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App Center SDK for React Native Change Log

Version 5.0.1


  • **[Improvement] Move namespace definition from AndroidManifest.xml to build.gradle files.

Version 5.0.1

App Center

App Center Crashes

  • [Fix] Fix the typing contract for the Crashes class.


  • **[Internal] Add dataResidencyRegion option.

Version 5.0.0


  • [Fix] Fix blocking crashes channel if empty or incomplete error object is passed to Crashes.trackError.
  • [Fix] Fix SDK crash if the ConnectivityManager.getNetworkInfo method call throws an exception.
  • [Fix] Fix Concurrent Modification Exception in DefaultChannel on setNetworkRequestsAllowed.
  • [Fix] Fix ignoring maximum storage size limit in case logs contain large payloads.


  • **[Feature] Add Xcode 14 support. Xcode 11 and Xcode 12 are out of support now. Bump minumum supported iOS version to iOS 11.
  • [Fix] Fix NSLog congestion on Apple's Framework Thread.
  • [Fix] Fix Unsafe Object Deserialization.
  • [Fix] Fix "Collection was mutated while being enumerated" exception in MSACChannelGroupDefault.
  • [Fix] Fix crash channel:didPrepareLog in MSACChannelGroupDefault
  • [Improvement] Always specify isDirectory parameter for [NSURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:] for better performace.
  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.11.0.

Version 4.4.5

App Center

  • [Fix] Fix Autolinking for React Native 0.69.

Version 4.4.4

App Center

Version 4.4.3

App Center


  • [Breaking change] Remove AppCenter.setCustomProperties API.


  • [Fix] Fix throw an exception when checking to authenticate MAC value during decryption.
  • [Improvement] Specified minimum cocoapods version in podspec to 1.10.0.

App Center Analytics


  • [Feature] Add Analytics.startSession and Analytics.enableManualSessionTracker APIs for tracking session manually. Method Analytics.enableManualSessionTracker can be used only in native code before AppCenter start. See React Native Analytics Guide for more information.
  • [Feature] Increase the interval between sending logs from 3 to 6 seconds for the backend load optimization.

App Center Crashes


  • [Fix] Fix sending Crashes.trackError logs after allowing network requests after the launch app.
  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.10.1.


  • [Fix] Fix "new NativeEventEmitter()" was called with a non-null argument without the required "some" method warnings which appear with using react-native versions 0.65.0 or higher.

Version 4.3.0

App Center


  • [Feature] Improved AES token encryption algorithm using Encrypt-then-MAC data authentication approach.

App Center Crashes


  • [Feature] Add support for tracking handled errors with Crashes.trackError.


  • [Fix] Fix build failure on Xcode 13, because of warning completion handler is never used. Only observable when SDK is integrated as source code. Workaround: Set Treat Warnings as Errors to No in target's build settings.
  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.10.0.

Version 4.2.0

App Center

  • [Feature] Add a AppCenter.setNetworkRequestsAllowed(bool) API to block any network requests without disabling the SDK.


  • [Fix] Fix umbrella header warnings in Xcode 12.5.


  • [Fix] Remove old support libraries for compatibility with apps without enabled Jetifier tool.

App Center Crashes


  • [Fix] Fix error nullability in crashes delegate.
  • [Fix] Merge the device information from the crash report with the SDK's device information in order to fix some time sensitive cases where the reported application information was incorrect.
  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.9.0.

Version 4.1.0

App Center


  • [Feature] Use XCFramework format for the AppCenterReactNativeShared pod, it allows running the SDK on Apple Silicon simulators.
  • [Feature] Support Mac Catalyst. Cocoapods 1.10.1+ is required.
  • [Improvement] Use ASWebAuthenticationSession for authentication on iOS 12 or later.

App Center Crashes


  • [Fix] Fix formatting of stack trace in the ErrorReport.

Version 4.0.2

App Center


  • [Fix] Fix double-quoted warnings in Xcode 12.
  • [Fix] Fix a crash when SQLite returns zero for page_size.
  • [Feature] Use XCFramework format for the binary distribution via CocoaPods. CocoaPods version 1.10+ is a requirement now.

App Center Crashes


  • [Fix] Fix removing throwable files after rewriting error logs due to small database size.

Version 4.0.1

App Center

  • [Fix] Pin podspec dependencies to prevent a conflict between major releases of npm packages and dependant pods.

Version 4.0.0

App Center


  • [Breaking change] Bumping the minimum Android SDK version to 21 API level (Android 5.0), because old Android versions do not support root certificate authority used by App Center and would not get CA certificates updates anymore.


  • [Fix] Fix Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 on Xcode 12.
  • [Fix] Fix NSInvalidArgumentException when using non-string object as a key in NSUserDefaults.
  • [Fix] Fix NSDateFormatter initialization in a concurrent environment.
  • [Fix] Fix naming conflict with iOS 14 private Apple framework.

App Center Crashes


  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.8.0.

App Center Push

App Center Push has been removed from the SDK and will be retired on December 31st, 2020. As an alternative to App Center Push, we recommend you migrate to Azure Notification Hubs by following the Push Migration Guide.

Version 3.1.3

App Center

  • [Fix] Pin podspec dependencies to prevent a conflict between major releases of npm packages and dependant pods.

Version 3.1.2

App Center Crashes


  • [Fix] Fix sending attachments with a null text value.

Version 3.1.1

App Center


  • [Fix] Fix an IncorrectContextUseViolation warning when calculating screen size on Android 11.
  • [Fix] All SQL commands used in SDK are presented as raw strings to avoid any possible static analyzer's SQL injection false alarms.

Version 3.1.0

This version has a breaking change on iOS - it drops Xcode 10 support, Xcode 11 is a minimal supported version now.

App Center


  • [Fix] Fix crash when local binary data (where unsent logs or unprocessed crashed are stored) is corrupted.
  • [Fix] When carrier name is retrieved incorrectly by iOS, show nil as expected instead of "carrier" string.


  • [Fix] Fix possible delays in UI thread when queueing a large number of events.

App Center Crashes


  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.7.1.
  • [Fix] Fix reporting stacktraces on iOS simulator.

Version 3.0.3

App Center


  • [Improvement] Use namespaced NSUserDefaults keys with the MSAppCenter prefix for all the keys set by the SDK. Fixed a few keys missing namespace.

App Center Crashes


  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.6.0.

Version 3.0.2

App Center Crashes

  • [Fix] Remove the multiple attachments warning as that is now supported by the portal.


  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.5.1.


  • [Fix] Change minidump filter to use file extension instead of name.
  • [Fix] Fix removing minidump files when the sending crash report was discarded.

Version 3.0.1

App Center

  • [Fix] Fix dependency vulnerabilities in the appcenter-link-scripts package and in the appcenter package devDependencies.

Version 3.0.0

App Center


  • [Fix] Fix an error where appcenter.podspec.json could not be found when using CocoaPods version 1.8.x.
  • [Fix] Fix issues with use_frameworks! directive.
  • [Fix] Fix an issue where React Native SDK would not send wrapperSdk information.
  • [Fix] Optimization of release objects from memory during the execution of a large number of operations.
  • [Fix] Disable module debugging for release mode in the SDK to fix dSYM warnings.
  • [Fix] Fix SDK crash at application launch on iOS 12.0 (CTTelephonyNetworkInfo.serviceSubscriberCellularProviders issue).
  • [Fix] The SDK was considering 201-299 status code as HTTP errors and is now fixed to accept all 2XX codes as successful.
  • [Improvement] Replaced sqlite query concatenation with more secure bindings.


  • [Fix] Fix infinite recursion when handling encryption errors.

App Center Auth

App Center Auth is retired and has been removed from the SDK.

App Center Data

App Center Data is retired and has been removed from the SDK.

App Center Crashes


  • [Fix] Fix incorrect app version when an NDK crash is sent after updating the app.
  • [Behavior change] Change the path to the minidump directory to use a subfolder in which the current contextual data (device information, etc.) is saved along with the .dmp file.


  • [Improvement] Update PLCrashReporter to 1.4.0.

Version 2.6.1

App Center


  • [Fix] Improve log messages for errors when it failed to read/write auth token history.

App Center Crashes


  • [Fix] Fix sending crashes if an application is launched in background.
  • [Fix] Validate error attachment size to avoid server error or out of memory issues (using the documented limit which is 7MB).
  • [Fix] Fix an issue where crash might contain incorrect data if two consecutive crashes occurred in a previous version of the application.


  • [Fix] Validate error attachment size to avoid server error or out of memory issues (using the documented limit which is 7MB).

Version 2.6.0

App Center

  • [Fix] Fix typescript compiler errors related to const enum usage and missing return types.


  • [Fix] Fix warnings in Xcode 11 when SDK is installed via CocoaPods.

App Center Analytics

  • [Fix] Avoid throwing an error when trackEvent is called with null property values.

App Center Crashes

  • [Fix] Fix typescript compiler errors related to const enum usage.

App Center Data

  • [Fix] Fix typescript compiler errors related to const enum usage.

Version 2.5.0

App Center

  • [Fix] Fix dependency vulnerabilities in all App Center packages.

App Center Crashes


  • [Behavior change] Fix a security issue in the way native Android crashes are processed. The exception message is now null and the exception stack trace is the raw Java stack trace.

App Center Data

  • [Fix] Reduced retries on Data-related operations to fail fast and avoid the perception of calls "hanging".

Version 2.4.0

App Center


  • [Fix] Fixed a react-native link issue for RN prior to 0.60 where App Center pods may be added incorrectly to Podfile.

App Center Auth


  • [Fix] Fix token storage initialization if services are started via [MSAppCenter startService:] method.
  • [Fix] Redirect URIs are now hidden in logs.
  • [Fix] Fix interactive sign in on iOS 13. Temporary fix, will be revisited in the future.
  • [Feature] Updated the Microsoft Authentication Library dependency to v0.7.0.

App Center Analytics


  • [Fix] Fix crash involving SDK's ms_viewWillAppear method.

App Center Data

This version of App Center React Native SDK includes a new module: Data.

The App Center Data service provides functionality enabling developers to persist app data in the cloud in both online and offline scenarios. This enables you to store and manage both user-specific data as well as data shared between users and across platforms.

Version 2.3.0

App Center Auth

  • [Feature] App Center Auth logging now includes MSAL logs.
  • [Fix] Fix silently signed out on application restart if appcenter-auth module is initialized after other appcenter modules.


  • [Fix] Redirect URIs are now hidden in logs.

App Center Crashes

  • [Feature] Catch low memory warning and provide the API to check if it has happened in last session: Crashes.hasReceivedMemoryWarningInLastSession().

App Center Push


  • [Fix] Fix confusing information log about the availability of the Firebase SDK.
  • [Fix] Fix sending the push installation log after delayed start.

Version 2.2.0

App Center

  • [Feature] Support React Native 0.60.0.


  • [Fix] Remove unsecure UUID fallback when UUID generation theorically fails, in reality it never fails.
  • [Fix] Check for running in App Center Test will now work when using AndroidX instead of the support library.


  • [Fix] Drop and recreate the database when it is corrupted.

App Center Crashes


  • [Fix] The in memory cache of error reports is now cleared when disabling Crashes.

App Center Auth

  • [Fix] Fix incorrect file name of iOS appcenter-auth.podspec of Auth SDK.

Version 2.1.0

Version 2.1.0 of the App Center React Native SDK includes a new module: Auth.

App Center Auth

App Center Auth is a cloud-based identity management service that enables developers to authenticate application users and manage user identities. The service integrates with other parts of App Center, enabling developers to leverage the user identity to view user data in other services and even send push notifications to users instead of individual devices.

App Center Push


  • [Fix] Fix a crash when calling Push.setEnabled when appcenter.json contains both "start_automatically": false and "enable_push_in_javascript": true.
  • [Fix] Update Firebase dependency and AppCenter push logic to avoid a runtime issue with the latest Firebase messaging version 18.0.0.


  • [Fix] Fix registering push notifications in the UI thread when delaying the start of the Push module.

Version 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0 has a breaking change, it only supports Xcode 10.0.0+.

App Center

  • [Feature] Removed interactive prompts when running react-native link. The documentation now has instructions how to manually configure the SDK.
  • [Fix] Add missing licence copyright headers to most of the files. The .md extension has been removed in package licence files.

App Center Crashes


  • [Fix] Fix a crash at startup when the serialized Throwable file for an error report is not found.


  • [Fix] Print an error and return immediately when calling Crashes.notifyWithUserConfirmation while not using Crashes.setListener.

App Center Push

  • [Fix] Fix updating push installation when setting or unsetting the user identifier by calling AppCenter.setUserId.

Version 1.13.0

App Center


  • [Fix] Fix react-native link not patching AppDelegate.m correctly on React Native 0.59.
  • [Fix] Fix a crash in case decrypting a value failed.


  • [Fix] Fix network connection state tracking issue, which prevented sending data in some restricted networks.
  • [Fix] Fix possible deadlock on changing network connection state.

App Center Push


  • [Fix] Fix crash on invoking an optional push callback when it isn't implemented in the push delegate.

Version 1.12.2

App Center


  • [Fix] Fix a possible deadlock if the SDK is started from a background thread.
  • [Fix] Fix a crash if database query failed.


  • [Fix] The SDK normally disables storing and sending logs when SQLite is failing instead of crashing the application. New SQLite APIs were introduced in version 1.9.0 and the new API exceptions were not caught, this is now fixed.
  • [Fix] Fix a lint error caused by a string value injected by link script.



  • [Fix] Fix a race condition crash on upgrading the application to newer version.


  • [Fix] Fix exception if we receive deep link intent with setup failure before onStart.
  • [Fix] Fix checking updates for applications installed on corporate-owned single-use devices.

Version 1.12.0

App Center

  • [Feature] AppCenter SDK now supports the User ID string, with a maximum of 256 characters, that applies to crashes and push logs. Settable via AppCenter.setUserId.


  • [Fix] Fix TLS 1.2 configuration for some specific devices running API level <21. The bug did not affect all devices running older API levels, only some models/brands, and prevented any data from being sent.

App Center Analytics


  • [Fix] Extend the current session instead of starting a new session when sending events from the background. Sessions are also no longer started in background by sending an event or a log from another service such as push, as a consequence the push registration information will be missing from crash events information.



  • [Fix] Fix issue with forcing Chrome to open links when other browsers are the default.

Version 1.11.1

App Center

  • [Fix] No longer use the deprecated compile Gradle keyword in the App Center gradle modules. Please note that if react-native link was executed prior to version 0.58 of React Native, the app/build.gradle file will still contain references to the compile keyword, this behavior is from the react-native link command and not from App Center SDK files. To resolve all warnings you need to follow the operations in that order:

    • Update react-native to version 0.58+ and update App Center SDK packages.
    • Edit app/build.gradle to replace compile by implementation.
    • Run react-native link again.
  • [Feature] Allow users to set userId that applies to crashes, error and push logs.

Version 1.11.0

App Center

  • Introduce new LogLevel constants, deprecating old ones.
  • Fix bug with linking process being stuck when developing on windows machines. #471.
  • Fix logs duplication on unstable network.
  • Do not delete old logs when trying to add a log larger than the maximum storage capacity.
  • [Android] Fix disabling logging of network state changes according to AppCenter.LogLevel.
  • [iOS] Fix reporting carrier information using new iOS 12 APIs when running on iOS 12+.
  • [iOS] Fix a memory leak issue during executing SQL queries.

App Center Crashes

  • [iOS] Fixes an issue where duplicate crash logs could be sent.
  • [Android] Fix a bug where crash data file could leak when the database is full.

App Center Push

  • [Feature] Support delaying Push notification permission dialog #287.
  • [Fix] Fix build.gradle for release builds #481.
  • [Android] Fix push notification received event for pushes received in foreground after re-enabling the push service.

Version 1.10.0

App Center

  • [Android] Fix lint issue on modern projects using latest react-native versions #451.
  • [iOS] Fix an issue where concurrent modification of custom properties was not thread safe.
  • [iOS] Validating and discarding Not a Number (NaN) and infinite double values for custom properties.
  • [iOS] Use standard SQL syntax to avoid affecting users with custom SQLite libraries.
  • [iOS] Get database page size dynamically to support custom values.

App Center Crashes

  • [Android] Fix a bug which prevents attachments from being sent if file name is not specified.
  • [Android] Fix Preventing stack overflow crash while reading a huge throwable file.

App Center Push

  • [Android] Use latest Firebase version #365.
  • [iOS] Fix push:didReceivePushNotification: callback not triggered on notification tapped or received in foreground when a UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate is set. If you have implemented this delegate please remove any call to the MSPush#didReceiveRemoteNotification: method as it's now handled by the new User Notification Center Delegate Forwarder.

Version 1.9.0


  • Add typescript declaration files for the APIs documented at #247.
  • Preparation work for a future change in transmission protocol and endpoint for Analytics data. There is no impact on your current workflow when using App Center.


  • Fix consuming the SDK as pod dependencies for non standard projects not using react-native link #326.
  • Don't automatically add mock Jest files when installing the App Center packages. #436.
  • [Android] Fix validating and discarding NaN and infinite double values when calling setCustomProperties.
  • [iOS] Add missing network request error logging.
  • [iOS] Fix the list of binary images in crash reports for arm64e-based devices.

Version 1.8.1


  • Fix a bug preventing AppCenter to start modules on Android. #407.

Version 1.8.0


  • Preparation work for a future change in transmission protocol and endpoint for Analytics data. There is no impact on your current workflow when using App Center.


  • To prevent crashes, caused by misusing SDK, native modules will no longer reject promises. #386.
  • As a consequence Crashes.generateTestCrash does not crash in release Android builds to align with the other Android SDKs (Java and Xamarin), and iOS builds in App Store environment no longer crash when calling that same method to align with Apple and Xamarin SDKs.


  • Enhanced Pod integration process by adding dependencies to target with the current project name. #369
  • Enhanced android linking process. #370
  • Changelog file added. #382

Version 1.7.1


  • Fix AppCenterReactNativeShared pod version issue for appcenter-crashes module. #361.

Version 1.7.0


[App Center Push Android] The Firebase messaging SDK is now a dependency of the App Center Push SDK to be able to support Android P and also prevent features to break after April 2019 based on this announcement. You need to follow some migration steps after updating the SDK to actually use Firebase instead of the manual registration mechanism that we are providing. The non Firebase mechanism still works after updating the SDK but you will see a deprecation message, but this will not work on Android P devices until you migrate. After updating the app to use Firebase, you will also no longer see duplicate notifications when uninstalling and reinstalling the app on the same device and user.


  • Fix jest tests mock path issue. #340.


  • SDK supports react-native v0.56.0.
  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Apple SDK in version 1.8.0. Please check out its changelog.
  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Android SDK in version 1.7.0. Please check out its changelog.

Version 1.6.0


  • Fix jest tests failure when importing App Center packages. #303.
  • Fix framework imports that break CocoaPods install. #319.
  • Update Android build tools to the latest version 27.0.3. #320.
  • Remove Android support library that isn't used anywhere. #328.


  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Apple SDK in version 1.7.1. Please check out its changelog.
  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Android SDK in version 1.6.1. Please check out its changelog.

Version 1.5.1


  • Fix recursive header expansion and argument list too long issue. #290.
  • Shorten log tags for Android bridge code to address tag too long issue on Android API <= 23. #300.
  • Fix App Center log not working issue. #301.


  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Apple SDK in version 1.6.1. Please check out its changelog.
  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Android SDK in version 1.5.1. Please check out its changelog.

Version 1.5.0


  • Make "Vendor" folder part of the framework search path. #275.
  • Make push notfication title and message null but never undefined. #277.


  • Refined on-boarding prompt message of react-native link. #271.
  • Allow using cocoapods without react native link #244.
  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Apple SDK in version 1.6.0. Please check out its changelog.
  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Android SDK in version 1.5.0. Please check out its changelog.

Version 1.4.0


  • Returns NO from requiresMainQueueSetup() in iOS native modules to avoid react native warnings. #238.
  • Adds to Products folder to make cocoapod integration easier during SDK release process. #250.
  • Fixes react-native 0.53 prompt glitches when linking. #252.
  • Avoid android link duplicates for appcenter in react-native 0.53. #254.
  • Improves error handling in react-native android linker script. #256.
  • Adds GitHub Issue Template. #258.


  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Apple SDK in version 1.5.0. Please check out its changelog.
  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Android SDK in version 1.4.0. Please check out its changelog.

Version 1.3.0

This release contains a bug fix.


  • Support CocoaPods 1.4 #237.

Known Issue

react-native link for this and earlier releases using React Native versions above 0.52.2 does not work properly with our SDK. We are currently investigating this, but in the meantime, please use version 0.52.2.

Version 1.2.0

This release contains bugfixes and a breaking change. The SDK now requires iOS 9 or later.


  • Fix warnings when sending crashes without a listener. #192.
  • The test app doesn't show an error when a binary attachment is not present. #193.
  • Fix a bug where Analytics.trackEvent doesn't allow message with no properties. #202.
  • Perform a case-insensitive search for AppDelegate based on package.json. #213.
  • Don't check for the platform when checking for the pod command. #217.


  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Apple SDK in version 1.3.0. Please check out its changelog.
  • This release includes the changes from the underlying AppCenter Android SDK in version 1.2.0. Please check out its changelog.

Version 1.1.0


  • [Android] The Firebase SDK dependency is now optional. If Firebase SDK is not available at runtime, the push registers and generate notifications using only App Center SDK. The Firebase application and servers are still used whether the Firebase SDK is installed into the application or not. The SDK is still compatible with Firebase packages. But if you don't use Firebase besides App Center, you can now remove these packages and refer to the updated getting started instructions to migrate the set up. Migrating the push set up in the application remains optional.
  • [iOS] Support brownfield iOS app with Podfile to install using react-native link (with react-native v0.50 or later) #177. See example Podfile here.
  • appcenter-crashes getErrorAttachments callback now works with ES2107 async/await functions #179. Please see Add attachments to a crash report of App Center documentation for more information.


  • Fix a bug where the license is not included in AppCenterReactNativeShared CocoaPod #174.
  • Fix a bug in appcenter-crashes module to make sure crashes won't get processed when crashes is disabled #181.


Version 1.0.1


  • Fixes an issue in React Native iOS where Crashes.setListener() sometimes doesn't get the callback when iOS application launches too quickly.


Version 1.0.0

Visual Studio App Center General Availability (GA).

Breaking Change

This version contains breaking changes due to the renaming from Mobile Center to App Center. If you have existing apps using Mobile Center SDK, please follow the react-native sdk migration guide to upgrade to App Center SDK.


Version 0.11.2


  • Fix a compiler warning in RNCrashes native module #153.


Version 0.11.1

Breaking Change

  • Crashes.process() API that process crashes in JavaScript is deprecated and removed from this version.
  • Crashes.setListener() API is introduced to provide more functionality and flexibility of processing crashes in JavaScript. For more information, please see Customize your usage of Mobile Center Crashes.
  • Crashes.setEventListener() API that get sending status for a crash log is deprecated and removed from this version. Use Crashes.setListener() API instead. The three callbacks in Crashes.setEventListener() are renamed in Crashes.setListener() as follow:
    • willSendCrash() -> onBeforeSending()
    • didSendCrash() -> onSendingSucceeded()
    • failedSendingCrash() -> onSendingFailed()
  • Push.setEventListener() API is renamed as Push.setListener(), and the callback is renamed as follow:
    • pushNotificationReceived() -> onPushNotificationReceived()

New Feature

  • Crashes.setListener() provides the following callbacks:
    • shouldProcess() callback allows you decide if a particular crash needs to be processed or not.
    • shouldAwaitUserConfirmation() and Crashes.notifyUserConfirmation() callback allows you wait for user confirmation before sending crashes.
    • getErrorAttachments() callback allows you to add attachments to a crashe report

For more information, please see Customize your usage of Mobile Center Crashes.


  • Fix a bug in Android that JS send events before native Java loads would crash application #135.


Version 0.10.0

Version 0.9.0

Version 0.8.1

Version 0.8.0

Version 0.7.0

This update contains fixes some issues in our new push & custom properties functionality:

  • When the user taps on a push notification message to launch the app, the notification info is now properly passed along to the push callback
  • Custom properties of type 'Date' are now handled properly, with the right data type
  • The MobileCenter class now has a getInstallId method, returning the Mobile Center device unique identifier. It can be useful in debugging.

If you are not using Cocoapods, use frameworks from the version 0.10.1 of the Mobile Center SDK for iOS.

Version 0.6.1

  • Fixed naming issue with RNMobileCenterShared modulemap. This problem caused RNMobileCenterShared import not found errors in 0.6.0, but those should disappear with this fix.

Version 0.6.0

  • Updated to use 0.10.x versions of the iOS and Android native Mobile Center SDKs.
  • Added new mobile-center package to handle common Mobile Center functionality, including support for custom properties and setting the logging level.
  • Added callback support for Push.
  • Added the ability to set custom properties. Custom properties are name/value pairs you set on the client which are then sent to Mobile Center. They can be used in the Mobile Center web portal to create targeted audiences for push notifications, based on the value of those properties. And in the future you'll be able to use them for other things in Mobile Center too.
  • Improved error messages for the react-native link step. Also updated to no longer prompt for app secret during react native link if the app secret is already set; instead we just output the current value of the app secret along with the path where it's stored if the dev wants to change it manually. That all makes for a more streamlined getting started experience.

Version 0.5.0

  • Updated to use new 0.9.x versions of the iOS and Android native Mobile Center SDKs.
  • Added support for Mobile Center Push. That's in the new mobile-center-push package.
  • Improved error handling in the react-native link scripts.
  • Renamed Analytics.getEnabled to Analytics.isEnabled, to be consistent with the other RN modules and native SDKs, which all use isEnabled. This also fixes a bug on Android where that method didn't exist.

Version 0.4.0

  • Updated to use new 0.6.x version of the iOS and Android native Mobile Center SDK.
  • Updated RN mobile-center-analytics/mobile-center-crashes dependencies accordingly

Version 0.3.0

  • Updated to use new 0.5.x version of the iOS native Mobile Center SDK.
  • That SDK update had one breaking API change: [Misc] setServerUrl method has renamed to setLogUrl.

Version 0.2.1

Changed iOS build flags:

  • Added bitcode support for release builds. Building your app with bitcode isn't encouraged, as it complicates uploading symbols for Mobile Center crash stack traces, but now it's possible if desired.
  • Added some security related compiler flags, making consistent with the Mobile Center native iOS SDK
  • Build for release

Version 0.2.0

This version has breaking changes.

With this update, the React Native Mobile Center SDK now wraps the latest native Mobile Center SDKs: iOS SDK 0.4.x and Android SDK 0.5.x.

API changes Crashes.hasCrashedInLastSession() and Crashes.lastSessionCrashReport() and now methods; they were formerly constants. They are also async methods. This change was needed since those two APIs are now async on Android, in order to support strict mode. On iOS, the wrapped native SDK methods are synchronous and the JavaScript versions just post a response right away.

APIs related to crash attachments have been removed, as that feature isn't yet available. Previously the APIs could have been called but didn't do anything, which was confusing. We'll add the APIs back when the feature ships.

Version 0.1.0

Initial release.