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A plan for teaching / learning web technologies and react.js.



  • Your favorite browser
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Git
  • Node.js
  • NPM

Simple applications for practice

  • Calculator
    • Expression input
    • Digit buttons
    • Operations buttons (+, -, *, /, =)
  • Chat
    • Message input
    • Send button
    • Chat log
  • Notes
    • Note input
    • Add note button
    • Notes list
    • Remove note button
    • Reorder note
  • Timer / Countdown
    • Time display / input
    • Start button
    • Stop button
    • Reset button
  • Data table
    • Inserting
    • Editing
    • Removing
    • Pagination
    • Searching
    • Sorting
    • Reordering
    • Spoilers
  • Color picker
    • Color palette
    • Color values slider
    • RGB display
    • HSL display
  • Calendar
    • Year view
    • Month view
    • Date display
    • Date navigation
    • Event creation
  • Clock
    • Digital mode
    • Analogic mode
    • Alarm
    • World time display
    • Date display
  • Weather app
    • Location selection
    • Time selection
    • Open service data fetch
    • Weather description
    • Temperature display
    • Wind speed display
    • Humidity display
  • Tic-Tac-Toe game
    • Grid display
    • XO set
    • Game reset button
    • Win message


1.1 General description

  • What is HTML? - Hyper Text Markup Language
  • Simple HTML document
  • What is a tag?
  • What is an attribute?

1.2 History of HTML

  • 1.0 - 1993 (first draft 1991)
  • 2.0 - 1995
  • 3.2 - 1997 - first W3C standard (3.0 was proposed but did not succeeded)
  • 4.0 - 1997 - 1998
  • 4.01 - 1999
  • XHTML - 2000
  • 5.0 - 2014 (first draft 2008)
  • 5.1 - 2016
  • 5.2 - 2017
  • Future

1.3 Main tags

  • <html></html>
  • <head></head>
  • <body></body>

1.4 Metadata

  • <title></title>
  • <meta></meta>
  • <link></link>

1.5 Global attributes

  • class
  • id
  • style
  • title

1.6 Block elements

1.7 Inline elements

1.8 Document sections

  • <header></header>
  • <nav></nav>
  • <main></main>
  • <aside></aside>
  • <footer></footer>
  • <section></section>
  • <article></article>
  • <div></div>

1.9 Hyperlinks

  • download
  • href
  • target

1.10 Forms

  • <form></form>
  • <input></input>
  • <button></button>
  • <select></select>
  • <option></option>
  • <textarea></textarea>
  • action
  • enctype
  • method
  • name
  • target
  • type

1.11 Images

  • alt
  • height
  • src
  • width

1.12 Tables

  • <table></table>
  • <thead></thead>
  • <tbody></tbody>
  • <tfoot></tfoot>
  • <tr></tr>
  • <th></th>
  • <td></td>
  • colspan
  • rowspan

1.13 Lists

  • <ul></ul>
  • <ol></ol>
  • <li></li>

1.14 Headings <h*> </h*>

1.15 Multimedia and embedding

  • <iframe></ifram>
  • <video></video>
  • <audio></audio>
  • <embed></embed>
  • <object></object>


2. CSS

2.1 General description

  • What is CSS? - Cascading Style Sheets
  • Simple style sheet
  • How CSS works with HTML
  • What is a rule?
  • What is a selector?

2.2 History of CSS

  • Release 1996 (first proposal 1994)
  • Level 2 - 1998
  • Level 2.1 - 2004 - 2011
  • Level 3 - 2011 - 2012 (first draft 1999)
  • Level 4 - 2007 - ...
  • Future

2.3 Syntax

  • Property
  • Value

2.4 Selectors

  • Simple selectors
    • Type selectors
    • Class selectors
    • Id selectors
    • Universal selector "*"
  • Attribute selectors
    • Attribute presence
    • Attribute substring
  • Pseudo-selectors
    • :not()
    • :first-child()
    • :last-child()
    • :nth-child()
    • :nth-last-child()
    • :hover
  • Pseudo-elements
    • ::after
    • ::before
  • Combinators
    • Descendant selector
    • Child selector
    • Adjacent sibling selector
    • General sibling selector
  • Multiple selectors

2.5 Cascade

  • Source order
  • Specificity
  • Importance

2.6 Units

  • absolute length units
    • pixels (px)
    • points (pt)
    • millimeters (mm)
    • centimeters (cm)
  • relative length units
    • percentage (%)
    • vh
    • vw
    • vmin
    • vmax
    • em
    • rem
  • unitless values

2.7 Colors

  • RGB
  • HSL
  • RGBA
  • HSLA

2.8 Box model

  • width
  • height
  • padding
  • border
  • margin
  • box-sizing

2.9 Box styling

  • Background
    • color
    • image
    • position
    • repeat
    • size
  • Border
    • color
    • style
    • width
    • radius
    • image

2.10 Text styling

  • Color
  • Font
    • family
    • size
    • style
    • weight
    • transform
    • decoration
  • Alignment
  • Line Height
  • Spacing
    • letter spacing
    • word spacing

2.11 Layout

  • Normal flow
  • display property
  • position property
  • Flexbox
  • Grid
  • table layout
  • floats

3. JS

3.1 General description

  • What is JS? - JavaScript
  • Simple JS script
  • How JS works with HTML and CSS?
  • Language philosophy

3.2 History of JS

  • ES1 - 1997 (first implementation 1995)
  • ES2 - 1998
  • ES3 - 1999
  • ES4 - 1999 - 2008 (never released)
  • ES5 - 2009
  • ES6/2015
  • ES2016
  • ES2017
  • ES2018

3.3 Grammar and types

  • Comments
    • Single-line comment
    • Multi-line comment
  • Variable and constant declarations
  • Data types
    • Boolean
    • Number
    • String
    • Undefined
    • Symbol
    • Object
    • Function
  • Literals
    • Array literals
    • Boolean literals
    • Floating-point literals
    • Integers
    • Object literals
    • RegExp literals
    • String literals

3.4 Control flow and error handling

  • Block statement
  • Conditional statements
    • if...else statement
    • switch statement
  • Exception handling statements
    • throw statement
    • try...catch statement
  • Promises

3.5 Loops and iteration

  • for statement
  • do...while statement
  • while statement
  • labeled statement
  • break statement
  • continue statement
  • statement
  • for...of statement

3.6 Functions

  • Defining functions
    • Function declarations
    • Function expressions
    • Arrow functions
  • Calling functions
  • Function anatomy

3.7 Expressions and operators

  • Operators
    • Assignment operators
    • Comparison operators
    • Arithmetic operators
    • Bitwise operators
    • Logical operators
    • String operators
    • Conditional (ternary) operator
    • Comma operator
    • Unary operators
    • Relational operators
  • Operator precedence
  • Expressions
    • Primary expressions
    • Left-hand-side expressions

3.8 Numbers and dates

  • Numbers
    • Decimal numbers
    • Binary numbers
    • Octal numbers
    • Hexadecimal numbers
    • Exponentiation
  • Number object
  • Math object
  • Date object

3.9 Text formatting

  • Strings
  • Template literals

3.10 Regular Expressions

  • Special characters
  • Patterns and grouping
  • .exec()
  • .test()

3.11 Indexed collections

  • Array
  • Typed Arrays

3.12 Keyed collections

  • Map
  • WeakMap
  • Set
  • WeakSet

3.13 Objects

  • object initializers
  • properties and methods
  • getters and setters
  • deleting properties
  • comparing objects
  • Object.assign()
  • Object.create()
  • Object.defineProperty()
  • Object.defineProperties()
  • Object.freeze()
  • Object.seal()
  • Object.entries()
  • Object.keys()
  • Objet.values()

3.15 Classes

  • constructor
  • properties and methods
  • getters and setters
  • inheritance
  • static
  • future proposals

3.14 JSON

  • JSON.stringify()
  • JSON.parse()

3.16 Iterators and generators

  • yield operator
  • Generator functions
  • Iterables

3.17 Meta programming

  • Proxy
  • Reflexion

4. Web APIs

4.1 Window

  • .console
  • .document
  • .fullScreen
  • .history
  • .location
  • .localStorage
  • .name
  • .navigator
  • .opener
  • .parent
  • .performance
  • .screen
  • .status
  • .alert()
  • .blur()
  • .close()
  • .confirm()
  • .find()
  • .focus()
  • .getComputedStyle()
  • .getSelection()
  • .open()
  • .moveTo()
  • .moveBy()
  • .print()
  • .prompt()
  • .requestAnimationFrame()
  • .requestIdleCallback()
  • .setTimeout()
  • .setInterval()

4.2 Console

  • .log()
  • .error()
  • .info()
  • .warn()
  • .trace()
  • .count()
  • .group()
  • .table()
  • .time()
  • .clear()

4.3 Document

  • .body
  • .head
  • .links
  • .forms
  • .images
  • .scripts
  • .styleSheetSets
  • .documentElement
  • .cookie
  • .domain
  • .location
  • .readyState
  • .referrer
  • .title
  • .activeElement
  • .fullscreenElement
  • .getElementById()

4.4 History

  • .length
  • .back()
  • .forward()
  • .go()
  • .pushState()
  • .replaceState()

4.5 Location

  • .href
  • .protocol
  • .host
  • .hostname
  • .port
  • .pathname
  • .search
  • .hash
  • .assign()
  • .reload()
  • .replace()

4.6 Storage

  • .length
  • .key()
  • .getItem()
  • .setItem()
  • .removeItem()
  • .clear()

4.7 Navigator

  • .appCodeName
  • .appName
  • .appVersion
  • .battery
  • .connection
  • .geolocation
  • .oscpu
  • .platform
  • .userAgent
  • .getUserMedia()

4.8 Performance

  • .mark()
  • .measure()
  • .now()
  • .getEntries()
  • .clearMarks()
  • .clearMeasures()

4.9 Screen

  • .width
  • .height
  • .left
  • .top
  • .availWidth
  • .availHeight
  • .availLeft
  • .availTop
  • .orientation
  • .pixelDepth

4.10 EventTarget

  • .addEventListener()
  • .removeEventListener()
  • .dispatchEvent()

4.11 Node

  • .nodeName
  • .nodeType
  • .nodeValue
  • .childNodes
  • .firstChild
  • .lastChild
  • .nextSibling
  • .previousSibling
  • .parentNode
  • .appendChild()
  • .cloneNode()
  • .contains()
  • .insertBefore()
  • .removeChild()
  • .replaceChild()

4.12 Element

  • .tagName
  • .attributes
  • .classList
  • .className
  • .clientWidth
  • .clientHeight
  • .clientLeft
  • .clientTop
  • .id
  • .innerHTML
  • .outerHTML
  • .scrollWidth
  • .scrollHeight
  • .scrollLeft
  • .scrollTop
  • .getAttribute()
  • .setAttribute()
  • .hasAttribute()
  • .closest()
  • .getBoundingClientRect()
  • .getClientRects()
  • .getElementsByClassName()
  • .getElementsByTagName()
  • .querySelector()
  • .querySelectorAll()

5. React

5.1 General description

  • What is React and ReactDOM?
  • What is JSX?
  • What is a component?
  • Simples react example
  • React philosophy

5.2 JSX

  • Why using JSX?
  • Adding expressions in JSX
  • Specifying attirbutes and childrens in JSX
  • JSX translation to plain JS

5.3 Functional components and class components

5.4 Rendering / composing / splitting components

5.5 Props and state

  • setState()
  • forceUpdate()

5.6 Lifecycles

  • Mounting
    • constructor()
    • static getDerivedStateFromProps()
    • render()
    • componentDidMount()
  • Updating
    • static getDerivedStateFromProps()
    • shouldComponentUpdate()
    • render()
    • getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()
    • componentDidUpdate()
  • Unmounting
    • componentWillUnmount()
  • Error Handling
    • componentDidCatch()

5.7 Handling events

  • Synthetic events

5.8 Multiple children and keys

5.9 Forms

  • Controlled components

5.10 Fragments

5.11 Refs

  • React.createRef()
  • React.forwardRef()

5.12 Context

  • Provider
  • Consumer

5.13 Portals


A plan for teaching / learning web technologies






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