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Installation on Windows

Greg Oliver edited this page Feb 20, 2019 · 10 revisions
  • Download the SPL package of your choice from the Releases of this repo.
  • In Splunk Web, go to Manage Apps and click "Install app from file". Upload the file you just downloaded.
  • You will get a message warning you that the add-on could not be initialized because dependencies are not included in the package. There are both Python and Node.js dependencies.
  • We need both pip for Python package installation and npm for Node.js package installation. This is why we're installing Python and Node. If you already have pip & npm, we don't need to install Python & Node.

Python Dependencies

  • Open a command window and execute the following:
    • Install Python 2.7.12+. Here's the link.
    • Add python and pip to the path: c:\Python27;c:\Python27\scripts
    • pip install msrestazure -t "%SPLUNK_HOME%\etc\apps\TA-Azure_Monitor\bin"
    • pip install splunk-sdk -t "%SPLUNK_HOME%\etc\apps\TA-Azure_Monitor\bin"
    • pip install futures -t "%SPLUNK_HOME%\etc\apps\TA-Azure_Monitor\bin"

Node.js Dependencies

  • Install Nodejs from here
  • The actual requirement is that npm is available on the system.
  • Open a command window.
  • cd "%SPLUNK_HOME%/etc/apps/TA-Azure_Monitor/bin/app"
  • npm install

Last step

  • Once dependencies are installed, the add-on will work by doing a disable/enable cycle on the Manage Apps page in Splunk Web. Or, you can restart Splunk.