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SpatialUnderstanding HoloToolkit module - first time checkin #187

merged 6 commits into from
Aug 30, 2016
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
HoloToolkit Examples - Spatial Understanding - Feature Overview

## Description
The HoloToolkit.SpatialUnderstanding library encapsulates this technology, allowing you to quickly find empty spaces on the walls, place objects on the ceiling, identify placed for character to sit, and a myriad of other spatial understanding queries.

There are three primary interfaces exposed by the module: topology for simple surface and spatial queries, shape for object detection, and the object placement solver for constraint based placement of object sets.

In addition to the three primary module interfaces, a ray casting interface can be used to retrieve tagged surface types and a custom watertight playspace mesh can be copied out.

This sample demonstrates many of the features of the Spatial Understanding addon.
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It would be good to list what the addon actually does somewhere.

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I have a writeup with images I'd love to put somewhere. Can I get that to you to get posted on the wiki (or an appropriate place)? I'll add more inline in the readme as well.

1. Import the HoloToolkit into the project
2. Open the Scenes\Main level
3. Build for HoloLens
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I know "Build for HoloLens" step should technically cover this, but you might want to add "Don't forget to turn on the SpatialPerception capability under Player settings." I created a new Unity project, used the HoloToolkit menu item to apply project settings, then imported your scene. When I first ran it on the device it took a minute or two before dawned on me why it wouldn't progress beyond the "Scan your play space" message. Doh!

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