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Gravy 0.1

Gravy is a simple, expressjs inspired framework for developing MVC web applications on the Java Enterprise (the meat-and-potatoes). API's are available for Groovy, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, and/or Ruby.

Hello Groovy:

get '/hello/:name', {
    res.print "Hello $name!"

Hello JavaScript:

get('hello/:name', function(req, res) {
    res.print("Hello " + + "!")

Hello CoffeeScript:

get '/hello/:name', (req, res) ->
    res.print "Hello #{@name}!"

Hello Ruby:

get '/hello/:name' do
    res.print "Hello #{name}!"


  • Express style routing
  • Polyglot (Groovy, Ruby, JavaScript/CoffeeScript)
  • Modules (application fragments)
  • Single-file environment based configuration
  • Scheduled tasks
  • Hot reload

Status & Roadmap

The focus of the current milestone (0.1) is to define and implement the core feature set (routing, scheduled tasks, middleware, servlet request/response/session decorators, modules, resource resolver, single file configuration, dev tools, etc). 0.2 will include significant refactoring and performance and routing enhancements. 0.3 will finish out the tooling api (package/dependency management, etc), with a 1.0 beta to follow.

Getting Started


* Java 7 JDK
* JAVA_HOME must refer to your Java 7 JDK
* ant or gradle


	$ git clone
	$ cd gravy
	$ ant OR $ gradle
	$ export GRAVY_HOME=$PWD

'hello gravy'

Create your first app:

  1. Create your application file:
    $ mkdir myGravyApp ; cd myGravyApp ; echo -e "get '/hello/:name', { res.print \042Hello \$name! \042 }" > application.groovy
  1. Start the gravy dev server:
    $ gravy
  1. Point your browser at:


Rapid Development

All source files are automatically re-deployed upon modification. Make a change, refresh your browser, and benefit from the quick feedback.


In Gravy, a route is a chain of callbacks that is assembled to service a particular HTTP request URI and method. A route consists of an end-point (the ultimate destination of the route) and any number of intermediate callbacks (middleware). A route may contain callbacks defined in any application module (and therefore may be polyglot, more on this later).


There are two types of end-points: callbacks and static content (files). End-point callbacks are defined via the 'get', 'post', 'put', 'delete' ('del' in JavaScript), and 'all' methods. These names correspond to the http methods of the same name. The method call is of the form:

get|post|put|delete|all(uriPattern [,middlewareCallback...], endPointCallback)

When no end-point callback matches the given URI and method Gravy presumes the request URI refers to a static resource.


Given the following callback definitions:

    use '/sandwich/order/*', {
        res.print " and a bag of chips"

    get '/sandwich/order/:name', {
        res.print "here is your $name sandwich"

Request header: "GET /sandwich/order/ham-and-cheese" will result in the following response:

    here is your ham-and-cheese sandwhich and a bag of chips

route / uri patterns

Gravy currently supports route patterns consisting of named parameters (in the form :paramName) and wildcards (*).

middleware api

use([uriPattern,] callback)

param(uriParamName, callback)

get '/sandwhich/:meat/:cheese/:customer' do
  res.print "Order Up!  One #{meat} & #{cheese} sandwhich for #{customer}."


What is middleware? Middleware is software that handles cross-cutting concerns such as logging, data loading, caching, etc ('filters' in the standard JEE world, but with more flexibility). There are several ways to define middleware in gravy:

use, param, additional end point callbacks

uri patterns

parameters, wildcards, splat, callback parameters, regular expressions

route assembly

Route chains are assembled in the following order:

  1. 'param' middleware in the order each parameter appears in the matching uri pattern
  2. 'use' middleware in the order it was defined in the application script(s)
  3. Middleware callbacks passed directly to the get, post, put, delete methods
  4. Naturally, the end-point comes last.

One final note on route assembly. A route chain does not require an end-point callback (when an end-point callback is not defined gravy will attempt to load the given uri as a static resource (a file)). For example:

use('/images/*', function(req,res) {'image uri: ' + req.getRequestURI());;

servlet API

Every callback has a reference to a request object (req) and a response object (res). These objects decorate the underlying HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse with useful methods, properties and, dare I say, syntactic sugar gravy.

req - see also: HttpServletRequest

The req object models an http request and is based on JEE HttpServletRequest. Gravy decorates the req object with the following properties methods:

  • params - a hash of request parameters
  • form - request form parameters
  • query - request query parameters
  • json - gravy auto binds 'application/json' content to req.json
  • sess - the session object
  • forward(forwardUri) - forward the request to the given uri
  • next() - execute the next callback in the route chain
  • input - the request input stream

sess - see also: HttpSession

res - see also: HttpServletResponse

The res object models an http response and is based on HttpServletResponse. Gravy decorates the res object with the following properties/methods:

  • render(viewUri, model) - render a view for the given view uri and model
  • renderJson(model) - serialize the given object (model) send response as application/json
  • redirect(redirectURL) - redirect the client to the given url
  • print(str) - print a string to the response output stream
  • write(data) - write data to the response output stream
  • out - the response output stream

request/session attributes

Request and session attributes are accessible by name via the dot operator:

req.lastName = 'Foo'

hash notation:


Attributes can also be set/retrieved in the standard JEE way via req.getAttribute()|setAttribute():

req.set_attribute('lastName', bar)

polyglot routes

As noted above, route chains may be polyglot, containing callbacks defined in more than one language.


The response output stream is flushed by the gravy runtime at the completion of the route chain and is closed by the servlet runtime at the completion of the request.



modules (app fragments)

A Gravy application is composed of one or more modules. Modules define a set of web services (similar in concept to a Servlet 3.0 'web fragment').


Gravy uses the groovy ConfigSlurper to load the configuration file (conf.groovy). conf.groovy should be defined in the root of your application/module folder.

For more information see ConfigSlurper

error handling

cron tasks


project structure

the gravy command