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Committer Representative Role Description

Edwin Derks edited this page Mar 18, 2022 · 1 revision

The MicroProfile charter defines that at least one MicroProfile Committer Representative (MPCR) can be elected. This, or these, person(s) can participate and provide binding votes as a member of the MicroProfile Steering Committee. The MPCR acts in this regard as "the voice of the community", as this person is an individual committer. This person can therefore not be affiliated with a company that is a Corporate or Guest member of the MicroProfile Working Group (MPWG). Therefore, the MPCR acts as an individual that provides input from the community, including other individual committers.

This document describes several tasks and responsibilities that a MPCR can take up to steer the evolution of MicroProfile.

Representing the Committers

One of the most prominent tasks of the MPCR is representing the community and Committers of the MicroProfile project. This means that the MPCR can collect input of any kind and bring this to the Steering Committee to make decisions.

MicroProfile is an open-source project. Community input is of great importance for the evolution of the MicroProfile brand. Vice versa, the MPCR can bring Steering Committee input, like the annual Program Plan, to the MicroProfile community. This way, the community, and Committers can process this input the way they determine best.

Collecting Input

The MPWG provides several tools for collecting community input. For example, Survey Monkey can be used for collecting votes and the Google Group forums can be used for discussion, based on the guidelines. Aside from these guidelines, the MPCR is relatively free to use the tools this person thinks best as long as the rules for collecting data are within the boundaries that come with the MPWG processes.

Attending Meetings

Discussion and sharing knowledge is also an important aspect of being the MPCR. The various community meetings that MicroProfile organizes are therefore a great way to connect with the community and the Steering Committee.

The meetings below are easily found in the MicroProfile Meeting Calendar, and are open, transparent, and recorded welcoming the open-source interested community to join the discussions, or watch them afterward.

Call Type Description
MP Marketing Call Discuss marketing and exposure related activities
MP Live Hangout The free-format status update and action items call
MP technical Call For discussing architectural items regarding MicroProfile APIs
MP API call Anything related to the technical and functional evolution of a specific MicroProfile specification is being discussed here
MP Steering Committee call Items that need Steering Committee discussion and decision are being processed here. These calls take place four times a year, where the MPCR is expected to be present. The MPCR (or a proxy representing this person) is eligible to vote on the items under discussion

Release Assistance

MicroProfile has a release schedule and processes that are governed by the Steering Committee. The MPCR is free to participate in the release management. Since the MPCR represents the community, this person ought to be a valuable asset during each project release.


For a MPCR: it's in the name: representing the Committers of MicroProfile. Other activities, like mentoring, can also be executed under this label. The MPCR should therefore be open to (new) Committers with assistance in getting Pull Requests merged, and specification versions released, etc.


  • The MPWG is expecting the MPCR to act autonomously and proactively with great care for the MicroProfile brand
  • The MPCR is accountable for his/her actions which will have the full support of the MPWG when initiated with the best intentions for evolving Microprofile

How to become a MPCR

Are you interested in becoming a MPCR, getting heavily involved in evolving the MicroProfile brand and yourself as a person contributing to an open source project?

First, you have to become a Committer for the MicroProfile project under the Eclipse Foudnation, if you are not already. After that, you are eligible to become an MPCR. Once a year in December, the MPCR’s elections are run. The election is communicated on the Google Group forum where you can make your interest clear by responding that you are interested in becoming the new MPCR. After that, a bio will be devised for every candidate that has responded, before opening the elections for every committer on the project. The result of this election will define the new MPCR for the next year (January 1st through Decemeber 31st).