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This library provides standardized APIs for enabling feature flags within python applications. Utilize this library to secure a consistent experience when developing applications that use patterns such as beta access, rollout, dark deployments, and more.



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Microsoft Feature Management for Python

Feature Management is a library for enabling/disabling features at runtime. Developers can use feature flags in simple use cases like conditional statement to more advanced scenarios like conditionally adding routes.

Getting started


  • Python 3.7 or later is required to use this package.

Install the package

Install the Python feature management client library for Python with [pip][pip]:

pip install microsoft-featuremanagement


You can use feature flags from the Azure App Configuration service, a json file, or a dictionary.

Use feature flags from Azure App Configuration

from featuremanagement import FeatureManager
from azure.appconfiguration.provider import load
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
import os

endpoint = os.environ.get("APPCONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT_STRING")

# If no setting selector is set then feature flags with no label are loaded.
selects = {SettingSelector(key_filter=".appconfig.featureflag*")}

config = load(endpoint=endpoint, credential=DefaultAzureCredential(), selects=selects)

feature_manager = FeatureManager(config)

# Prints the value of the feature flag Alpha
print("Alpha is ", feature_manager.is_enabled("Alpha"))

Use feature flags from a json file

A Json file with the following format can be used to load feature flags.

    "feature_management": {
        "feature_flags": [
                "id": "Alpha",
                "description": "",
                "enabled": "true",
                "conditions": {
                    "client_filters": []

Load feature flags from a json file.

from featuremanagement import FeatureManager
import json
import os
import sys

script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))

f = open(script_directory + "/my_json_file.json", "r")

feature_flags = json.load(f)

feature_manager = FeatureManager(feature_flags)

# Returns the value of Alpha, based on the result of the feature filter
print("Alpha is ", feature_manager.is_enabled("Alpha"))

Use feature flags from a dictionary

from featuremanagement import FeatureManager

feature_flags = {
    "feature_management": {
        "feature_flags": [
                "id": "Alpha",
                "description": "",
                "enabled": "true",
                "conditions": {
                    "client_filters": []

feature_manager = FeatureManager(feature_flags)

# Is always true
print("Alpha is ", feature_manager.is_enabled("Alpha"))

Key concepts


The FeatureManager is the main entry point for using feature flags. It is initialized with a dictionary of feature flags, and optional feature filters. The FeatureManager can then be used to check if a feature is enabled or disabled.

Feature Flags

Feature Flags are objects that define how Feature Management enables/disables a feature. It contains an id and enabled property. The id is a string that uniquely identifies the feature flag. The enabled property is a boolean that indicates if the feature flag is enabled or disabled. The conditions object contains a property client_filters which is a list of FeatureFilter objects that are used to determine if the feature flag is enabled or disabled. The Feature Filters only run if the feature flag is enabled.

The full schema for a feature Flag can be found here.

    "id": "Alpha",
    "enabled": "true",
    "conditions": {
        "client_filters": [
                "name": "MyFilter",
                "parameters": {

This object is passed into the FeatureManager when it is initialized.

Feature Filters

Feature filters enable dynamic evaluation of feature flags. The Python feature management library includes two built-in filters:

  • Microsoft.TimeWindow - Enables a feature flag based on a time window.
  • Microsoft.Targeting - Enables a feature flag based on a list of users, groups, or rollout percentages.

Time Window Filter

The Time Window Filter enables a feature flag based on a time window. It has two parameters:

  • Start - The start time of the time window.
  • End - The end time of the time window.
    "name": "Microsoft.TimeWindow",
    "parameters": {
        "Start": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "End": "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"

Both parameters are optional, but at least one is required. The time window filter is enabled after the start time and before the end time. If the start time is not specified, it is enabled immediately. If the end time is not specified, it will remain enabled after the start time.

Targeting Filter

Targeting is a feature management strategy that enables developers to progressively roll out new features to their user base. The strategy is built on the concept of targeting a set of users known as the target audience. An audience is made up of specific users, groups, excluded users/groups, and a designated percentage of the entire user base. The groups that are included in the audience can be broken down further into percentages of their total members.

The following steps demonstrate an example of a progressive rollout for a new 'Beta' feature:

  1. Individual users Jeff and Alicia are granted access to the Beta
  2. Another user, Mark, asks to opt-in and is included.
  3. Twenty percent of a group known as "Ring1" users are included in the Beta.
  4. The number of "Ring1" users included in the beta is bumped up to 100 percent.
  5. Five percent of the user base is included in the beta.
  6. The rollout percentage is bumped up to 100 percent and the feature is completely rolled out.

This strategy for rolling out a feature is built in to the library through the included Microsoft.Targeting feature filter.

Defining a Targeting Feature Filter

The Targeting Filter provides the capability to enable a feature for a target audience. The filter parameters include an Audience object which describes users, groups, excluded users/groups, and a default percentage of the user base that should have access to the feature. The Audience object contains the following fields:

  • Users - A list of users that the feature flag is enabled for.
  • Groups - A list of groups that the feature flag is enabled for and a rollout percentage for each group.
    • Name - The name of the group.
    • RolloutPercentage - A percentage value that the feature flag is enabled for in the given group.
  • DefaultRolloutPercentage - A percentage value that the feature flag is enabled for.
  • Exclusion - An object that contains a list of users and groups that the feature flag is disabled for.
    • Users - A list of users that the feature flag is disabled for.
    • Groups - A list of groups that the feature flag is disabled for.
    "name": "Microsoft.Targeting",
    "parameters": {
        "Audience": {
            "Users": ["user1", "user2"],
            "Groups": [
                    "Name": "group1",
                    "RolloutPercentage": 100
            "DefaultRolloutPercentage": 50,
            "Exclusion": {
                "Users": ["user3"],
                "Groups": ["group2"]
Using Targeting Feature Filter

You can provide the current user info through kwargs when calling isEnabled.

# Returns true, because user1 is in the Users list
feature_manager.is_enabled("Beta", user="user1", groups=["group1"])

# Returns false, because group2 is in the Exclusion.Groups list
feature_manager.is_enabled("Beta", user="user1", groups=["group2"])

# Has a 50% chance of returning true, but will be conisistent for the same user
feature_manager.is_enabled("Beta", user="user4")

Custom Filters

You can also create your own feature filters by implementing the FeatureFilter interface.

class MyCustomFilter(FeatureFilter):

    def evaluate(self, context, **kwargs):
        return True

They can then be passed into the FeatureManager when it is initialized. By default, the name of a feature filter is the name of the class. You can override this by setting a class attribute alias to the modified class name.

feature_manager = FeatureManager(feature_flags, feature_filters={MyCustomFilter(), MyOtherFilter()})

The evaluate method is called when checking if a feature flag is enabled. The context parameter contains information about the feature filter from the parameters field of the feature filter. Any additional parameters can be passed in as keyword arguments when calling is_enabled.

    "name": "CustomFilter",
    "parameters": {

You can modify the name of a feature flag by using the @FeatureFilter.alias decorator. The alias overrides the name of the feature filter and needs to match the name of the feature filter in the feature flag json.

class MyCustomFilter(FeatureFilter):

Feature Variants

When new features are added to an application, there may come a time when a feature has multiple different proposed design options. A common solution for deciding on a design is some form of A/B testing, which involves providing a different version of the feature to different segments of the user base and choosing a version based on user interaction. In this library, this functionality is enabled by representing different configurations of a feature with variants.

Variants enable a feature flag to become more than a simple on/off flag. A variant represents a value of a feature flag that can be a string, a number, a boolean, or even a configuration object. A feature flag that declares variants should define under what circumstances each variant should be used, which is covered in greater detail in the Allocating Variants section.

class Variant():

    def name(self):

    def configuration(self):

Getting Variants

For each feature, a variant can be retrieved using FeatureManager's get_variant method. The method returns a Variant object that contains the name and configuration of the variant. Once a variant is retrieved, the configuration of a variant can be used directly as JSON from the variant's configuration property.

feature_manager = FeatureManager(feature_flags)

variant = feature_manager.get_variant("FeatureU")

my_configuration = variant.configuration

variant = feature_manager.get_variant("FeatureV")

sub_configuration = variant.configuration["json_key"]

Defining Variants

Each variant has two properties: a name and a configuration. The name is used to refer to a specific variant, and the configuration is the value of that variant. The configuration can be set using either the configuration_reference or configuration_value properties. configuration_reference is a string that references a configuration, this configuration is a key inside of the configuration object passed into FeatureManager. configuration_value is an inline configuration that can be a string, number, boolean, or json object. If both are specified, configuration_value is used. If neither are specified, the returned variant's configuration property will be None.

A list of all possible variants is defined for each feature under the Variants property.

    "feature_management": {
        "feature_flags": [
                "id": "FeatureU",
                "variants": [
                        "name": "VariantA",
                        "configuration_reference": "config1"
                        "name": "VariantB",
                        "configuration_value": {
                            "name": "value"

Allocating Variants

The process of allocating a feature's variants is determined by the allocation property of the feature.

"allocation": { 
    "default_when_enabled": "Small", 
    "default_when_disabled": "Small",  
    "user": [ 
            "variant": "Big", 
            "users": [ 
    "group": [ 
            "variant": "Big", 
            "groups": [ 
    "percentile": [ 
            "variant": "Big", 
            "from": 0, 
            "to": 10 
    "seed": "13973240" 
"variants": [
        "name": "Big", 
        "configuration_reference": "ShoppingCart:Big" 
        "name": "Small", 
        "configuration_value": "300px"

The allocation setting of a feature flag has the following properties:

Property Description
default_when_disabled Specifies which variant should be used when a variant is requested while the feature is considered disabled.
default_when_enabled Specifies which variant should be used when a variant is requested while the feature is considered enabled and no other variant was assigned to the user.
user Specifies a variant and a list of users to whom that variant should be assigned.
group Specifies a variant and a list of groups the current user has to be in for that variant to be assigned.
percentile Specifies a variant and a percentage range the user's calculated percentage has to fit into for that variant to be assigned.
seed The value which percentage calculations for percentile are based on. The percentage calculation for a specific user will be the same across all features if the same seed value is used. If no seed is specified, then a default seed is created based on the feature name.

In the above example, if the feature is not enabled, the feature manager will assign the variant marked as default_when_disabled to the current user, which is Small in this case.

If the feature is enabled, the feature manager will check the user, group, and percentile allocations in that order to assign a variant. For this particular example, if the user being evaluated is named Marsha, in the group named Ring1, or the user happens to fall between the 0 and 10th percentile, then the specified variant is assigned to the user. In this case, all of these would return the Big variant. If none of these allocations match, the user is assigned the default_when_enabled variant, which is Small.

Allocation logic is similar to the Microsoft.Targeting feature filter, but there are some parameters that are present in targeting that aren't in allocation, and vice versa. The outcomes of targeting and allocation are not related.

Overriding Enabled State with a Variant

You can use variants to override the enabled state of a feature flag. This gives variants an opportunity to extend the evaluation of a feature flag. If a caller is checking whether a flag that has variants is enabled, the feature manager will check if the variant assigned to the current user is set up to override the result. This is done using the optional variant property status_override. By default, this property is set to None, which means the variant doesn't affect whether the flag is considered enabled or disabled. Setting status_override to Enabled allows the variant, when chosen, to override a flag to be enabled. Setting status_override to Disabled provides the opposite functionality, therefore disabling the flag when the variant is chosen.

If you are using a feature flag with binary variants, the status_override property can be very helpful. It allows you to continue using is_enabled in your application, all while benefiting from the new features that come with variants, such as percentile allocation and seed.

"allocation": {
    "percentile": [{
        "variant": "On",
        "from": 10,
        "to": 20
    "default_when_enabled":  "Off",
    "seed": "Enhanced-Feature-Group"
"variants": [
        "name": "On"
        "name": "Off",
        "status_override": "Disabled"
"enabled_for": [ 
        "name": "AlwaysOn" 

In the above example, the feature is enabled by the AlwaysOn filter. If the current user is in the calculated percentile range of 10 to 20, then the On variant is returned. Otherwise, the Off variant is returned and because status_override is equal to Disabled, the feature will now be considered disabled.


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This library provides standardized APIs for enabling feature flags within python applications. Utilize this library to secure a consistent experience when developing applications that use patterns such as beta access, rollout, dark deployments, and more.



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