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Functionality to create a Debian package repository in Azure Blob Storage with an Azure Function App to keep it up to date. For use with apt-transport-blob.

Getting Started

Basic usage

To create a new Debian package repository with an Azure Function App, run

./ <resource_group_name>

with the name of the desired resource group. The scripting will autogenerate a package repository name for you - debianrepo followed by a unique string to differentiate it across Azure.

If you wish to control the suffix used, you can pass the -s parameter:

./ -s <suffix> <resource_group_name>

which will attempt to create a storage container named debianrepo<suffix>.

By default all resources are created in the eastus location - this can be overridden by passing the -l parameter:

./ -l uksouth <resource_group_name>

No shared-key access / Managed Identities

By default, the storage container that is created has shared-key access enabled. You can instead create a deployment that uses Managed Identities, but this requires Docker (as the function application and its dependencies must be compiled and packed appropriately).

To create a new Debian package repository which uses Managed Identities, run

./ [-s <suffix>] [-l <location>] <resource_group_name>

This creates an additional blob container (python) in the storage account to hold the compiled function application zip file; the function application is run directly from that zip file.


The function app works as follows:

  • It is triggered whenever a .deb file is uploaded to the monitored blob storage container
    • It is triggered by an Event Grid trigger.
  • It iterates over all .deb files and looks for a matching .package file.
  • If that file does not exist, it is created
    • The .deb file is downloaded and the control information is extracted
    • The hash values for the file are calculated (MD5sum, SHA1, SHA256)
    • All of this information is added to the .package file
  • All .package files are iterated over, downloaded, and combined into a single Package file, which is then uploaded. A Packages.xz file is also created.

As the function app works on a Consumption plan it may take up to 10 minutes for the function app to trigger and regenerate the package information. In practice, the eventGridTrigger is triggered very quickly.


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apt-package-function is an Azure Function App which maintains an apt package repository in Azure Blob Storage, by regenerating repository information whenever packages are uploaded



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