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This repo contains the code for the NAACL 2021 paper Compositional Generalization for Neural Semantic Parsing via Span-level Supervised Attention by Microsoft Semantic Machines.

Download Dataset

First, download and unzip data files:


Running Models

CalFlow-Compositional Skills (CalFlow-CS) Dataset

Python Environments Our code is based on allennlp. You may use the conda environment in data/calflow_cs/env.yml. Note that the current codebase is based on a customized version of allennlp to support wandb logging and more fine-grained training control. We plan to migrate the code to the official allennlp in the future.

To install the conda environment, run

conda env create -n compositional_generalization -f data/env.yml

Our code is based on allennlp. The BERT2SEQ model is implemented in models/ The structured Coarse-to-Fine parser is located in models/

BERT2SEQ Models The following command will run training and evaluation of the BERT2SEQ model on the CalFlow-CS dataset

allennlp train \
  data/configs/config.calflow.seq2seq.bert.jsonnet \
  -s data/runs/tmp_run  \ # checkpoint saving path

Please refer to the configuration file (*.jsonnet) for details, and modify the train_data_path appropriately for training on other splits.

Structured Parser

allennlp train \
  data/configs/config.calflow.structured.bert.jsonnet \
  -s data/runs/tmp_run  \ # checkpoint saving path

Run All Experiments Use the script utils.calflow.run_experiments to run experiments programtically. For example, the following command will run experiments for Bert2Seq and Structured parsers using the training set with 16 compositional samples (C_train=16) with 5 random restarts:

python -m utils.calflow.run_experiments \
  seq2seq.bert,structured.bert \
  --domain calflow.orgchart.event_create \
  --dataset-prefix data/smcalflow_cs/calflow.orgchart.event_create/source_domain_with_target_num16 \
  --seeds 0,1,2,3,4 \
  --no-cuda  # remove this argument for GPU training

CFQ (Compositional Freebase Questions) Dataset

We use the huggingface transformers library at commit id df1ddced. To checkout and install the library under attn_reg_transformers/, run

git clone my_transformers
cd my_transformers
git checkout df1ddced
# modify the T5 model to expose cross-attention tensors in model outputs
git apply ../data/cfq/transformers_t5.patch
# make sure existing libraries in the conda environments are not over-writen 
pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed -e .

Training code is located under reg_attn_transformers, which is based on pytorch-lightening. To use the code, install the requirements:

cd reg_attn_transformers
pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed -r requirements.txt

The following command demonstrates training a T5-base model using span-level supervised attention with a regularization weight of 0.1

python \
  --data_dir data/cfq/mcd2 \
  --output_dir data/runs/tmp_run \
  --model_name_or_path t5-base \
  --seed 0 \
  --n_val 1000 \
  --shuffle_val \
  --n_train -1 \
  --n_test -1 \
  --check_val_every_n_epoch 1 \
  --adafactor \
  --learning_rate 0.001 \
  --num_train_epochs 15 \
  --train_batch_size 16 \
  --gradient_accumulation_steps 8 \
  --eval_batch_size 20 \
  --max_source_length 200 \
  --max_target_length 300 \
  --val_max_target_length 300 \
  --eval_max_gen_length 300 \
  --test_max_target_length 300 \
  --warmup_steps 1100 \
  --gpus 1 \
  --val_metric acc \
  --early_stopping_patience 10 \
  --num_workers 4 \
  --do_train \
  --do_predict \
  --attention_regularization mse:all:src_normalize:11:0.1

ATIS text-to-SQL Dataset

Our code (under text2sql_experiments) is based on First, install the repo and following the official README to create a conda environment for allennlp v0.9 (you might need pip install overrides==3.1.0 to make it work).

The following script will generate run sweep for our experiments. Note that the script will NOT run those experiments, just generating the allennlp command lines.

# under /text2sql_experiments
pip install python-slugify
PYTHONPATH=. python scripts/

Generate Span-level Alignment Datasets

We provide span-level alignment datasets for CalFlow-CS, CFQ and ATIS text-to-sql under data/. This section documents how to reproduce those datasets.

Calflow-CS Dataset

Step 1: Filter single-turn utterances Run the following command to filter single-turn context-independent utterances in EventCreation and OrgChart domains from the official SM-CalFlow dataset:

python -m utils.calflow.preprocess_dataset \
  --data-path /path/to/ \
  --output-path data/smcalflow_cs \
  --seed 1

Step 2: Train GIZA alignments

python -m utils.calflow.train_giza_alignment \

Step 3: Generate span-level alignments

python -m utils.calflow.extract_span_alignment_dataset

CFQ (Compositional Freebase Questions) Dataset

Step 1: Download Dataset Download the CFQ dataset from and extract dataset.json to data/cfq, our script will use dataset.json to retrieve the metadata information for each example.

Step 2: Get MCD Splits Run the following script in the repo
to generate CFQ MCD{n=1,2,3} splits:

python -m preprocess_main --dataset=cfq \
  --split={mcd1,mcd2,mcd3} --save_path=data/cfq/{mcd1,mcd2,mcd3}

Step 3: Run GIZA word alignments

python -m utils.cfq.train_giza_alignment

Step 4: Extract Span-level Alignments

python -m utils.cfq.extract_span_alignment_dataset \
  data/cfq/mcd{1,2,3} \
  --dataset data/cfq/dataset.json

This will create dataset folders such as data/cfq/mcd1_simplified_mid_rel_sw_fix_rel_after_obj

ATIS text-to-SQL Dataset

Step 1: Download Dataset Download data from

Step 2: Run GIZA word alignments

python -m utils.sql.train_giza_alignment

Step 3: Extract Span-level Alignments

pythom -m utils.sql.extract_span_alignment_dataset


This project may contain trademarks or logos for projects, products, or services. Authorized use of Microsoft trademarks or logos is subject to and must follow Microsoft’s Trademark & Brand Guidelines. Use of Microsoft trademarks or logos in modified versions of this project must not cause confusion or imply Microsoft sponsorship. Any use of third-party trademarks or logos are subject to those third-party’s policies.


    title = {Compositional Generalization for Neural Semantic Parsing via Span-level Supervised Attention},
    author = {Pengcheng Yin and Hao Fang and Graham Neubig and Adam Pauls and Emmanouil Antonios Platanios and Yu Su and Sam Thomson and Jacob Andreas},
    booktitle = {Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)},
    address = {Mexico City},
    month = {June},
    url = {},
    year = {2021}


code for the NAACL 2021 paper Compositional Generalization for Neural Semantic Parsing via Span-level Supervised Attention by Microsoft Semantic Machines.



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