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AI Generated Lab Results Summary Template

This project provides an example template to illustrate the use of Azure OpenAI to generate a patient-facing summary of incoming lab results, including explanation of what the results mean and the implications on the patient's health. The intent is to simulate an integration with an EHR, intercepting the incoming lab results from the in-basket and passing those results along with the notes from the last encounter to the Azure OpenAI LLM to create an explanation to the patient - reducing cognitive load an time spent by clinicians and getting result information to patients more quickly.


This template deploys an API built and hosted by an Azure Function App, with a Static Web App Blazor front end to illustrate a user selecting a lab result from an in-basket and requesting patient-facing summary from AI.

Template Architecture

This template includes the reading of sample data from a local sample data file for simplicity. This could be extended with Databricks or other mechanism to pull near-real-time data, or other integration pattern, as in the example below.

Example Integration Pattern with Databricks

API Orchestration with Semantic Kernel

This solution includes an API defined and deployed to an Azure Function App, developed on Python with the Semantic Kernal SDK to define and orchestration prompt function calls to Azure OpenAI.

  1. Receive request on /labsummary endpoint
    • expected payload includes lab results and encounter notes
    • see HTTP request example: fetch_patients.http
  2. The summarize_labs Semantic Kernel prompt function is called, with the lab results and encounter notes as input
  3. As the summarize_labs prompt function requires subsections of the encounter notes, the following prompt functions are called to extract that data via the Semantic Kernal AzureChatCompletion service, before calling the service a final time with summarize_labs prompt

Reference Documentation:

Deployment Instructions

To deploy to Azure, you can follow these steps after cloning the repo into your local IDE such as VS Code.

  1. Install the Azure CLI: How to install the Azure CLI

  2. Install the Azure Developer CLI (azd) extension for the Azure CLI.

  3. Log in to your Azure account by running the following command and following the prompts: azd auth login

  4. Run the azd up command, and follow the prompts to indicate the subscription, region and resource group to deploy to

    azd up


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