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Flutter version switcher

A tool that enables you to manage Flutter versions. Works on Mac in the terminal and VSCode.

Getting started

Do the following things before using this tool:

1. Download most recent stable Flutter

First download the most recent stable Flutter distribution and unzip it into ~/flutter-versions/flutter-stable. This directory should look like:

  • ~/flutter-versions/flutter-stable
  • ~/flutter-versions/flutter-stable/bin
  • ~/flutter-versions/flutter-stable/bin/flutter
  • etc.

2. Create a symlink to the Flutter installation

Create a symlink ~/flutter that is pointing to ~/flutter-versions/flutter-stable:

ln -s ~/flutter-versions/flutter-stable ~/flutter

3. Add the Flutter bin to your PATH

Add ~/flutter/bin to your PATH in your .zprofile.

How it works

After completing the Getting started section, adding a new Flutter version means just repeating the first 2 steps of this section: downloading the Flutter version and unzipping into ~/flutter-versions and then making the symlink ~/flutter to point to this new version. This is exactly what this script does.


npm i -g flutter-version


Disable Dart: Add SDK to terminal path (sets dart.addSdkToTerminalPath to false), because otherwise your last Flutter path will be added to the $PATH. If you forgot to do this and you see an old Flutter path when you do: echo $PATH, make sure to do an exit from the Terminal, then close VScode and start it again. Then double check echo $PATH and verify if your old Flutter path has been removed.

Don't specify entries for dart.flutterSdkPaths in your VSCOde settings file. This setting enables switching versions from within VSCode, but it writes down the used version in the settings.json file, which is not what we want.

Add your flutter symlink path to the dart.flutterSdkPath setting:

    "dart.flutterSdkPath": "~/flutter"


List installed Flutter versions

Lists all Flutter versions.

flutter-version list

The output will be something like:

│ (index) │    directory     │   tag    │ version  │ channel  │ active │ project │ mismatch  │
│    0    │ 'flutter-3.13.9''3.13.9''3.13.9''stable'falsefalse  │ undefined │
│    1    │ 'flutter-stable''stable''3.16.4''stable'truefalse  │ undefined │
  • directory - the directory name inside the ~/flutter-versions directory
  • tag - can be a version (3.13.9) or a named tag (stable, beta, master)
  • version - the version of this Flutter directory
  • channel - the channel of this Flutter directory
  • active - whether this is currently the active version on your system
  • project - whether this is the Flutter version in your Flutter project - only displays somethings if you are inside a Flutter project
  • mismatch - displays a warning if you have a versioned Flutter directory, like flutter-3.13.9, but the flutter version from the binary is something else

Install a specific Flutter version

Downloads a specific Flutter version and place it inside the ~/flutter-versions directory.

# Install specific stable version
flutter-version install 3.13.9

# Install specific beta version
flutter-version install 3.13.9.pre beta

Note that the argument beta should be used if you want to install a beta version.

Uninstall specific Flutter version

flutter-version uninstall 3.13.9

Switch to a specific Flutter version

Switches the Flutter version on your system and, if you are in the root of a Flutter project, writes the version and channel into the .flutter-version.json file.

Switches to the master channel (note that ~/flutter-versions/flutter-master should exist):

flutter-version switch master

Switches to a specific version (note that ~/flutter-versions/flutter-3.16.2 should exist):

flutter-version switch 3.16.2

If you are in a Flutter project and you want to switch to whatever Flutter version if written into the .flutter-version.json file, just do a switch without version or channel argument:

flutter-version switch

Gets the current active Flutter path

This prints the real path to the Flutter directory.

flutter-version path

Sees if we are on a versioned Flutter directory

flutter-version versioned

The output will be 1 if we are on versioned Flutter directory and 0 if we are not but on stable, beta or master.

Hijack the flutter command

While not required, it's best to hijack the flutter command, because it prevents you from doing:

  • Running flutter upgrade while your active Flutter version points to a versioned directory, for example ~/flutter-versions/flutter-13.6.2, because then the directory version and the real version wouldn't match anymore.
  • Running flutter channel CHANNEL, because you should just download a channel, place it in the ~/flutter-versions/flutter-CHANNEL directory and run flutter upgrade while this channel is the active Flutter version.

To make this work, place the ./flutter bash script somewhere (for example in your ~/bin directory) and make it executable with chmod u+x and add it to your PATH before ~/flutter/bin. This way this command will be executed instead of the "official" flutter command. On Mac OS, add this to the .zprofile file and NOT the .zshrc file, as this last one isn't read by VSCode. Now you will have something like:

export PATH="$HOME/bin/flutter:$HOME/flutter/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH"