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Azure Function: Azure Stream Analytics to RESP (Redis)

This repository contains code for an Azure Function to proxy metric key updates from HTTP calls to the RESP protocol (Redis).

The primary purpose of the Azure Function is to enable Redis key updates from Azure Stream Analytics jobs and is referenced by the microsoft/Dynamics365-Sensor-Data-Intelligence-ARMDeployments sample repository for Dynamics 365 SCM Sensor Data Intelligence.

If an Azure Stream Analytics job outputs to this Azure Function, there must always be a metricKey column (case insensitive) such that the function knows which Redis key to upsert.

This sample code is made available as is. Microsoft makes no warranties, whether express or implied, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results or conditions of merchantability. The entire risk of the use or the results from the use of this sample template remains with the user. No technical support is provided beyond what is mentioned in


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Azure Function for proxying HTTP requests to the RESP protocol. Sample for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Sensor Data Intelligence metric population.



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