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This code example demonstrates using the Communication Device Class (CDC) as a bridge to USART using the USB 2.0 device peripheral on the AVR DU family of MCUs.


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USB CDC to USART Bridge using AVR® DU Microcontroller

This example shows how to use the AVR DU microcontroller as a bridge to other peripherals. The attached application uses the Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (USART) peripheral to exemplify this. In addition to an application that will work with standard terminal applications, a python script is included showing how to easily interface with the AVR DU using the Communications Device Class (CDC).

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Hardware Used


Physical Setup

The AVR DU Curiosity Nano Development Board has two USB-C ports. One for programming the device via the onboard debugger and one connected directly to the AVR DU. While programming the device over the AVR DU's port is possible using bootloaders, this example uses the debugger port, so both ports need to be connected to the host computer. After programming, the debugger port is used for serial communication to close the loop and needs to remain connected. One of the AVR DU's USART peripherals is directly connected to the debugger CDC pins, allowing the entire bridge application to be showcased on the development board.

MCC Setup

This section shows how the example is set up in MCC.

USB General Settings

The configurator is set so that the AVR DU will identify as a CDC device on the highest level. The toggle switch for adding the Virtual Serial example code is also enabled.

USB Device Descriptors

For this example the Device Descriptors section is left as default. For other applications, information on the product can be added here.

USB Interfaces

For this example, both a communication and data interface are required.

USB CDC Communication Interface

The communication interface is the one that sets up how the communication flows in the setup. The Abstract Control Model (ACM) is used as a subclass but few of the supported commands are needed. Three Functional Descriptors are also required:

  • Header - Required for Functional Descriptors
  • ACM - Tells the host what commands the device supports (D1 indicates that device supports basic Line Coding and Control Line State commands)
  • Union - Tells the host the relationship between two or more interface

USB CDC Data Interface

All communication is sent over the data interface for this basic Virtual Serial Port application. The Packet Size field determines how much data can be transmitted in one USB packet. The data sent can be bigger or smaller and the stack will transmit less or split it up in smaller packages.


General settings for the USART can be seen below. The specific settings is not important, but must match what is set in the terminal session for the USART. If large amount of data is being transmitted the baud rate should match between the USART and CDC session to avoid buffer overflow.

USART hardware settings are set to enable TX and RX for the peripheral.

To set the pins for the USART as in- and output the corresponding fields are clicked in the Pin Grid View. These pins need to match the Curiosity Nano debuggers CDC pins for the example to work.

Device Clock Setup

This example is configured to run on 24 MHz. The minimum oscillator frequency for USB on the AVR DU is 12 MHz.


The included application is set up to pass data between the USB peripheral and a USART peripheral.

The USART driver is implemented using the standard driver included in MCC with a custom buffered handler placed between it and the main application. This enables the similar interface for both CDC and USART and simplifies the flow of the application.

The application checks if the receiving peripheral is ready and has space in its buffer before attempting to read data from the transmitting peripherals buffer. If the read is successful, it will write the received data to the receiving peripherals buffer. This will be done in both directions before the application calls the handlers for both peripherals. The USB handler is called for each iteration of the application loop to handle the actual communication to the host. The full flow of the main application can be seen in the diagram below.

The application is set up in polling mode and therefore needs to handle the USB peripheral inside the main loop. Interrupt mode can be selected in MCC which would simplify the application by removing the need for USB handler.

This example is set up for the USART peripheral, but the main application would support any other communication peripheral by simply adding a driver using buffers and changing the function calls in the main application.

Identify Virtual Serial Port Number

When the device is programmed it will show up as a Virtual Serial Port on the host. The method varies between operating systems and the most common methods are listed below.


In Windows, the easiest way to identify the port number is to go into Device Manager and look under Ports (COM & LPT). The device would show up as USB Serial Device (COM##) where ## is the number assigned by the host.

Alternatively the following commands will also list the devices in terminal.

Command Prompt:



Get-WMIObject Win32_SerialPort | Select-Object Name,DeviceID,Description

Mac and Linux

Using the terminal, a list of connected devices will show if the command below is used.

ls /dev/tty.*


This section assumes that the setup has been followed and that the device is programmed and connected to the host.


The application takes advantage of the two USB connectors on the AVR DU Curiosity Nano. Because of this two terminal sessions can be started to the development board at the same time. After identifying the two virtual serial ports as described in the last section, start terminal sessions with the default settings in both. The connection type needs to be serial and the port numbering is added in the Serial line field. Finally use 115200 as the speed value and click open. If the baud rate is changed for the USART peripheral the value must be changed here to.

By opening both terminal sessions, a live updating bridge will be active. Writing in one will show up in the other with no echo active.

In this mode, all valid keys will work over the terminal. This includes backspace, enter and arrow keys.

Using other settings for the PuTTY sessions will give different behaviors like transmitting on return or automatic echo.

Python Script

Communicating between two terminal windows isn't always the most useful way to use the bridge. This section will demonstrate how to transmit and receive data using a Python script.

In addition to basic packages included by the standard Python installation it also uses pyserial that needs to be installed separately.

pip install pyserial

The included script is quite sparse and is only meant to show the basic functionality. While both the Curiosity Nanos USB port are connected and the device is programmed as described in the previous example, running the script is done using the following command:


The python prefix depends on the installed Python version and setup.

Running the script will print a status message for trying to open the serial communication on both ports:

Opening serial communication...

When communication is established it will transmit a preset array of values to the AVR DU and print the following:

Transmitting Data USB->USART:
<data transmitted as hex values>

The script will then attempt to read from the Debugger using the number of transmitted bytes as a limit on how many bytes to read. It will then print the received bytes in ASCII form:

Received Data:
b'<data received as ASCII characters>'

Now the script will run in reverse and transmit the same data in reverse showing that the formatting works the same both ways for Python Serial. Python's interprets the returned values as ASCII text, resulting in an array of chars instead of numbers. In the example script, this has been used directly but if the values are to be used in another format the read data must be converted.

Finally the script will close the serial communication as not to hold up the device for other use.

Closing the serial communication.

The script itself will try to identify the connected Virtual Serial Port number using the VID and PID used in the MCC setup. If it throws an error, or the VID or PID is changed, the script has two optional arguments -s and -d that can be used to input the number. This is exemplified below:

python -s COM10 -d COM5


By following this example, the user will:

  1. Understand the basics of using the AVR DU as a bridge between USB and other protocols.
  2. Be able to create simple applications where CDC is the communication protocol between host and device.


This code example demonstrates using the Communication Device Class (CDC) as a bridge to USART using the USB 2.0 device peripheral on the AVR DU family of MCUs.








