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feat: add OpenAICompletion model (#1495)
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mhamilton723 committed Apr 28, 2022
1 parent d6c67a3 commit b25feab
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Showing 8 changed files with 445 additions and 6 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import org.apache.http.client.methods.{HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase, HttpPost,
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils
import org.apache.http.entity.AbstractHttpEntity
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient
import{ServiceParam, _}
import{ComplexParamsWritable, NamespaceInjections, PipelineModel, Transformer}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, lit, struct}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,20 +154,28 @@ object URLEncodingUtils {

trait HasCognitiveServiceInput extends HasURL with HasSubscriptionKey {

protected def paramNameToPayloadName(p: Param[_]): String = p match {
case p: ServiceParam[_] => p.payloadName
case _ =>

protected def prepareUrlRoot: Row => String = {
_ => getUrl

protected def prepareUrl: Row => String = {
val urlParams: Array[ServiceParam[Any]] =
// This semicolon is needed to avoid argument confusion
{ row: Row =>
val base = getUrl
val appended = if (!urlParams.isEmpty) {
"?" + URLEncodingUtils.format(urlParams.flatMap(p =>
getValueOpt(row, p).map(v => -> p.toValueString(v))
getValueOpt(row, p).map(v => paramNameToPayloadName(p) -> p.toValueString(v))
} else {
base + appended
prepareUrlRoot(row) + appended

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.


import{GenerationUtils, Wrappable}
import org.apache.http.entity.{AbstractHttpEntity, ContentType, StringEntity}
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json._
import AnyJsonFormat.anyFormat
import scala.language.existentials

trait HasSetServiceName extends Wrappable with HasURL {
override def pyAdditionalMethods: String = super.pyAdditionalMethods + {
|def setDeploymentName(self, value):
| self._java_obj = self._java_obj.setDeploymentName(value)
| return self

def setServiceName(v: String): this.type = {

trait HasPrompt extends HasServiceParams {
val prompt: ServiceParam[String] = new ServiceParam[String](
this, "prompt", "The text to complete", isRequired = true)

def getPrompt: String = getScalarParam(prompt)

def setPrompt(v: String): this.type = setScalarParam(prompt, v)

def getPromptCol: String = getVectorParam(prompt)

def setPromptCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(prompt, v)

trait HasAPIVersion extends HasServiceParams {
val apiVersion: ServiceParam[String] = new ServiceParam[String](
this, "apiVersion", "version of the api", isRequired = true, isURLParam = true) {
override val payloadName: String = "api-version"

def getApiVersion: String = getScalarParam(apiVersion)

def setApiVersion(v: String): this.type = setScalarParam(apiVersion, v)

def getApiVersionCol: String = getVectorParam(apiVersion)

def setApiVersionCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(apiVersion, v)

setDefault(apiVersion -> Left("2022-03-01-preview"))

trait HasDeploymentName extends HasServiceParams {
val deploymentName = new ServiceParam[String](
this, "deploymentName", "The name of the deployment", isRequired = true)

def getDeploymentName: String = getScalarParam(deploymentName)

def setDeploymentName(v: String): this.type = setScalarParam(deploymentName, v)

def getDeploymentNameCol: String = getVectorParam(deploymentName)

def setDeploymentNameCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(deploymentName, v)

trait HasMaxTokens extends HasServiceParams {

val maxTokens: ServiceParam[Int] = new ServiceParam[Int](
this, "maxTokens",
"The maximum number of tokens to generate. Has minimum of 0.",
isRequired = false)

def getMaxTokens: Int = getScalarParam(maxTokens)

def setMaxTokens(v: Int): this.type = setScalarParam(maxTokens, v)

def getMaxTokensCol: String = getVectorParam(maxTokens)

def setMaxTokensCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(maxTokens, v)


trait HasOpenAIParams extends HasServiceParams
with HasSetServiceName with HasPrompt with HasAPIVersion with HasDeploymentName with HasMaxTokens {

val temperature: ServiceParam[Double] = new ServiceParam[Double](
this, "temperature",
"What sampling temperature to use. Higher values means the model will take more risks." +
" Try 0.9 for more creative applications, and 0 (argmax sampling) for ones with a well-defined answer." +
" We generally recommend using this or `top_p` but not both. Minimum of 0 and maximum of 2 allowed.",
isRequired = false)

def getTemperature: Double = getScalarParam(temperature)

def setTemperature(v: Double): this.type = setScalarParam(temperature, v)

def getTemperatureCol: String = getVectorParam(temperature)

def setTemperatureCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(temperature, v)

val topP: ServiceParam[Double] = new ServiceParam[Double](
this, "topP",
"An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the" +
" results of the tokens with top_p probability mass." +
" So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered." +
" We generally recommend using this or `temperature` but not both." +
" Minimum of 0 and maximum of 1 allowed.",
isRequired = false)

def getTopP: Double = getScalarParam(topP)

def setTopP(v: Double): this.type = setScalarParam(topP, v)

def getTopPCol: String = getVectorParam(topP)

def setTopPCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(topP, v)

val user: ServiceParam[String] = new ServiceParam[String](
this, "user",
"The ID of the end-user, for use in tracking and rate-limiting.",
isRequired = false)

def getUser: String = getScalarParam(user)

def setUser(v: String): this.type = setScalarParam(user, v)

def getUserCol: String = getVectorParam(user)

def setUserCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(user, v)

val n: ServiceParam[Int] = new ServiceParam[Int](
this, "n",
"How many snippets to generate for each prompt. Minimum of 1 and maximum of 128 allowed.",
isRequired = false)

def getN: Int = getScalarParam(n)

def setN(v: Int): this.type = setScalarParam(n, v)

def getNCol: String = getVectorParam(n)

def setNCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(n, v)

val logProbs: ServiceParam[Int] = new ServiceParam[Int](
this, "logProbs",
"Include the log probabilities on the `logprobs` most likely tokens, as well the chosen tokens." +
" So for example, if `logprobs` is 10, the API will return a list of the 10 most likely tokens." +
" If `logprobs` is 0, only the chosen tokens will have logprobs returned." +
" Minimum of 0 and maximum of 100 allowed.",
isRequired = false)

def getLogProbs: Int = getScalarParam(logProbs)

def setLogProbs(v: Int): this.type = setScalarParam(logProbs, v)

def getLogProbsCol: String = getVectorParam(logProbs)

def setLogProbsCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(logProbs, v)

val model: ServiceParam[String] = new ServiceParam[String](
this, "model",
"The name of the model to use",
isRequired = false)

def getModel: String = getScalarParam(model)

def setModel(v: String): this.type = setScalarParam(model, v)

def getModelCol: String = getVectorParam(model)

def setModelCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(model, v)

val echo: ServiceParam[Boolean] = new ServiceParam[Boolean](
this, "echo",
"Echo back the prompt in addition to the completion",
isRequired = false)

def getEcho: Boolean = getScalarParam(echo)

def setEcho(v: Boolean): this.type = setScalarParam(echo, v)

def getEchoCol: String = getVectorParam(echo)

def setEchoCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(echo, v)

val stop: ServiceParam[String] = new ServiceParam[String](
this, "stop",
"A sequence which indicates the end of the current document.",
isRequired = false)

def getStop: String = getScalarParam(stop)

def setStop(v: String): this.type = setScalarParam(stop, v)

def getStopCol: String = getVectorParam(stop)

def setStopCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(stop, v)

val cacheLevel: ServiceParam[Int] = new ServiceParam[Int](
this, "cacheLevel",
"can be used to disable any server-side caching, 0=no cache, 1=prompt prefix enabled, 2=full cache",
isRequired = false)

def getCacheLevel: Int = getScalarParam(cacheLevel)

def setCacheLevel(v: Int): this.type = setScalarParam(cacheLevel, v)

def getCacheLevelCol: String = getVectorParam(cacheLevel)

def setCacheLevelCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(cacheLevel, v)

val presencePenalty: ServiceParam[Double] = new ServiceParam[Double](
this, "presencePenalty",
"How much to penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far." +
" Decreases the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. Has minimum of -2 and maximum of 2.",
isRequired = false)

def getPresencePenalty: Double = getScalarParam(presencePenalty)

def setPresencePenalty(v: Double): this.type = setScalarParam(presencePenalty, v)

def getPresencePenaltyCol: String = getVectorParam(presencePenalty)

def setPresencePenaltyCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(presencePenalty, v)

val frequencyPenalty: ServiceParam[Double] = new ServiceParam[Double](
this, "frequencyPenalty",
"How much to penalize new tokens based on whether they appear in the text so far." +
" Increases the model's likelihood to talk about new topics.",
isRequired = false)

def getFrequencyPenalty: Double = getScalarParam(frequencyPenalty)

def setFrequencyPenalty(v: Double): this.type = setScalarParam(frequencyPenalty, v)

def getFrequencyPenaltyCol: String = getVectorParam(frequencyPenalty)

def setFrequencyPenaltyCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(frequencyPenalty, v)

val bestOf: ServiceParam[Int] = new ServiceParam[Int](
this, "bestOf",
"How many generations to create server side, and display only the best." +
" Will not stream intermediate progress if best_of > 1. Has maximum value of 128.",
isRequired = false)

def getBestOf: Int = getScalarParam(bestOf)

def setBestOf(v: Int): this.type = setScalarParam(bestOf, v)

def getBestOfCol: String = getVectorParam(bestOf)

def setBestOfCol(v: String): this.type = setVectorParam(bestOf, v)


object OpenAICompletion extends ComplexParamsReadable[OpenAICompletion]

class OpenAICompletion(override val uid: String) extends CognitiveServicesBase(uid)
with HasOpenAIParams with HasCognitiveServiceInput
with HasInternalJsonOutputParser with BasicLogging {

def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("OpenAPICompletion"))

override protected def prepareUrlRoot: Row => String = { row =>
s"${getUrl}openai/deployments/${getValue(row, deploymentName)}/completions"

override protected def prepareEntity: Row => Option[AbstractHttpEntity] = {
r =>
lazy val optionalParams: Map[String, Any] = Seq(
).flatMap(param =>
getValueOpt(r, param).map(v => (GenerationUtils.camelToSnake(, v))
getValueOpt(r, logProbs).map(v => ("logprobs", v))

getValueOpt(r, prompt).map { prompt =>
val fullPayload = optionalParams.updated("prompt", prompt)
new StringEntity(fullPayload.toJson.compactPrint, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)

override val subscriptionKeyHeaderName: String = "api-key"

override def responseDataType: DataType = CompletionResponse.schema

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.



object CompletionResponse extends SparkBindings[CompletionResponse]

case class CompletionResponse(id: String,
`object`: String,
created: String,
model: String,
choices: Seq[OpenAIChoice])

case class OpenAIChoice(text: String,
index: Long,
logprobs: Option[OpenAILogProbs],
finish_reason: String)

case class OpenAILogProbs(tokens: Seq[String],
token_logprobs: Seq[Double],
top_logprobs: Seq[Map[String, Double]],
text_offset: Seq[Long])

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