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Azure Pipeline Filter

Tools for conditional azure pipeline execution. Currently only supports run triggerd by github pull request.


The script src/cli.mjs (could be invoked with npx) will check if current pipeline run passes following checks and the output pipeline variable skipsubsequent will be set to True or False according to checks' results.

The script should be put in a seperated job / stage and following jobs / stages could use the output variable to judge if it should be skipped.

- stage: Filter
  - job: Check
    - task: NodeTool@0
        versionSpec: '16.x'
    - script: npm install npm@latest -g
      displayName: Update npm to use npx with github url
    - script: npx github:microsoft/azure-pipeline-filter
        FILTER_GITHUBPAT: $(filter.githubPAT)
      name: execution
      displayName: Execution
- stage: Main
  dependsOn: Check
  # dependencies.$(StageName).outputs['$(JobName).$(TaskName).$(VariableName)']
  condition: and(succeeded(), ne(dependencies.Filter.outputs['Check.execution.skipsubsequent'], 'true'))
  - job: Main
    - script: echo end
      displayName: 'Run main test'


Basic Check

If pipeline run is not triggered by github pull request, skipsubsequent will be set to False, and the script will exit.

Otherwise, run following checks.

Modified Files Check

Check if any modified files matches the glob patterns provided by pipeline variable filter.modified.globs.

Due to github rest api's limitation, skipsubsequent will be set to False when changed file count > 3000

If true, skipsubsequent will be set to False, and the script will exit.

Otherwise, run following checks.

Pull Request Body Check

The script will try to find the task list under the heading provided by pipeline variable filter.prbody.heading from the pull request markdown body.

If the task list is not found, skipsubsequent will be set to True.

If ANY selected options match provided index (filter.prbody.optionIndex) / value (filter.prbody.optionValue), skipsubsequent will be set to False.

Otherwise, skipsubsequent will be set to True.

Pipeline Variables


Github personal access token used to access the pull request info. Could be ignored if the repo is public.

It should be a secret variable and need to be exposed to the script explicitly.

- script: node src/main.mjs
    FILTER_GITHUBPAT: $(filter.githubPAT)

[PR body check] filter.prbody.heading

Heading used by pull request body check to locate the task list.

[PR body check] filter.prbody.optionIndex / filter.prbody.optionValue

Option index (start from 0) / value to be compared with selected options in the located task list.

[File Changes Check] filter.modified.globs

Comma seperated glob patterns. See multimatch's doc for more information.

[Output] skipsubsequent

Output variable. If following tests need to be skipped, it will be set to true.

Please refer to azure pipeline's doc for more information.


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Tools for conditional azure pipeline execution



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