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BSOA StringColumn Design

Scott Louvau edited this page Jul 22, 2020 · 1 revision


  • Handle any columns with variable length values (StringColumn, ByteArrayColumn, ReferenceColumn)
  • Provide low overhead to track positions and lengths of values.
  • Provide constant time access to positions and lengths when reading.
  • Provide inexpensive writing.
  • Handle values of common sizes inline (not stored individually).


A VariableLengthColumn is split up into chapters of 1,024 rows which are further split into pages of 32 rows. Values under length 2,048 are stored together in a "small value" array. Values that are length 2,048 or larger are stored in a second "large value" array.

Since small values are limited to 2,047 bytes, a page of small values can be at most 2,047 x 32 = 65,504 bytes, and a chapter can be at most 2,047 x 1,024 = 2,096,128 bytes.

For a column of UTF-8 strings, therefore, we need the following arrays:

  • byte[] SmallValueArray;
  • ushort[] ValueEndInPage; // One per Row
  • int[] PageStartInChapter; // One per Page
  • Dictionary<int, byte[]> LargeValueDictionary;

In C# we can't keep one of each array for the whole column, because the SmallValueArray is limited to 2 GB, which could be hit after only one million rows.

Therefore, we keep separate arrays per chapter. We have the overhead of three arrays and the Dictionary for each 1,024 rows.

Per Chapter

Component Overhead
ushort[] ValueEndInPage 8 + 24 + (2 x 1,024) = 2,080
int[] PageStartInChapter 8 + 24 + (4 x (1,024 / 32)) = 160
byte[] SmallValueArray 8 + 24
Dictionary<int, byte[]> LargeValueDictionary 8 + 24

Stored this way, overhead per value is (2,080 + 160 + (8 + 24) x 2) = 2,304 / 1,024 = 2.25 bytes.

Value[i] => {
  int chapterIndex = I / 1024;
  int indexWithinChapter = I & 1023;
   Chapter c = Chapters[chapterIndex];
   if(c.LargeValueDictionary?.TryGetValue(indexWithinChapter, out byte[] singleValue)
   {return new String8(singleValue, 0, singleValue.Length);
  int pagePosition = c.PageStartInChapter[indexWithinChapter / 32];
  int startInPage = (indexWithinChapter == 0 ? 0 : ValueEndInPage[indexWithinChapter - 1]);
  int length = ValueEndInPage[indexWithinChapter] - startInPage;
  return new String8(c.SmallValueArray, pagePosition + startInPage, length);

All changed values are stored in the LargeValueDictionary. A flag is set per Chapter indicating if there are changed values to be merged on write.