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Challenge4 - Deploy FHIR Sync Agent to Azure

FHIR-SyncAgent sychronizes health data between Azure API for FHIR and Dataverse' Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare securely and seemlessly. Applications built on the Dynamics platform (which includes Dynamics model-driven applications) that uses Dataverse can operate without the need to make REST API calls directly against Azure API for FHIR.

This challenge is based on FHIR Sync Agent. Review the main ReadMe as well as the ReadMe in the ./scripts folder for more detail.

Reference Architecture

FHIR Sync Agent includes two primary components:

  1. FHIR Sync Agent service (Azure)
    • consists of Azure services that are deployed directly within your Azure Subscription
  2. Sync admin for FHIR application (Power Platform Dataverse) Both components are required in order for clinical information to properly flow between Azure API for FHIR and Dataverse.
    • deployed automatically when you deploy any of the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare healthcare solutions through the Microsoft Cloud Solution Center

In this challenge you will focus on deploying the FHIR Sync Agent components in Azure.

To complete this challenge successfully, you will perform the following tasks.

  • Register a Service Client in Azure tenant where Dataverse/Dynamics 365 is deployed, for authenticating the Sync Agent with Dataverse.
  • Deploy Sync Agent Azure Function and related services.
  • Validate deployment.


  1. If you haven't completed Challenge0, Challenge1, and Challenge2, complete them now.
  2. The following resource providers must be registered in your subscription. To check, go to Subscriptions, click Resource providers in the left navigation. Then filter by name
    • Function App
    • Application Insights
    • App Service Plan
    • Service Bus Namespace
    • Storage Account
  3. Have the target Dataverse/Dynamics 365 URL ready
  4. Access to the Azure FHIR Sync Agent (currently private to Microsoft Internal), or a downloaded copy of the repo is required
    • If you are Microsoft Internal: a personal access token is required to clone the repo. For more information review
      • Ensure your github account is a member of the Microsoft Organization
      • Go to github Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens. Generate a new token with repo scope.
      • Once generated, copy and note the token for use in the Deployment steps later.
      • On the token, click Configure SSO > Authorize.
    • If you are not Microsoft Internal: request a copy of the downloaded repo from your Microsoft contact.
      • Upload the zip file in the Azure Cloud Shell, and use the unzip command

Create Service Client for Sync Agent

  1. Go to App Registrations in Azure Portal

    NOTE: You must be in the same Azure Tenant as the target Dataverse/Dynamics 365 environment being integrated with the Azure API for FHIR.

  2. Register a new application named {prefix}syncdv-svc-client:
    • Select Single tenant for accounts supported
  3. In the newly registered application, note the following for use in deployment below:
    • Application (client) ID
    • Directory (tenant) ID
  4. Still in the {prefix}syncdv-svc-client application, go to Certificates & secrets and add a new secret.
    • IMPORTANT: Note the secret Value for use in deployment steps, as it is only visible during creation
  5. For awareness: The details of this App Registration that you are noting now will be entered during deployment below, after which will be stored in the below secrets in the {prefix}kv Key Vault deployed in Challenge1.


  1. Open Azure Cloud Shell you can also access this from Azure Portal
  2. Select Bash Shell for the environment
  3. If you have multiple tenants, set the right tenant
    az account set --s {subscriptionid or tenantid}
  4. Clone the FHIR Sync Agent repo, entering your Github username, and personal access token generated during prerequisites as the password.
    git clone

    NOTE: If you do not have access to this private repo, skip this step, as you should have already uploaded a copy of the repo in prerequisite steps.

  5. Change directory into the /scripts folder of the cloned repo.
    cd ./fhir-cds-agent/scripts

    NOTE: the directory path may be different if you uploaded the repo manually.

  6. Make the bash script executable.
    chmod +x deploysyncagent.bash
  7. Execute the deploy script, entering required details when prompted:
    • Subscription ID
    • Resource Group Name used in Challenge1
    • Resource Group Location used in Challenge1
    • A prefix, such as {sync} (keep short additional characters will be appended)
    • Key Vault Name created in Challenge1 {prefix}kv
    • Name for Sync App, such as {sync} (keep short additional characters will be appended)

NOTE: This deployment will take ~10 minutes

WARNING: This deployment script sets an optional Application Setting SA-LOGREQRESP to true, which enables additional logging meant for dev environment with fake patient data only. This additional logging will include the FHIR bundle details which contains patient data in logs, which is a violation if used in upper environments containing real patient data. Ensure this setting is always set to false in environments with real patient data.

NOTE: If Function App is failing in cloud shell, it might be that Function App takes times to deploy and cloud shell is moving too fast; try using Ubuntu to deploy

Configure FHIR Sync Agent to Dataverse Connection

This step can be done again at any time to change the Dataverse/Dynamics environment the Sync Agent connects to

  1. Open Azure Cloud Shell you can also access this from Azure Portal
  2. Select Bash Shell for the environment
  3. If you have multiple tenants, set the right tenant
    az account set --s {subscriptionid or tenantid}
  4. Change directory into the /scripts folder of the cloned Sync Agent repo cloned (from Deployment step)
    cd ./fhir-cds-agent/scripts

    NOTE: the directory path may be different if you uploaded the repo manually.

  5. Make the bash script executable.
    chmod +x setupSyncAgent.bash
  6. Execute the setup script, entering required details when prompted:
    • Resource Group Name used in Challenge1
    • Key Vault Name created in Challenge1
    • FHIR Proxy Function App Name from Challenge2 {prefix}pxyfa
    • Dataverse/Dynamics 365 URL FHIR data is to be synced with
    • Tenant ID of syncdv-svc-client App Registration from earlier step
    • Client ID of syncdv-svc-client App Registration from earlier step
    • Client Secret of syncdv-svc-client App Registration from earlier step
  7. When the script completes, it will provide configuration settings required for Sync Administration within Dataverse. Note these values for use in Challenge 5, including:
    • Service Bus URL
    • Service Queue
    • Service Bus Shared Access Policy
    • Service Bus Shared Access Policy Key

NOTE: This script will take ~1 minute**

Validate Deployment & Configuration

  1. In Azure Portal, check that the below resources are created in the {fhirtrainingname} Resource Group
  2. Check the Key Vault {prefix}kv for 10 new secrets with prefix SA-.
Name Type Purpose
{prefix}asp App Service plan resource container for Sync Agent Function App
{prefix}sbns Service Bus Name Space Manages bi-directional data queues
{prefix}sstore Storage Account For File Loading and stores function code
{syncAppName}[number] Application Insights Monitors Sync Agent application
{syncAppName}[number] Function App Sync Agent Application


  1. Ensure resolution of configuration references for Proxy App

    • Go to the Proxy [prefix]pxyfa Function App
    • Click on Configuration in the left navigation, make sure all Key vault Reference in source column in center section are all green.
    • Click Refresh if your see any reds. Refresh as many times as necessary until all configurations are green

    NOTE: the FP-RBAC-* secrets may stay red - this is OK.

  2. Ensure resolution of configuration references for Sync Agent

    • Go to the Sync Agent {syncAppName}[number] Function App
    • Refresh configurations until all are green (same as instructions for Proxy App)
  3. KeyVault Issue with Service Bus manual work around

    • Go to the Sync Agent {syncAppName}[number] Function App
    • Make the Sync Agent function app editable:
      • click Configuration in the left navigation
      • open the WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE configuration and set the value to 0 and click OK
      • click Save at the top to save configuration changes
    • Update integration queue name:
      • click on Functions in the left navigation. If blank, refresh
      • open the FHIRUpdates function, click Integration in the left navigation
      • click on Azure Service Bus (message) in the Trigger box, replace the contects of Queue name with fhirupdates
      • click save
  4. Restart both the Proxy [prefix]pxyfa Function App and the Sync Agent {syncAppName}[number] Function App


For help troublshooting issues, see the FHIR Sync Agent Debugging, Operations, and Maintenance page.


If you are not planning to continue with the other challenges, make sure to delete these to avoid cost in Azure

  1. Resource Group {fhirtrainingname}
  2. App Registration {prefix}pxyfa
  3. App Registration {prefix}fs-svc-client
  4. App Registration {prefix}fp-svc-client
  5. App Registration {prefix}syncdv-svc-client

Congratulations! You have successfully completed Challenge4!

Go to Challenge5