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Azure Network Monitoring.workbook

File metadata and controls

1025 lines (1025 loc) · 33.3 KB

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This is a break glass limit that should be closely monitored. \r\n", "style": "warning" }, "name": "text - 1" }, { "type": 10, "content": { "chartId": "workbook406e6c5a-ab16-4629-a5b2-4ef1e597d9bf", "version": "MetricsItem/2.0", "size": 0, "chartType": -1, "resourceType": "", "metricScope": 0, "resourceParameter": "ERGateway", "resourceIds": [ "{ERGateway}" ], "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", "timeContext": { "durationMs": 0 }, "metrics": [ { "namespace": "", "metric": "", "aggregation": 3 } ], "gridFormatType": 1, "tileSettings": { "titleContent": { "columnMatch": "Name", "formatter": 13, "formatOptions": { "showIcon": true } }, "leftContent": { "columnMatch": "Value", "formatter": 12, "formatOptions": { "palette": "auto" }, "numberFormat": { "unit": 17, "options": { "maximumSignificantDigits": 3, "maximumFractionDigits": 2 } } }, "showBorder": false, "sortCriteriaField": "Value", "sortOrderField": 2 }, "gridSettings": { "formatters": [ { "columnMatch": "Subscription", "formatter": 5 }, { "columnMatch": "Name", "formatter": 13, "formatOptions": { "linkTarget": "Resource" } }, { "columnMatch": " Timeline", "formatter": 5 }, { "columnMatch": "", "formatter": 1, "numberFormat": { "unit": 0, "options": null } } ], "rowLimit": 10000, "labelSettings": [ { "columnId": "", "label": "Count Of Routes Advertised to Peer (Max)" }, { "columnId": " Timeline", "label": "Count Of Routes Advertised to Peer Timeline" } ] } }, "name": "metric - 0" }, { "type": 1, "content": { "json": "# BGP Advertisesments from your On-Prem BGP Peer to Azure has a limit of 4000 per hub. This is a break glass limit that should be closely monitored.\r\n", "style": "warning" }, "name": "text - 15" }, { "type": 10, "content": { "chartId": "workbook40de96a8-d8a3-4269-8820-72b0d6c172cd", "version": "MetricsItem/2.0", "size": 0, "chartType": -1, "resourceType": "", "metricScope": 0, "resourceParameter": "ERGateway", "resourceIds": [ "{ERGateway}" ], "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", "timeContext": { "durationMs": 0 }, "metrics": [ { "namespace": "", "metric": "", "aggregation": 3 } ], "gridFormatType": 1, "tileSettings": { "titleContent": { "columnMatch": "Name", "formatter": 13, "formatOptions": { "showIcon": true } }, "leftContent": { "columnMatch": "Value", "formatter": 12, "formatOptions": { "palette": "auto" }, "numberFormat": { "unit": 17, "options": { "maximumSignificantDigits": 3, "maximumFractionDigits": 2 } } }, "showBorder": false, "sortCriteriaField": "Value", "sortOrderField": 2 }, "gridSettings": { "rowLimit": 10000 } }, "name": "metric - 15" } ] }, "conditionalVisibility": { "parameterName": "TabSelected", "comparison": "isEqualTo", "value": "5" }, "name": "Azure Route Advertisements" }, { "type": 12, "content": { "version": "NotebookGroup/1.0", "groupType": "editable", "items": [ { "type": 1, "content": { "json": "### BGP Availability refers to connections being relayed over the connection pair. Both connections passing data over both connections shows as 100%. 1 connection not passing traffic shows as 50%. 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This does provide a pair of 10Gbps that can burst temporarily up to 10+Gbps if traffic is spread across the tunnels appropriately. As they are a redundant pair, you should not rely on the overprovisioning to be available.", "style": "info" }, "name": "text - 3" }, { "type": 1, "content": { "json": "### Graphs burst as needed.", "style": "upsell" }, "name": "text - 10" }, { "type": 10, "content": { "chartId": "workbook899a0cf0-3bf6-42e9-b7a0-9cc601354712", "version": "MetricsItem/2.0", "size": 0, "chartType": 2, "resourceType": "", "metricScope": 0, "resourceParameter": "ExpressRouteCircuit", "resourceIds": [ "{ExpressRouteCircuit}" ], "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", "timeContext": { "durationMs": 172800000 }, "metrics": [ { "namespace": "", "metric": " Traffic-BitsInPerSecond", "aggregation": 3 }, { "namespace": "", "metric": " Traffic-BitsOutPerSecond", "aggregation": 3 } ], "title": "Total Throughput", "gridSettings": { "rowLimit": 10000 } }, "conditionalVisibility": { "parameterName": "TabSelected", "comparison": "isEqualTo", "value": "2" }, "name": "Total Throughput" }, { "type": 10, "content": { "chartId": "workbook19f9cf84-113b-4af2-8556-6201c32a36ec", "version": "MetricsItem/2.0", "size": 0, "chartType": 2, "resourceType": "", "metricScope": 0, "resourceParameter": "ExpressRouteCircuit", "resourceIds": [ "{ExpressRouteCircuit}" ], "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", "timeContext": { "durationMs": 172800000 }, "metrics": [ { "namespace": "", "metric": " Traffic-BitsInPerSecond", "aggregation": 3 }, { "namespace": "", "metric": " Traffic-BitsOutPerSecond", "aggregation": 3 } ], "title": "Primary Connection traffic (Peer 1)", "filters": [ { "id": "1", "key": "DeviceRole", "operator": 0, "values": [ "Primary" ] } ], "gridSettings": { "rowLimit": 10000 } }, "customWidth": "50", "conditionalVisibility": { "parameterName": "TabSelected", "comparison": "isEqualTo", "value": "2" }, "name": "Primary Connection traffic " }, { "type": 10, "content": { "chartId": "workbookca3e1c87-41cc-4bde-aa92-ab3bd0a54290", "version": "MetricsItem/2.0", "size": 0, "chartType": 2, "resourceType": "", "metricScope": 0, "resourceParameter": "ExpressRouteCircuit", "resourceIds": [ "{ExpressRouteCircuit}" ], "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", "timeContext": { "durationMs": 172800000 }, "metrics": [ { "namespace": "", "metric": " Traffic-BitsInPerSecond", "aggregation": 3 }, { "namespace": "", "metric": " Traffic-BitsOutPerSecond", "aggregation": 3 } ], "title": "Secondary Connection traffic (Peer 2)", "filters": [ { "id": "2", "key": "DeviceRole", "operator": 0, "values": [ "secondary" ] } ], "gridSettings": { "rowLimit": 10000 } }, "customWidth": "50", "conditionalVisibility": { "parameterName": "TabSelected", "comparison": "isEqualTo", "value": "2" }, "name": "Secondary Connection traffic" } ] }, "conditionalVisibility": { "parameterName": "TabSelected", "comparison": "isEqualTo", "value": "2" }, "name": "Throughput" }, { "type": 12, "content": { "version": "NotebookGroup/1.0", "groupType": "editable", "items": [ { "type": 1, "content": { "json": "# Packets dropped from Gateway. Should be near 0. ", "style": "warning" }, "name": "text - 1" }, { "type": 10, "content": { "chartId": "workbooke20f8946-66e3-4760-972d-9384a019ee49", "version": "MetricsItem/2.0", "size": 0, "chartType": 2, "resourceType": "", "metricScope": 0, "resourceParameter": "ExpressRouteCircuit", "resourceIds": [ "{ExpressRouteCircuit}" ], "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", "timeContext": { "durationMs": 172800000 }, "metrics": [ { "namespace": "", "metric": " Qos-QosDropBitsInPerSecond", "aggregation": 4 }, { "namespace": "", "metric": " Qos-QosDropBitsOutPerSecond", "aggregation": 4 } ], "title": "Dropped Bits", "gridSettings": { "rowLimit": 10000 } }, "conditionalVisibility": { "parameterName": "TabSelected", "comparison": "isEqualTo", "value": "3" }, "name": "Dropped Bits" } ] }, "conditionalVisibility": { "parameterName": "TabSelected", "comparison": "isEqualTo", "value": "3" }, "name": "Packet Drops" }, { "type": 12, "content": { "version": "NotebookGroup/1.0", "groupType": "editable", "items": [ { "type": 1, "content": { "json": "## Average CPU per Gateway - Not per instance. This causes performance degredation as it nears 100%. ", "style": "info" }, "name": "text - 2" }, { "type": 10, "content": { "chartId": "workbook42e364a9-4e49-4431-bd8b-3af72cfdc3a4", "version": "MetricsItem/2.0", "size": 0, "chartType": 2, "resourceType": "", "metricScope": 0, "resourceParameter": "ERGateway", "resourceIds": [ "{ERGateway}" ], "timeContextFromParameter": "TimeRange", "timeContext": { "durationMs": 0 }, "metrics": [ { "namespace": "", "metric": "", "aggregation": 3, "splitBy": null } ], "title": "Gateway CPU Utilization (Max)", "gridSettings": { "rowLimit": 10000 } }, "conditionalVisibility": { "parameterName": "TabSelected", "comparison": "isEqualTo", "value": "4" }, "name": "Gateway CPU Utilization (Max)" }, { "type": 1, "content": { "json": "## Max Throughput per Gateway. This causes performance degredation if exceeded. 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