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Laravel Telegram WebApp package

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Laravel package that allows you to process commands from Telegram MiniApp with user verification according to Telegram MiniApp developer documentation, as well as obtaining information about the Telegram user who sent the request


Laravel micromagicman/laravel-telegram-webapp
10.x 1.x.x
11.x 2.x.x


Via composer

composer require micromagicman/laravel-telegram-webapp


Publish to your Laravel application:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Micromagicman\TelegramWebApp\TelegramWebAppServiceProvider"


All package configuration available in config/telegram-webapp.php file after publish command execution:

Config name Description Environment Default value
enabled Telegram MiniApp data validation switch TELEGRAM_WEBAPP_DATA_VALIDATION_ENABLED true
webAppScriptLocation Path to script (.js) which initializes Telegram MiniApp on your frontend app -
botToken Your Telegram bot token TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN -
error.status HTTP status code when Telegram MiniApp data validation fails - 403 (Forbidden)
error.message Error message returned when Telegram MiniApp data validation fails - 403 (Forbidden)
authDateLifetimeSeconds The lifetime of the Telegram initData auth_date parameter in seconds. The request to the server must be made within this interval, otherwise the data transmitted from Telegram will be considered invalid. The values of the parameter <= 0 imply that there is no verification of the lifetime of data from telegram and the auth_date parameter is not validated - 0

Example in code:


This package provides a root view for Telegram MiniApp frontend applications. Telegram WebApp script is automatically includes to this view or its inheritors if telegram-webapp.enabled switch is true



@section('lang', 'CN')

// some scripts, css, meta

@section('title', 'My title')

    <div id="app-content">
        // My spa content

Telegram bot API


Set the result of an interaction with a Web App and send a corresponding message on behalf of the user to the chat from which the query originated. On success, an Illuminate\Http\Client\Response object is returned.


$result - one of InlineQueryResult variations (php array)

use Micromagicman\TelegramWebApp\Api\TelegramBotApi;

private TelegramBotApi $botApi;

$response = $botApi->answerWebpAppQuery([
    'type' => 'document'
    // ...
    // one of InlineQueryResult variations
    // ...