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PIC24FJ64GU205 Curiosity Nano Development Board - USB ADC CLC Demo



LED on the board fades while the application is not connected to the USB port.

When connected and the button (SW0) is pressed, the board will print the title "PIC24FJ64GU205 Curiosity Nano Demo" and key features of the demo followed by the status of Button : PRESSED/UNPRESSED and ADC conversion value (in V).

Related Documentation

Software Used

  • A terminal program

Hardware Used

  • PIC24FJ64GU205 Curiosity Nano Development Board -
  • Micro-USB cable (2 cables if programming/debugging)
  • External Potentiometer or any analog signal


  • For programming/debugging the board, connect a micro-USB cable to the USB connector labeled "DEBUG"

  • For running the demo, connect a micro-USB to the USB connector labeled "TARGET USB"

  • Connect a Potentiometer or any analog signal to RC0 (AN10)


  • If the board is powered but not connected through the "TARGET USB" connector, then the LED on the board will fade on and off

  • Select the COM port that appeared when the board was connected to the "TARGET USB" port. This will be unique on each computer

  • If the board is connected through the "TARGET USB" port to a PC and the drivers have loaded successfully, the LED will be solid lit

  • When connected, open a terminal program and press the push button on the board. This will print a message on the terminal screen

  • The terminal shows the switch(SW0) status which is de-bounced output from CLC, followed by output from the ADC

Terminal example