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Running Tests

David Peixotto edited this page Jul 24, 2017 · 5 revisions

To run tests, open the HLSL Console and run this command after a successful build.


Some tests will run shaders and verify their behavior. These tests also involve a driver that can run these execute these shaders. Currently all these tests are grouped under the ExecutionTest class in the tools/clang/unittests/HLSL library. See this section to learn how set up these up.

The tests for the DirectX Shader Compiler project are written to be mostly run within a single process, controlled by the Microsoft Test Authoring And Execution Framework. This framework is used in other test environments and is included in the Windows Driver Kit, and includes a number of features that make it well-suited to scale from short local test runs to broader distributed runs. You need not install the Windows Driver Kit to get it; the utils\hct\hctgettaef script will make it available under the externals directory.

If you built using ninja, pass the -ninja flag to hcttest.

If you want to run file check on single shader, pass file-check with filename like this:

 `hcttest file-check "..\CodeGenHLSL\shader-compat-suite\lib_arg_flatten\lib_arg_flatten.hlsl"`

If you want to run file check on a directory, pass compat-suite with path like this:

 `hcttest compat-suite "..\CodeGenHLSL\shader-compat-suite\lib_arg_flatten"`

By default, hcttest will run file check on tools\clang\test\CodeGenHLSL\shader-compat-suite. Any files added to shader-compat-suite are run automatically. Feel free to add new tests to this directory.