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Create Productive Apps with Office 365


Developing Apps for Microsoft Teams requires preparation for both the Office 365 Tenant and the development workstation.

Note you will need to get an Office 365 tenancy for working with Teams.

Install Developer Tools

The developer workstation requires the following tools for this lab.

Install NodeJS & NPM

Install NodeJS Long Term Support (LTS) version.

  • If you have NodeJS already installed please check you have the latest version using node -v. It should return the current LTS version.
  • Allowing the Node setup program to update the computer PATH during setup will make the console-based tasks in this easier to accomplish.

After installing node, make sure npm is up to date by running following command:

npm install -g npm

Install Yeoman and Gulp

Yeoman helps you kick-start new projects, and prescribes best practices and tools to help you stay productive. This lab uses a Yeoman generator for Microsoft Teams to quickly create a working, JavaScript-based solution.

Enter the following command to install Yeoman and gulp:

npm install -g yo gulp

Install Yeoman Teams Generator

The Yeoman Teams generator helps you quickly create a Microsoft Teams solution project with boilerplate code and a project structure & tools to rapidly create and test your app.

Enter the following command to install the Yeoman Teams generator:

npm install generator-teams@preview -g

Download ngrok

As Microsoft Teams is an entirely cloud-based product, it requires all services it accesses to be available from the cloud using HTTPS endpoints. Therefore, to enable the exercises to work within Teams, a tunneling application is required.

This lab uses ngrok for tunneling publicly-available HTTPS endpoints to a web server running locally on the developer workstation. ngrok is a single-file download that is run from a console.

Code Editors

Tabs in Microsoft Teams are HTML pages hosted in an IFrame. The pages can reference CSS and JavaScript like any web page in a browser.

Microsoft Teams supports much of the common Bot Framework functionality. The Bot Framework provides an SDK for C# and Node.

You can use any code editor or IDE that supports these technologies, however the steps and code samples in this training use Visual Studio Code for Tabs using HTML/JavaScript and Visual Studio 2017 for Bots using the C# SDK.

Bot Template for Visual Studio 2017

Download and install the Bot Application template zip from the direct download link Save the zip file to your Visual Studio 2017 templates directory which is traditionally located in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Templates\ProjectTemplates\

Bot Template In Templates Directory

Teams Setup

  1. Confirm sideloading apps is enabled in Teams. In a browser login into with your Office Tenant and follow the instructions on this page. You will need to restart Teams after changing any sideload settings.

  2. Make sure Teams is installed and login with your Office tenant account.

  3. Make sure the App Studio app is installed in Teams. If not use the Teams Store to find it and install. Once installed, open App Studio and click on the Manifest editor tab.

  4. Create a new app. Fill out all of the required fields in the App details section. That is all we need for now. We will use this later on for the Teams bot demo.

Machine Pre-Demo Preparation: Create and Test a Basic Teams App using Yeoman

Note: In this demo, we will set up a pre-prepared Teams tenancy so that users don't have to watch these files download. We will also pre-add some authentication files to the project.

This exercise introduces the Yeoman generator and its capabilities for scaffolding a project and testing its functionality. In this exercise, you will create a basic Teams app.

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Change to the directory where you will create the tab.

Note: Directory paths can become quite long after node modules are imported. We suggest you use a directory name without spaces in it and create it in the root folder of your drive. This will make working with the solution easier in the future and protect you from potential issues associated with long file paths. In this example, we use c:\Dev as the working directory.

  1. Type md teams-app1 and press Enter.
  2. Type cd teams-app1 and press Enter.

Run the Yeoman Teams Generator

  1. Type yo teams and press Enter.

  2. When prompted:

    1. Accept the default teams-app-1 as your solution name and press Enter.
    2. Select Use the current folder for where to place the files and press Enter.
  3. The next set of prompts asks for specific information about your Teams App:

    1. Accept the default teams app1 as the name of your Microsoft Teams App project and press Enter.
    2. Enter your name and press Enter.
    3. Enter as the URL where you will host this tab and press Enter. (We will change this URL later.)
    4. Accept the default selection of Tab for what you want to add to your project and press Enter.
    5. Accept the default teams app1 Tab as the default tab name and press Enter.

Note: At this point, Yeoman will install the required dependencies and scaffold the solution files along with the basic tab. This might take a few minutes. When the scaffold is complete, you should see the following message indicating success.

Add the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to the project

Using npm, add the Microsoft Authentication library to the project.

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.

  2. Change to the directory containing the tab application.

  3. Run the following command:

    npm install msal@0.1.1

Pre-add the authentication helper files to the project.

  1. Add a new file to the web folder named auth.html

    1. Add the following to the auth.html file.

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <!-- inject:css -->
        <!-- endinject -->
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <!-- inject:js -->
        <!-- endinject -->
        <script type='text/javascript'>
          var auth = new teamsApp1.Auth();

    Note: If your app is not called teams app1 you will need to replace teamsApp1 in the teamsApp1.Auth() call for the code above.

  2. Add a new file to the scripts folder named auth.ts

    1. Add the following to the auth.ts file. Note that there is a token named [application-id-from-registration] that must be replaced later during the actual demo. Use the value of the Application Id copied from the Application Registration page.

      * Implementation of the teams app1 Auth page
      /// <reference path="../../../node_modules/msal/out/msal.d.ts" />
      export class Auth {
        private token: string = "";
        private user: Msal.User;
        * Constructor for Tab that initializes the Microsoft Teams script
        constructor() {
        public performAuthV2(level: string) {
          // Setup auth parameters for MSAL
          let graphAPIScopes: string[] = ["", ""];
          let userAgentApplication = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(
          if (userAgentApplication.isCallback(window.location.hash)) {
              (token) => {
                if (this.user == null) {
                  this.user = userAgentApplication.getUser()!;
                  this.getToken(userAgentApplication, graphAPIScopes);
                } else {
              (error) => { microsoftTeams.authentication.notifyFailure(error); }
          } else {
            this.user = userAgentApplication.getUser();
            if (!this.user) {
              // If user is not signed in, then prompt user to sign in via loginRedirect.
              // This will redirect user to the Azure Active Directory v2 Endpoint
            } else {
              this.getToken(userAgentApplication, graphAPIScopes);
        private getToken(userAgentApplication: Msal.UserAgentApplication, graphAPIScopes: string[]) {
          // In order to call the Graph API, an access token needs to be acquired.
          // Try to acquire the token used to query Graph API silently first:
            (token) => {
              //After the access token is acquired, return to MS Teams, sending the acquired token
            (error) => {
              // If the acquireTokenSilent() method fails, then acquire the token interactively via acquireTokenRedirect().
              // In this case, the browser will redirect user back to the Azure Active Directory v2 Endpoint so the user
              // can reenter the current username/ password and/ or give consent to new permissions your application is requesting.
              if (error) {
        private tokenReceivedCallback(errorDesc, token, error, tokenType) {
          //  suppress typescript compile errors
  3. Locate the file scripts/client.ts

    1. Add the following line to the bottom of scripts/client.ts
    export * from './auth';

Excercise 1: Create and Test a Basic Teams App using Yeoman

Note: you may want to show users the yeoman tool in a separate folder, but not let it run to completion since it can take a minute. Start yeoman as you did in the pre-demo steps, but hit Ctrl-C to stop it and go to your prepared demo folder.

Run the ngrok secure tunnel application

  1. Open a new Command Prompt window.
  2. Change to the directory that contains the ngrok.exe application.
  3. run the command ngrok http 3007
  4. The ngrok application will fill the entire prompt window. Make note of the Forwarding address using https. This address is required in the next step.
  5. Minimize the ngrok Command Prompt window. It is no longer referenced in this exercise, but it must remain running.

Update the Teams app manifest and create package

When the solution was generated, we used a placeholder URL. Now that the tunnel is running, we need to use the actual URL that is routed to our computer.

  1. Return to the first Command Prompt window in which the generator was run.

  2. Launch Visual Studio Code by running the command code .

  3. Open the manifest.json file in the manifest folder.

  4. Replace all instances of with the HTTPS Forwarding address from the ngrok window. (In this example, the forwarding address is There are 6 URLs that need to be changed.

  5. Save the manifest.json file.

  6. In the Command Prompt window, run the command gulp manifest. This command will create the package as a zip file in the package folder

  7. Build the webpack and start the Express web server by running the following commands:

    gulp build
    gulp serve

    Note: The gulp serve process must be running in order to see the tab in the Teams application. When the process is no longer needed, press CTRL+C to cancel the server.

Sideload app into Microsoft Teams

  1. In the Microsoft Teams application, click the Create and join team link. Then click the Create team button.

  2. Enter a team name and description. In this example, the Team is named teams-app-1. Click Next.

  3. Optionally, invite others from your organization to the team. This step can be skipped in this lab.

  4. The new team is shown. In the left-side panel, click the ellipses next to the team name. Choose Manage team from the context menu.

  5. On the Manage team display, click Apps in the tab strip. Then click the Upload a custom app link at the bottom right corner of the application. (If you don't have this link check the sideload settings in the Getting Started article.)

  6. Select the file from the package folder. Click Open.

  7. The app is displayed. Notice information about the app from the manifest (Description and Icon) is displayed.

The app is now sideloaded into the Microsoft Teams application and the Tab is available in the Tab Gallery.

Add Tab to Team view

  1. Tabs are not automatically displayed for the Team. To add the tab, click on the General channel in the Team.

  2. Click the + icon at the end of the tab strip.

  3. In the Tab gallery, sideloaded tabs are displayed in the Tabs for your team section. Tabs in this section are arranged alphabetically. Select the tab created in this lab.

  4. The generator creates a configurable tab. When the Tab is added to the Team, the configuration page is displayed. Enter any value in the Setting box and click Save.

  5. The value entered will then be displayed in the Tab window.

This concludes Exercise 1A.

Exercise 1B: Call Microsoft Graph inside a Tab

This section of the lab will extend the tab created in Exercise 1 to call the Microsoft Graph. The Exercise contains many code files. The solutions folder contains files that contain the code and are provided to facilitate copy/paste of the code rather than typing.

Register an application in AAD

To enable an application to call the Microsoft Graph, an application registration is required. This lab uses the Azure Active Directory v2.0 endpoint.

  1. Open a browser to the url

  2. Log in with a Work or School account.

  3. Click Add an app

  4. Complete the Register your application section, entering an Application name and Contact email. Clear the checkbox for Guided Setup. Click Create

  5. On the registration page, in the Platforms section, click Add Platform.

  6. In the Add Platform dialog, click Web.

  7. Using the hostname from ngrok, enter a Redirect URL to the auth.html file.

  8. Click the Add URL button.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Make note of the Application Id. This value is used in the authentication / token code.

Content Page and Authentication

With the tab configured, the content page can now render information as selected. Perform the following to update the Tab content.

These steps assume that the application created in Exercise 1 is named teams-app-1. Furthermore, paths listed in this section are relative to the src/app/ folder in the generated application.

  1. Open the file web/teamsApp1TabTab.html. Just before the </body> element add the following code snippet.

     <div id="graph"></div>
  2. Open the file scripts/teamsApp1TabTab.ts.

    1. Add the following refresh() method above the componentWillMount() method.

      public refresh() {
         let graphElement = document.getElementById("graph");
         graphElement!.innerText = "Loading profile...";
             url: "/auth.html",
             width: 700,
             height: 500,
             successCallback: (data) => {
               let graphEndpoint = "";
               var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
     "GET", graphEndpoint, false);
               req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + data);
               req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;");
               var result = JSON.parse(req.responseText);
               document.getElementById("graph")!.innerHTML = `<table><tr><td>Name</td><td>${result.displayName}<//td></tr><tr><td>Job</td><td>${result.jobTitle}<//td></tr><tr><td>Location</td><td>${result.officeLocation}<//td></tr></table>`;
             failureCallback: function (err) {
               document.getElementById("graph")!.innerHTML = "Failed to authenticate and get token.<br/>" + err;
    2. Locate the PrimaryButton tag. Replace the tag with the following code snippet. This will call the refresh method above when clicked and kick off the Graph authorization flow.

      <PrimaryButton onClick={ this.refresh }>Refresh</PrimaryButton>
  3. Switch over to the auth.ts file and locate the performAuthV2 method. Copy your application ID you registered earlier and replace [PASTE YOUR APP ID FROM APPS.DEV.MICROSOFT.COM HERE] with it as shown below.

     public performAuthV2(level: string) {
       // Setup auth parameters for MSAL
       let graphAPIScopes: string[] = ["", ""];
       let userAgentApplication = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(
                                           "[PASTE YOUR APP ID FROM APPS.DEV.MICROSOFT.COM HERE]",
  4. Save all of your file changes. With gulp serve still running your changes should automatically be served out. Refresh the Tab in Microsoft Teams. Click the Refresh button to invoke the authentication and call to

  5. Login with your Office tenant when prompted and grant permission for the tab to access the account's Graph information. You should now see the tenant's name, position, and location get displayed.

This concludes Exercise 1B.

Exercise 2: Create and test a basic Teams Bot using Visual Studio

This section of the lab introduces the Bot Framework template and its capabilities for scaffolding a project and testing its functionality. In this exercise, you will create a basic Teams bot.

  1. Launch Visual Studio 2017 as an administrator

  2. In Visual Studio 2017, select File | New | Project

  3. Create a new Visual C# project using the Bot Application Template

  4. Build the solution to download all configured NuGet packages.

  5. Right-click on the project in Solution Explorer and select Manage Nuget Packages. Update all the packages, ensuring that the Microsoft.Bot.Builder is at least version 3.12. Repeat until all the packages are up-to-date.

The Bot Application template is a fully functional Echo Bot that takes the user's text utterance as input and returns it as output. In order to run the bot inside Microsoft Teams:

  • The bot must be accessible from the internet
  • The bot must be registered with the Bot Connector
  • The AppId and AppPassword from the Bot Framework registration page have to be recorded in the project's web.config
  • The bot must be added to Microsoft Teams

Before registering the bot, note the URL configured for the solution in Visual Studio.

  1. In Solution Explorer, double-click on Properties.

  2. In the Properties designer, select the Web tab.

  3. Note the Project URL.

Run the ngrok secure tunnel application

  1. Open a new Command Prompt window.
  2. Download ngrok ( and unzip the ngrok secure tunnel application. Change to the directory that contains the ngrok.exe application.
  3. Run the command ngrok http [port] -host-header=localhost:[port] (Replace [port] with the port portion of the URL noted above.)
  4. The ngrok application will fill the entire prompt window. Make note of the Forwarding address using https. This address is required in the next step.
  5. Minimize the ngrok Command Prompt window. It is no longer referenced in this lab, but it must remain running.

Register the bot

Note: The process of Bot registration changed effective March 31, 2018. The process below will still work but there will be a warning message about a required migration to Azure. Once you add the Teams channel to the bot then this requirement will change to a recommendation. To reduce churn to this session we are leaving the flow as-is. For more information you can read this page here. For more info on registering through Azure please read Register a bot with Bot Service.

  1. Go to the Microsoft Bot Framework portal at and sign in. (The bot registration portal accepts a Work or School Account or a Microsoft Account.)

  2. Click Create a bot or skill. (If the Create button is not shown, click My bots in the top navigation.)

  3. Complete the Bot profile section, entering a Display name, unique Bot handle and description.

  4. Complete the Configuration section.

    1. For the Messaging endpoint, use the Forwarding https address from ngrok with /api/messages appended to provide the route to the MessagesController in the Visual Studio project. In the example, this is

    2. Click the Create Microsoft App ID and password button. This opens a new browser tab/window.

    3. In the new browser tab/window the application is registered in Azure Active Directory. Click Generate an app password to continue.

    4. An app password is generated. Copy the password and save it. You will use it in a subsequent step.

    5. Click OK. This closes the popup.

    6. Click the Finish and go back to Bot Framework button. This closes the new browser tab/window and populates the app Id in the Paste your app ID below to continue textbox.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Agree to the Privacy statement, Terms of use, and Code of conduct and click the Register button. Once the Bot is created, click OK to dismiss the pop-up.

    The Connect to channels page is displayed for the newly-created bot. The bot must be connected to Microsoft Teams.

  6. Click the Teams logo.

  7. Once the connection is complete, ensure the connection is Enabled and click Done

The bot registration is complete.

Clicking on Settings in the top navigation will re-display the profile and configuration sections. This can be used to update the Messaging endpoint in the event ngrok is stopped, or the bot is moved to staging/production.

Configure the web project

The bot project must be configured with information from the registration.

  1. In Visual Studio, open the Web.config file. Locate the <appSettings> section.

  2. Enter the BotId value. the BotId is the Bot handle from the Configuration section of the registration.

  3. Enter the MicrosoftAppId. The MicrosoftAppId is the app ID from the Configuration section of the registration.

  4. Enter the MicrosoftAppPassword. The MicrosoftAppPassword is the auto-generated app password displayed in the pop-up during registration.

    If you do not have the app password, the bot must be deleted and re-registered. An app password cannot be reset nor displayed.

Test the bot using the portal

The Bot registration portal can be used to test the bot.

  1. Ensure ngrok is still running, and the Messaging endpoint of the bot registration is using the hostname shown as the Forwarding https address in ngrok.

  2. In Visual Studio, press F5 to start the project.

  3. Once the default.htm page is displayed, return to the Bot registration portal.

  4. Select your bot.

  5. In the top-right corner of the page, click the Test button.

  6. Enter a message and press Enter. The message is echoed back along with the length of the message.

    If the message cannot be sent, there is an error in the configuration of the Bot registration, ngrok and Visual Studio. The request should be visible in the ngrok command window. For additional detail on the request in ngrok, open the address http://localhost:4040. If no requests are displayed in ngrok, then the Messaging endpoint has the wrong hostname, or there is a disruption in the network connectivity.

Configure Visual Studio to Package bot

  1. Within the Teams App Studio application, go to the app we created ahead of time at the beginning. Click on the Manifest editor tab and select the app you created. Click on Bots in the Capabilities section.

  2. On the Bots pane, click the Set up button for an existing bot. Give the bot a name and paste in your bot app ID from the bot registration process we did earlier.

  3. Now select Test and distribute. Click the Export button to save the packaged zip filename to the Downloads folder on your machine. We will use this zip file in the next step.

Sideload app into Microsoft Teams

Choose a Team to add the bot to. Like before when we added the tab app, navigate to the Manage Team pane for the Team.

  1. On the Manage team display, click Apps in the tab strip. Then click the Upload a custom app link at the bottom right corner of the application.

  2. Select the file from the Downloads folder. Click Open. Your zip file may be different based on what you called your Teams app.

  3. The app is displayed. Notice information about the app from the manifest (Description and Icon) is displayed.

The app is now sideloaded into the Microsoft Teams application and the bot is available.

Interact with the Bot

In the General channel for the team, a message is created announcing the bot has been added to the Team. To interact with the bot, @ mention the bot.

As you test the bot, you will notice that the character count is not correct. You can set breakpoints in the Visual Studio project to debug the code. (Remember, however, that the count was correct using the registration portal.) Later modules of this training will review how to remove mentions from the message.

This concludes Exercise 2.