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Sample code for using Partner Center Payout APIs

Sample code for using Partner Center Payout APIs

The Partner Center Payments and Transaction History reports have been built to provide the following high level benefits:

  • Multi-MPN and/or publisher aggregated view (driven by user’s permission settings)
  • Rich filtering experience
  • Simplified export functionality for multiple MPNs and/or publishers
  • Enhanced data transparency on the UI

Building on these capabilities, we are now introducing the ability for partners to use an API to get their Payout data directly. This leverages the capability of the Export data that you might find on the Partner Center UI.

Available APIs -

  • Transaction history export - Post a new request, Get an existing request and Delete an existing request.
  • Payments export - Post a new request, Get an existing request and Delete an existing request.


Running the sample

  1. Clone or download this sample repository.
  2. Open the solution file (..\Partner-Center-Payout-APIs\src\PartnerCenterPayoutAPIsSampleCode\PartnerCenterPayoutAPIsSampleCode.sln) in Visual Studio or your preferred IDE.
  3. Add the values for the tenantId, clientId, userName and password keys in the App.config file. TenantId and ClientId values can be found under your Azure Active Directory application registered on the Azure portal while completing the Prerequisite step.
  4. Add the necessary requestId you want to retrieve the data for in Program.cs.
  5. Add appropriate filter conditions if any in the TransactionHistory.cs file for Transaction history request and/or Payments.cs file for Payments request.
  6. Press F5 or run the PartnerCenterPayoutAPIsSampleCode project.

Important reminders

  1. Given the large volume of data, the SLA for the submitted request to be processed is 24 hours.
  2. Once the data is available for download, the delete API can also be used to delete any of the previous transaction history or payments requests.
  3. Requests created through the API or the UI will be visible on the Export data page and can be downloaded or deleted through the API or UI.

Transaction history filter options

Field name Type Description
enrollmentParticipantId string Filter by your MPN or SellerId
paymentId string Add applicable paymentId if any
earningForDate DateTime Filter to get transactions in a particular time range. Format should be yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ
programName string Filter by one or more programs you are enrolled in. Example values - 'CSP Indirect Provider', 'CSP 2T Indirect Provider', 'CSP Direct Bill Partner', 'CSP 1T Direct Partner', 'CSP Indirect Reseller', 'CSP 2T Indirect Reseller'
leverCode string Filter by one or more particular levers in a program you are enrolled in. Example values - 'CSP Indirect Provider: Core', 'CSP Indirect Provider: FY19 H2: Core O365 Products', 'CSP Direct Partner: Core'
payableSubType string Filter by the earning type. Example values - 'REBATE', 'COOP', 'FEE', 'SELL'
payoutStatus string Filter transactions by the payout status. Example values - 'SENT', 'UPCOMING', 'IN PROGRESS'

Sample filter string - "?$filter=earningForDate ge 2019-01-27T23:16:31.009Z and earningForDate le 2019-09-25T23:16:31.009Z and (enrollmentParticipantId eq 'XXXXXXX') and (programName eq 'CSP Direct Bill Partner') and (payableSubType eq 'REBATE') and (paymentId eq '000000000000') and (leverCode eq 'CSP Direct Partner: Core') and (payoutStatus eq 'SENT')"

Payments filter options

Field name Type Description
enrollmentParticipantId string Filter by your MPN or SellerId
paymentId string Add applicable paymentId if any
payoutStatusUpdateTS DateTime Filter to get payments data in a particular time range. Format should be yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ
programName string Filter by one or more programs you are enrolled in. Example values - 'CSP Indirect Provider', 'CSP 2T Indirect Provider', 'CSP Direct Bill Partner', 'CSP 1T Direct Partner', 'CSP Indirect Reseller', 'CSP 2T Indirect Reseller'
payoutOrderType string Filter by the earning type. Example values - 'REBATE', 'COOP', 'FEE', 'SELL'

Sample filter string - "?$filter=payoutStatusUpdateTS le 2019-09-25T23:11:55.647Z and (enrollmentParticipantId eq 'XXXXXXX') and (programName eq 'CSP Direct Bill Partner') and (payoutOrderType eq 'REBATE') and (paymentId eq '000000000000')"

Coming soon

The API is created to address the enhanced partner demand for Payment and Transaction history information access in a programmatic manner. There will continue to be enhancements made to the API with the updated documentation. Additionally, incorporation of the API with the Partner Center SDK will be explored.


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