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Management Console

Pratik Bhattacharya edited this page Jun 26, 2021 · 1 revision

The management console can be used by Administrators and DRIs for connecting to the Redis Cluster for performing maintenance duties. All operations performed in the Management Console have isolation safety, i.e. operations performed by one team won’t interfere with cached keys and objects of other applications. Currently the Management Console is a C# Console Application. We are working towards improving the experience. The following operations are allowed from the Management Console:

  1. Check value of a key (only string data type)
  2. Add a new key (only string data type)
  3. Delete a key
  4. See all keys
  5. Flush the database
  6. Ping the cluster The tool can be downloaded from the below location: Unzip the files and open “URP Client” link. Provide the Cluster ID, App ID, and App Secret to connect to your application