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MLCVQA, or Machine Learning Codec Video Quality Assessment, is a tool designed to assess the subjective quality of videos compressed using machine learning based codecs. The system utilizes two feature extractors, SlowFast and VMAF, to extract relevant features from the video. These features are then concatenated and fed into a classification network, which produces a final MOS (mean opinion score) as the output. This tool serves as a useful tool for researchers and practitioners in the field of video quality assessment, as it allows for the analysis of the performance of machine learning based codecs.

MLCVQA is a model that is trained and tested on sequences with 300 frames and a resolution of 1920x1080. The current pipeline preprocesses the data to match these dimensions and length if needed. However, it is important to note that the resulting scores may not be as accurate if the frame dimension and sequence length are very different from what the model is trained on.

Installation and Usage with Docker


Run the following command in docker folder:

docker build . -t <image_name:tag> 

Make sure BuildKit is enabled. You can add it to path by export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1.


For a single pair of videos, run:

docker run --rm --gpus all --shm-size 2Gb -v <path/to/repo>:/app -v <path/to/dataset>:/mnt -v <path/to/outputs>:/app/outputs <image_name:tag> python --ref <path_to>/ref.yuv --dis <path_to>/dis.yuv --preprocess

For a list of pair of videos, run

docker run --rm --gpus all --shm-size 2Gb -v <path/to/repo>:/app -v <path/to/dataset>:/mnt -v <path/to/outputs>:/app/outputs <image_name:tag> python --dataset <path_to>/dataset.csv --preprocess

Mounted folders

  • <path/to/repo>:/app mounts the MLCVQA repository
  • <path/to/dataset>:/mnt mounts the folder that contains origianl and distorted videos. Videos can be in sufolders of dataset.
  • <path/to/outputs>:/app/outputs mounts the folder where MCLVQA outputs are to be saved


Arguments --dataset, --ref, and --dis must be container local paths.


For the dataset parameter to work properly, the provided file has to have:

  • No header
  • Comma separated values
  • Ref first, Dis second
  • Ref and Dis are full paths to the YUV videos

For example:


    "sample_name": [
    "pred_mos": [

Predicted values are expected to be between 1 and 9.

Debugging MLCVQA

Example configuration files for VSCode are in docker/vscode folder:


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Machine Learning Codec Video Quality Assessment



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