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A library to manage your Decentralized Identities and Verified IDs on iOS.


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Microsoft Entra Wallet Library

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The Microsoft Entra Wallet Library for iOS gives your app the ability to begin using the Microsoft Entra Verified Id platform by supporting the issuance and presentation of Verified Ids in accordance with OpenID Connect, Presentation Exchange, Verifiable Credentials, and more up and coming industry standards.


You can use cocoapods to install the Wallet Library by adding it to your Podfile:

target "YourApp" do
  pod "WalletLibrary", "~> 0.0.1", :submodules => true

note: use_frameworks! is required for this Pod.

Quick Start

Here is a simple example of how to use the library. For more in-depth examples, check out the sample app.

/// Create a verifiedIdClient.
let verifiedIdClient = VerifiedIdClientBuilder().build()

/// Create a VerifiedIdRequestInput using a OpenId Request Uri.
let input = VerifiedIdRequestURL(url: URL(string: "openid-vc://...")!)
let result = await verifiedIdClient.createRequest(from: input)

/// Every external method's return value is wrapped in a Result object to ensure proper error handling.
switch (result) {
case .success(let request):
    /// A request created from the method above could be an issuance or a presentation request. 
    /// In this example, it is a presentation request, so we can cast it to a VerifiedIdPresentationRequest.
    let presentationRequest = request as? VerifiedIdPresentationRequest
case .failure(let error):
    /// If an error occurs, its value can be accessed here.

At the time of publish, we support the following requirements on a request:

Requirement Description Supported on Request
GroupRequirement A verifier/issuer could request multiple requirements. If more than one requirement is requested, a GroupRequirement contains a list of the requirements. Issuance/Presentation
VerifiedIdRequirement A verifier/issuer can request a VerifiedId. See below for helper methods to fulfill the requirement. Presentation (Issuance coming end of June)
SelfAttestedClaimRequirement An issuer might require a self-attested claim that is simply a string value. Issuance
PinRequirement An issuer might require a pin from user. Issuance
AccessTokenRequirement An issuer might request an Access Token. An Access Token must be retrieved using an external library. Issuance
IdTokenRequirement An issuer might request an Id Token. If the Id Token is not already injected into the request, an Id Token must be retrieved using an external library. Issuance

To fulfill a requirement, cast it to the correct Requirement type and use the fulfill method.

if let verifiedIdRequirement = presentationRequest.requirement as? VerifiedIdRequirement {
    verifiedIdRequirement.fulfill(with: <Insert VerifiedId>)

VerifiedIdRequirement contains a helper function getMatches that will filter all of the VerifiedId that satisfies the constraints on the VerifiedIdRequirement from a list of VerifiedIds.

let matchingVerifiedIds = verifiedIdRequirement.getMatches(verifiedIds: <List Of VerifiedIds>)

You can also validate a requirement to ensure the requirement has been fulfilled.

let validationResult = verifiedIdRequirement.validate()

Once all of the requirements are fulfilled, you can double check that the request has been satisfied by calling the isSatisfied method on the request object.

let isSatisfied = presentationRequest.isSatisfied()

Then, complete the request using the complete method.

  • The complete method on a VerifiedIdIssuanceRequest returns a successful result that contains the issued VerifiedId, or if an error occurs, returns a failure result with the error.
  • The complete method on a VerifiedIdPresentationRequest returns an empty successful result or if an error occurs, returns a failure result with the error.
let result = await presentationRequest.complete()


A Verified Id is a verifiable piece of information that contains claims about an entity.


Issuers have the ability to customize the style of a Verified Id. We support BasicVerifiedIdStyle which contains basic traits like name, issuer, background color, text color, and logo that can be used to represent the look and feel of a Verified Id.

Storing VerifiedIds

It is the responsibility of the app developer to store the VerifiedIds. We have included helper functions to encode/decode VerifiedIds to easily store the VerifiedIds in a database as a primitive type.

/// Encode a VerifiedId into Data.
let encodedVerifiedId = verifiedIdClient.encode(verifiedId: <Insert VerifiedId>)

/// Decode a VerifiedId from Data.
let verifiedId = verifiedIdClient.decode(from: encodedVerifiedId)

Sample App

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open a terminal window and go to the location where you cloned the repository.
  3. Type in:
git submodule update --init –recursive

This step is important as it will initialize the submodules used in the library.

  1. Open the Wallet Library workspace in Xcode. (WalletLibrary.xcworkspace)
  2. Switch Target to WalletLibraryDemo.
  3. Run the Sample App on a simulator.

Log Injection

You can inject your own log consumer into the Wallet Library by creating a class that conforms to the Wallet Library Log Consumer Protocol and injecting it into the VerifiedIdClientBuilder.

let client = VerifiedIdClientBuilder()
    .with(logConsumer: <Your Log Consumer>)



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A library to manage your Decentralized Identities and Verified IDs on iOS.



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