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Kaputt – A Simple Interactive Test Framework for Common Lisp

Kaputt is a test framework for Common Lisp that focuses on the following features:

  • Kaputt is simple, it only defines three abstractions testcase, assertion and protocol and does not add any artefact on the backtrace when errors occur.

  • Kaputt is extensible, it is possible to add problem-specific assertions to make test code more informative.

  • Kaputt fits well interactive development.

See Comparison to some-other available test frameworks below for a more detailed motivation of the need for a new test framework.

Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Simple Usage
  • Fixtures
  • Mocking and Stubbing
  • Reiteration
  • Skipping tests
  • TODO Flacky tests
  • TODO Randomise test order
  • TODO Parallelise tests
  • TODO Parameter generator
  • TODO Fuzzer
  • TODO Junit Report


Quicklisp users

Kaputt is not yet available in the Quicklisp distribution, so Kaputt needs to be installed manually. Clone the repository in a directory listed in the ql:*local-project-directories* parameter and (ql:register-local-projects) so that you can (require "kaputt").

ASDF users

Clone the repository in a place where ASDF can find it, for instance ~/common-lisp if you are using a modern ASDF module with its default configuration. Then (require "kaputt").

Simple Usage

This is illustrated by the file example.lisp from the distribution. We describe an interactive session based on the content of this file. After evaluating

(defpackage #:kaputt/example
  (:use #:common-lisp #:kaputt)

(in-package #:kaputt/example)

(define-testcase cl-strings/string-downcase-turns-nil-into-a-string ()
  (assert-string= "nil" (string-downcase nil)))

We can move to the REPL to evaluate:

CL-USER> (in-package #:kaputt/example)

KAPUTT/EXAMPLE> (cl-strings/string-downcase-turns-nil-into-a-string)

Test suite ran 1 assertions split across 1 test cases.
 Success: 1/1 (100%)
 Failure: 0/1 (0%)


Let's define a few more tests by evaluating a further form from example.lisp but we modify it to display how Kaputt handles failing assertions:

(define-testcase cl-strings/string-upcase-turns-nil-into-a-string ()
  (assert-string= "nil" (string-upcase nil)))

The evaluation of the function

KAPUTT/EXAMPLE> (cl-strings/string-upcase-turns-nil-into-a-string)

summons the debugger:

Test assertion failed:


In this call, the composed forms in argument position evaluate as:


The assertion ASSERT-STRING= is defined by the body forms


It has no high-level description.
   [Condition of type KAPUTT::ASSERTION-FAILED]

 0: [CONTINUE] Record a failure for ASSERT-STRING= and continue testing.
 1: [IGNORE] Record a success for ASSERT-STRING= and continue testing.
 3: [SKIP] Skip the rest of test case CL-STRINGS/STRING-UPCASE-TURNS-NIL-INTO-A-STRING and continue testing.
 4: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.
 5: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.

We can fix the testcase by formulating a reasonable expectation:

(define-testcase cl-strings/string-upcase-turns-nil-into-a-string ()
  (assert-string= "NIL" (string-upcase nil)))

and 4. [RETRY] the SLIME REPL evaluation request to see the tests complete. The report describing the error condition met by the failing assertion can be customised freely when defining a new assertion.

We can finally organise our tests in a testsuite by defining a test case calling other test cases:

(define-testcase run-all-tests ()

It is possible to define parametrised testcases. See in kaputt.lisp various example of advanced usages of the define-assertion function.


In Kaputt a testcase is just a normal function. It computes a specific value and runs in a specific environment but it is really just a plain Lisp function. As a consequence there is no real need for supporting fixtures in Kaputt.

A simple let clause can be used to set test-specific values for parameters.

Database connection, contents, etc. can conveniently be provided by a with-* macro.

Mocking and Stubbing

No support yet.


There is currently no support to run again only failed tests.

Skipping tests

Use Common Lisp features system:

(define-testcase run-arch-specific-tests ()
	(assert- ))

TODO Flacky tests

Mark a test as flacky (non-reproducible failures).

A parameter governs if flacky tests are failing or not. This parameter can be bound locally with a with-* macro.

Failed flacky tests are counted separately. This is mostly a documentation purpose.

TODO Randomise test order

There is test supervisor that allows for parallel and randomised test execution. Random seeds are traced all the way long (reproducibility). An independant random seed is used by this facility.

TODO Parallelise tests

There is test supervisor that allows for parallel test execution. Timeline is recorded and could allow reproducibility of a specific run order.

TODO Parameter generator

There is functions allowing for random generation of parameters. Random seeds are traced all the way long (reproducibility). An independant random seed is used by this facility. What is the threads semantic?

Note: Random seeds are quite complicated in lisp but they can be print-ed.

TODO Fuzzer

!!! The functionality is not clear, let's see how renowned fuzzer work. !!!

There is functions allowing to fuzz code. In a testcase the fuzz macro can be used on a form to randomly modify its result.

TODO Junit Report

Write test reports in JUnit format, which makes it easy to display in CID tools.

Defining an ASDF system depending on Kaputt

This snippets show an example of ASF system definition for a systeme depending on Kaputt:

(asdf:defsystem #:kaputt/example
  :description "An Example for the Kaputt Test Framework"
  :author "Michaël Le Barbier"
  :license "CeCILL-B"
  :depends-on (#:kaputt)
  ((:file "example")))


A Simple Interactive Test Framework for Common Lisp







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