and Usage


The intention of this plugin is to add tags to metrics based on regexp lookup over particular command or script execution output OR to replace value of certain tag or namespace element.

The plugin can be configured by following parameters:

  • maptype - type of tag processing, propper values are newtag and replace_value.
  • regex - regular expression to process command output. Use golang regexp syntax. This expression should contain named capturing groups for lookup and tags adding. Required parameter.
  • reftype - which data use to lookup - tag values, metric static namespace element value or dynamic namespace element name; proper values are tag, ns_name and ns_value (only for ).
  • refname - metric reftype, which value will be searched in refgroup results. Required parameter.
  • ttl - plugin cache time-to-live, in minutes. After cache was created it will not be updated till this time period expire. Optional parameter, default value - 180m (3h).
  • cmd - command to execute. Required parameter for newtag.
  • arg[0..9] - arguments to command. Optional parameters for newtag.
  • refgroup - named capturing group in regex that will be used to lookup values. Required parameter for newtag.
  • replace - string to replace, can contain regexp capturing groups references (like $1). Required parameter for replace_value.
  • default_value - string to replace, if regex has no matchings. Optional parameter for replace_value.

Notice: Special characters in regular expressions needs to be escaped.


In this example we run iostat collector, maptag processor and file publisher to write data into file.

Documentation for Snap collector iostat plugin can be found here. Documentation for Snap file publisher plugin can be found here.

In one terminal window, open the snap daemon with log level 1 (-l 1) and disabled plugin signing check (-t 0):

$ snapteld -t 0 -l 1

In another terminal window:

Download and load collector, processor and publisher plugins

$ wget
$ wget
$ wget

$ chmod 755 snap-plugin-*
$ snaptel plugin load snap-plugin-collector-iostat
$ snaptel plugin load snap-plugin-publisher-file
$ snaptel plugin load snap-plugin-processor-maptag_linux_x86_64

See available metrics for your system

$ snaptel metric list

Create a task file - see examplary task manifests in examples/tasks:

version: 1
  type: "simple"
  interval: "10s"
      /intel/iostat/device/*: {}
    - plugin_name: maptag
        maptype: newtag
        cmd: /bin/sh
        arg0: -c
        arg1: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ 
        regex: '(?P<uuid>\w{8}-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+) -> (\.\.\/)+(?P<re_dev>\S+)'
        refgroup: re_dev
        reftype: tag
        refname: dev
        ttl: 20
      - plugin_name: "file"
          file: "/tmp/maptag-processog.log"

Start task:

$ snaptel task create -t task.yaml

This data is published to a file /tmp/maptag-processog.log

To stop task:

$ snaptel task stop <task id>


There isn't a current roadmap for this plugin, but it is in active development. As we launch this plugin, we do not have any outstanding requirements for the next release. If you have a feature request, please add it as an issue and/or submit a pull request.

Community Support

This repository is one of many plugins in Snap, a powerful telemetry framework. See the full project at To reach out to other users, head to the main framework


Snap, along with this plugin, is an Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 License.
