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Pipeline for analyzing ITS2 amplification sequencing data

A pipeline that incorporates different tools and stages of sequencing reads' analysis to reach a working classification of the fungal taxa in samples

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ITS2-pipeline is an assembled flow of ITS2 amplification sequence analysis. It takes the user from the first initial stages of demultiplexed fastq's representing ITS2-amplification sequencing results all the way to taxonomic classification of ASVs and additional qiime2 types of outputs. The overall flow is:

demultiplexed fastq files (PE) --> merged pairs --> trim low quality reads and primer sequences --> within the qiime2 suite: dada2 generation and denoising ASVs --> ITSx facilited extraction of ITS2 regions from merged reads --> naive-bayes based classification of amplicons based on UNITE database version 8 sequences



  1. Python >= 3.6
  2. PEAR version 0.9.10
  3. Cutadapt version 1.17
  4. ITSx version 1.1b1

After downloding or cloning the repository, run:

pip install -r requisites.txt

UNITE database

The UNITE database files required for classification can be downloaded from: Abarenkov, Kessy; Zirk, Allan; Piirmann, Timo; Pöhönen, Raivo; Ivanov, Filipp; Nilsson, R. Henrik; Kõljalg, Urmas (2020): UNITE QIIME release for Fungi. Version 04.02.2020. UNITE Community.


  • A top-level 'home' directory should be selected.

  • Modify the file '' with your selected home directory name under the define_params() function: paths['home'] = Path('')

  • Under that directory, make a directory named 'samples'

  • Under samples, for each sequencing library, make a directory with the library name, e.g. 'Library1'

  • Under each library directory make three directories:

  1. 'fastq' - where sample fastq's of the library should be copied (zipped or unzipped)
  2. 'metadata' - place a qiime2 compatible, tab-delimited (.tsv) file with per-sample information. Each sample should at least have a 'sampleid' column. See the qiime2 documentation for details (

python <Library name> (e.g. 'Library1')


Several output files are generated in different subdirectories

Subdirectory Explanation
merged Results of the PEAR merging of R1 and R2
trimmed Results of trimming primer sequences and filtering out short amplicons with cutadapt
qiime_ready Results from qiime portion of pipeline (details below)
logs Logging of pipeline stages

Under the qiime_ready directory are several types of output files:

File name Explanation
.qzv files for viewing the results in qiime2 viewer (
demux_seqs.qza merged, trimmed, filtered amplicons from paired reads in library samples
rep-seqs-untrimmed.qza Dada2 denoised ASVs
stats.qza Dada2 statistics
table.qza ASV per sample table
dna-sequences.fasta fasta format of ASV sequences
its.* files results files of running ITSx on ASV sequences, the its.ITS2.fasta file has the ITS2 portion
rep_seqs.qza/fasta Extracted ITS2 portions from ASVs
feature-table.biom BIOM table of ASV reads per sample
table.from_biom.txt text version of biom table of ASVs' reads per sample
features.csv feature IDs
ref_seqs.qza primer extracted regions of UNITE ver8 sequences
unite_dev_dynamic_otus.qza, ref-taxonomy_unite_dev_dynamic.qza qiime2 input ready version of UNITE version 8.2 (sh_refs_qiime_ver8_dynamic_04.02.2020.fasta, sh_taxonomy_qiime_ver8_dynamic_04.02.2020.txt)
classifier.qza naive bayes trained classifier
taxonomy.qza/csv feature ID, sequence, taxonomomic classification and classification confidence score
summary.csv concatenated results - ASV feature id, taxonomic classification and score, ITSx classification, reads per sample
taxa_bar_plots.qzv visual of stack bar plots of ASV relative abundance per sample


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