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Apis is a small library to simplify HTTP requests


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Apis is a small library based on Axios to facilitate making HTTP calls, using a configuration object that maps the URLs to make requests and automatically adding a Bearer Token, straight from local-storage, in the request auth headers.



In this usage example, Apis is used to create a todo list app

  import api from '../api'

  const baseApiUrl = ''
  // URL mapping object to make requests
  // All the object items values are concatenated to the baseUrl
  const urls = {
    'todo': '/todo' 
    'all': 'todo/all'

  // Apis Initialization
    baseUrl: baseApiUrl,
    savedUrls: urls,
    jwtTokenName: 'jwt-token-name'

  // Function that makes a GET request to retrieve all todos
  const getAllTodos = async () => {
    const {data: todos, error} = await api.get({savedUrl: 'all'})

    if(error) {
      return null

    return todos

  // Function that makes a GET request to retrieve a single todo
  const getSingleTodo = async (todoId) => {
    const {data: todoItem, error} = await api.get({savedUrl: 'todo', path: `/${todoId}`})

    if(error) {
      return null

    return todoItem

  // Function that makes a POST request to create a new todo
  const createTodo = async (todo) => {
    const {data: createdTodo, error} = await{savedUrl: 'todo', body: todo})

    if(error) {
      return null

    return createdTodo

  // Function that makes a PUT request to edit a todo
  const editTodo = async (todo, todoId) => {
    const {data: modifiedTodo, error} = await api.put({savedUrl: 'todo', path: `/${todoId}`, body: todo})

    if(error) {
      return null

    return modifiedTodo

  // Function that makes a DELETE request to delete a todo
  const deleteTodo = async (todoId) => {
    const {data: deletedTodo, error} = await api.delete({savedUrl: 'todo', path: `${todoId}`})

    if(error) {
      return null

    return deletedTodo

Auth Type and Auth Tokens

Apis supports two types of authentication during the initialization:

  1. Bearer Token: The default authentication type, where the Bearer Token is added to the request headers.
  2. Custom Auth: The custom authentication type, where the request headers are updated with the custom auth headers.
  const baseApiUrl = ''
  // URL mapping object to make requests
  // All the object items values are concatenated to the baseUrl
  const urls = {
    'todo': '/todo' 
    'all': 'todo/all'
  // Apis Initialization
    baseUrl: baseApiUrl,
    savedUrls: urls,
    jwtTokenName: 'jwt-token-name',
    authType: 'apikey' // (bearer | apikey) default type is 'bearer'

Based on the authType value, the authorization headers could be:

  • authType === 'bearer' : Bearer <token>
  • authType === 'apikey' : <token>
  • authType === (null | undefined | <everythingelse>) : Bearer <token>

Apis allows you to choose if you want to use an auth token stored in the local-storage, or directly injected in the init function. You can do this with the authToken and jwtTokenName parameters

  • using jwtTokenName you can pass the name of the token in the local-storage
  • using authToken you can directly inject the token in the init function

Warning: If both params are used, the authToken will be used.

AuthToken param usage

Let's use a .env file with the token


Then in Apis initialization function you can directly inject the token

    baseUrl: baseApiUrl,
    savedUrls: urls,
    authType: 'apikey',
    authToken: process.env.TOKEN // This token is taken directly from your .env file

Auth Token override

Apis allows for every request, when necessary, to override the automatically added token, with a new one

There are two ways to do it

  1. using the auth parameter, passing the new token manually
  2. using the disableAuth parameter, completely ignoring the authorization header in the HTTP request
  // Manually overriding auth token
  const otherUserToken = 'Bearer <JWT_TOKEN>'
  // Function that retrieves other user's todos, using his JWT token
  const getOtherUserTodos = async () => {
    const {data: todos, error} = await api.get({savedUrl: 'all', auth: otherUserToken})

    if(error) {
      return null

    return todos

  // Completely disabling the HTTP request authorization header
  // Function that retrieves all public todos, that do not need authorization
  const getPublicTodos = async () => {
    const {data: publicTodos, error} = await api.get({savedUrl: 'all', disableAuth: true, path: '/public'})

URL placeholders update

Apis allows to have placeholders like /:listId in the mapped URLs object, and these can be updated dinamically in case these are computed later in the code

placeholders update can be done in two ways:

  1. At initialization stage, using the placeholders key in the configuration object

  2. using the updatePlaceholders function

In this example every user can have multiple todo lists

  const baseApiUrl = ''
  const baseList = '/list/defaultList'

  const urls = {
    'myLists': '/lists'
    'todo': '/:listId/todo',
    'all': '/:listId/all'

  // Initializing Apis with configuration object
    baseUrl: baseApiUrl,
    savedUrls: urls,
    jwtTokenName: 'jwt-token-name',
    placeholders: {listId: baseList}

  // Function that retrieves all todo lists belonging to the current user
  const getAllLists = async () => {
    const {data: lists, error} = await api.get({savedUrl: 'myList'})
    if(error) {
      return null

    return lists

  // Function that sets the list that the user wants to see
  const changeList = async (listId) => {
    // Take all lists
    const lists = await getAllLists()

    if(lists) {
      const currentList = lists.find(list => === listId)
      if(currentList) {
        // Updating URLs with the new placeholder value for the selected list

Passing GET parameters

It's possible to pass GET parameters in two ways:

  1. Writing them directly in the path key. Ex: (?param1=value1&param2=value2)

  2. Using the params key

  // Retrieving first 10 todos writing the 'skip' and 'limit' params directly in `path` key
  const getFirstTenTodos = async () => {
    const {data: todos, error} = await api.get({savedUrl: 'all', path: '/?skip=0&limit=10'})

    if(error) {
      return null

    return todos
  // Retrieving first 20 todos using 'params' key
  const getFirstTwentyTodos = async () => {
    const queryParams = {
      skip: 0,
      limit: 20

    const {data: todos, error} = await api.get({savedUrl: 'all', params: queryParams})

    if(error) {
      return null

    return todos


Apis parameters and functions documentation

api.init({ baseUrl = null, jwtTokenName = null, savedUrls = {}, placeholders = null })

Parameter Default Value Structure example Description Required
baseUrl null Base URL for all the requests
jwtTokenName null my-todos-accessToken JWT token name to look for in local storage
authType bearer bearer | apikey Auth Type to use for the authorization header
authToken null myawesomeauthtoken Auth Token to use in the Apis initialization
savedUrls {} {todo: '/:listId/todo'} Configuration Object containing the URL mapping to make HTTP requests
placeholders null {listId: '/lists/1'} Object containing the placeholders values to switch in URLs
errorInterceptor null (error) => {return error.toJSON()} Function executed on request error

api.updatePlaceholders(placeholders = null)

Parameter Default Value Structure example Description Required
placeholders null {listId: '/lists/1'} Object containing the placeholders values to switch in URLs

api.get({savedUrl, fullResponse = false, responseType = null, params = null, auth = null, disableAuth = false, path = null, customHeaders = []})

Parameter Default Value Structure example Description Required
savedUrl 'todos' Name to identify a specific URL
fullResponse false true | false Parameter to choose the complete response of the HTTP request or the data-unwrapped one
responseType null blob Parameter to choose the response type
params null {skip: 0,limit: 20} Object containing all GET parameters for the request
auth null 'Bearer 123-e45f33-authToken' Parameter to override the authentication header
disableAuth false true | false Parameter to skip the authorization header
signal undefined GenericAbortSignal | undefined Parameter to cancel fired requests
path null '/public' Parameter used to append path to the baseUrl
customHeaders [] [{key: 'x-use-public-link',value: true}] Parameter to add custom headers{savedUrl, fullResponse = false, responseType = null, params = null, auth = null, disableAuth = false, body = null, path = null, customHeaders = []})

Parameter Default Value Structure example Description Required
savedUrl 'todos' Name to identify a specific URL
fullResponse false true | false Parameter to choose the complete response of the HTTP request or the data-unwrapped one
responseType null blob Parameter to choose the response type
params null {skip: 0,limit: 20} Object containing all GET parameters for the request
auth null 'Bearer 123-e45f33-authToken' Parameter to override the authentication header
disableAuth false true | false Parameter to skip the authorization header
signal undefined GenericAbortSignal | undefined Parameter to cancel fired requests
body null {id: 1, text: 'Fare la lavatrice'} Parameter to set the request's body to send to the server
path null '/public' Parameter used to append path to the baseUrl
customHeaders [] [{key: 'x-use-public-link',value: true}] Parameter used to append path to the baseUrl

api.put({savedUrl, fullResponse = false, responseType = null, params = null, auth = null, disableAuth = false, body = null, path = null, customHeaders = []})

Parameter Default Value Structure example Description Required
savedUrl 'todos' Name to identify a specific URL
fullResponse false true | false Parameter to choose the complete response of the HTTP request or the data-unwrapped one
responseType null blob Parameter to choose the response type
params null {skip: 0,limit: 20} Object containing all GET parameters for the request
auth null 'Bearer 123-e45f33-authToken' Parameter to override the authentication header
disableAuth false true | false Parameter to skip the authorization header
signal undefined GenericAbortSignal | undefined Parameter to cancel fired requests
body null {id: 1, text: 'Fare la lavatrice'} Parameter to set the request's body to send to the server
path null '/public' Parameter used to append path to the baseUrl
customHeaders [] [{key: 'x-use-public-link',value: true}] Parameter used to append path to the baseUrl

api.delete({savedUrl, fullResponse = false, responseType = null, params = null, auth = null, disableAuth = false, body = null, path = null, customHeaders = []})

Parameter Default Value Structure example Description Required
savedUrl 'todos' Name to identify a specific URL
fullResponse false true | false Parameter to choose the complete response of the HTTP request or the data-unwrapped one
responseType null blob Parameter to choose the response type
params null {skip: 0,limit: 20} Object containing all GET parameters for the request
auth null 'Bearer 123-e45f33-authToken' Parameter to override the authentication header
disableAuth false true | false Parameter to skip the authorization header
signal undefined GenericAbortSignal | undefined Parameter to cancel fired requests
body null {id: 1, text: 'Fare la lavatrice'} Parameter to set the request's body to send to the server
path null '/public' Parameter used to append path to the baseUrl
customHeaders [] [{key: 'x-use-public-link',value: true}] Parameter used to append path to the baseUrl